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Top Sponsored Awards, March 2021

News for Researchers

Posted April 30, 2021 by Dan Moser

The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between Feb.16 and March 15, 2021, as reported through NUgrant, the university’s electronic research administration system. 

Department of Biochemistry 
E. Cahoon 
University of Nevada-Reno 
Understanding the Biosynthesis of Health-Promoting Polyacetylenes in Carrot 
Department of Biochemistry/Department of Agronomy and Horticulture/Department of Food Science and Technology 
T. Obata, K. Majumder, J. Yang 
U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture 
Elucidating the Health Beneficial Traits of Kernels of Maize Relatives Digested in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract 
Department of Biological Systems Engineering 
A. Pannier 
Influence of Maternal and Embryonic-Derived Extracellular Vesicles on the Initiation of Porcine Conceptus Elongation 
S. Pitla, J. Luck, R. Rohrer, Y. Shi 
UGV and UAV Collaboration for Automated Seed Refilling in Row Crops (U2AGV-Refill) 
Y. Shi, T. Brown-Brandl 
Food and Agriculture Cyberinformatics and Tools-Artificial Intelligence: Cyberinformatic Tools for Exploring and Validating Sow Posture and Piglet Activity 
Department of Biological Systems Engineering/Department of Agronomy and Horticulture/Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Y. Shi, A. Jhala, S. Knezevic, J. Luck, E. Psota, K. Zhang 
An Intelligent Unmanned Aerial Application System for Site-Specific Weed Management 
Department of Biological Systems Engineering/Department of Agronomy and Horticulture/Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Department of Statistics 
Y. Shi, Y. Ge, D. Heeren, L. Puntel, D. Rudnick, K. Zhang, Y. Zhou 
CPS: Medium: CPS-Enabled Variable Rate Technology 

Department of English 
K. Dawes 
Poetry Foundation 
American Life in Poetry 
Department of English/Center for Digital Research in the Humanities 
K. Price, B. Barney, M. Cohen 
National Archives and Records Administration 
The Complete Correspondence of Charles W. Chesnutt 

Department of Physics and Astronomy 
K. Uiterwaal 
National Science Foundation 
REU Site: Lasers and Optics 
School of Biological Sciences 
E. Weaver 
One Health Universal Swine Influenza Vaccines 
School of Natural Resources/Department of Agronomy and Horticulture 
A. Little, J. Carroll, L. Powell, Y. Qi, D. Twidwell, D. Tyre, D. Uden 
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 
Identifying and Prioritizing Habitat for Pheasant Conservation and Management in Agriculturally Dominated Landscapes 

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