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Top Awards from Public Sponsors, September 2019

News for Researchers

Posted October 31, 2019 by Ashley Washburn

The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between Aug. 16, 2019, and Sept. 15, 2019, as reported through NUgrant, the university’s electronic research administration system.

4-H State Office/Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools 
K. Lodl, S. Frerichs, A. Guru, A. O’Connor, L. Wheeler 
National Science Foundation 
EAGER: Building an Ecosystem for Broadening Participation for Computing: 4-H and the Land-Grant University System 
Department of Animal Science 
G. Erickson, J. MacDonald, A. Watson 
Department of Agriculture-ARS 
Integrated Crop Livestock Systems for the Western Corn Belt 
Department of Biological Systems Engineering 
F. Kievit 
Department of Health and Human Services-NINDS 
Nanoparticle-Mediated Reduction of Oxidative Stress for the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury 
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
S. Dishari 
Department of Energy 
EARLY CAREER: Porin Inspired Ionomers with Sub-NM Gated Ion Channels for High Ion Conductivity and Selectivity 
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 
S. Bartelt-Hunt 
National Science Foundation 
Terrestrial Microplastic Pollution: Understudied Sources, Source Tracking, and Citizen Science 
Department of Computer Science and Engineering 
B. Duncan, C. Detweiler 
National Science Foundation 
NRI: INT: Leveraging Environmental Monitoring UAS in Rainforests 
Department of Educational Psychology 
K. Edwards 
National Science Foundation 
The Role of Stigma in Partner Violence 
K. Edwards 
Department of Health and Human Services – Center for Disease Control 
Evaluating Practice-based Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Approaches from CDC’s Rape Prevention 
K. Edwards 
Department of Health and Human Services – Center for Disease Control 
Evaluating Practice-based Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Approaches from CDC’s Rape Prevention 
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering/Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering/Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
J. Turner, Y. Lu, P. Rao, J. Shield, J. Zhu 
National Science Foundation 
MRI: Acquisition of an X-Ray Computed Tomography System at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for Advancing Multidisciplinary Research and Education in the Great Plains Region 
Department of Sociology/Department of Women’s and Gender Studies 
E. Kazyak, K. Burke 
National Science Foundation 
Religious Exemption Laws and the Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities 
Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design/Department of Biological Systems Engineering 
Y. Yang 
Department of Agriculture-NIFA 
Protein Fibers From Chicken Feathers For Textile Applications Via Engineered Pilot-Scale Production 
NE State Forest Service 
J. Erixson 
Department of Agriculture-FS 
Cooperative Forestry Program 
NE State Forest Service/Department of Animal Science 
H. Nobert, G. Erickson, J. MacDonald, A. Watson 
Department of Agriculture-FS 
Great Plains Biochar Initiative II: Supply and Demand for Biochar as a Cattle Feed Additive 
Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools 
A. Witte 
Nebraska Department of Education 
Nebraska Multi-Tiered System of Support Implementation Support Team 
School of Biological Sciences 
C. Cressler 
University of Arkansas 
Habitat and Coinfection as Drivers of Heterogeneity in Cross-Scale Wildlife Infectious Disease Processes 
School of Natural Resources 
M. Douglass, L. Powell, Y. Qi 
National Science Foundation 
Long Term Perspectives on Water Security, Food Security, and Land Management Among Daasanach Pastoralists of East Turkana, Northern Kenya 
M. Svoboda, D. Bathke, B. Fuchs, T. Haigh, C. Knutson, K. Smith, T. Tadesse 
Department of Commerce-NOAA 
Providing Drought Information Services for the Nation: the National Drought Mitigation Center 
R. Mahmood, C. Stiles, N. Umphlett 
Department of Commerce-NOAA 
High Plains Regional Climate Center 
M. Svoboda, D. Bathke, B. Fuchs, R. Mahmood 
Department of Commerce-NOAA 
High Plains Regional Climate Center 
School of Natural Resources/Dean’s Office for Agricultural Research Division 
T. Awada 
Department of Agriculture-ARS 
Agricultural Intensification in the Western Corn Belt 

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