Posted July 6, 2020 by Dan Moser
The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between April 16 and May 15, 2020, as reported through NUgrant, the electronic research administration system for the university.
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
P. Baenziger, V. Belamkar, I. El Basyoni
U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Plant Breeding Partnerships: Continuing to Develop and Validate the Tools for Hybrid Wheat
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture/Department of Biological Systems Engineering/Panhandle Research and Extension Center
H. Blanco, C. Creech, R. Drijber, A. Easterly, P. Jasa, S. Ruis
Enhancing the Health of Low C, Sandy, and Sloping Soil with Biochar and Cover Crops
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture/Department of Agricultural Economics/Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center/Southeast Research and Extension District
H. Blanco, J. Parsons, C. Proctor, S. Ruis, L. Thompson, H. Yang
Managing Cover Crops to Enhance Soil Ecosystem Services in Soils Vulnerable to Environmental Pressures
Department of Animal Science
H. Vu
Development of a Broadly Protective Vaccine against Swine Influenza Virus
Department of Biochemistry/Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering/Department of Chemistry
M. Wilson, D. Berkowitz, W. Niu
National Science Foundation
Engineering Enzymes for New Stereoselective and Stereodynamic Processes: An Integrated Chemistry-Bioengineering-X-Ray Crystallography-Molecular Dynamics Approach
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
R. Saha
CAREER: Dissecting a Metabolically Versatile Non-Model Bacteriums Lignin-Derived Compound Catabolism
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
C. Zuhlke, D. Alexander, C. Argyropoulos, G. Gogos, N. Ianno, J. Shield
Department of Defense-Office of Naval Research-Defense University Research Instrumentation Program
Femtosecond Streak Camera for Studying the Role of Laser Induced Plasmas in Ultrafast Light-Matter Interactions
Department of Food Science and Technology/Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences
O. Ciftci, Y. Meneses Gonzalez, R. Moreau, D. Rose
An Innovative Approach to Increasing Bioavailability of Curcumin using Nanoporous Starch Bioaerogels
Department of Mathematics
A. Zupan
Interactions of 3- and 4-Dimensional Topology
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
B. Terry
University of Colorado-Boulder
Peritoneal Oxygen Delivery for Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center/Department of Agricultural Economics/Department of Agronomy and Horticulture/Department of Biological Systems Engineering/Metro Research and Extension District /Northeast Research and Extension District/Panhandle Research and Extension Center/Southeast Research and Extension District/West Central Research and Extension Center
L. Thompson, K. DeBoer, K. Glewen, B. Krienke, G. Lesoing, J. Luck, B. Maharjan, M. Mamo, T. Mieno, J. Milander, N. Mueller, A. Nygren, L. Puntel, J. Rees, M. Sindelar, S. Sivits, J. Thomas, T. Whitney
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
Promoting Adoption of Innovative Precision Ag Nitrogen Management Technologies through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network for Improved Conservation Stewardship
School of Natural Resources
C. Forbes
Supporting Undergraduate Teaching and Learning about Socio-Hydrological Challenges through Data-Driven Modeling in the FANH Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
R. Barletta
Development and Testing of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis DIVA Vaccines in Ruminants
University of Nebraska State Museum/Department of Sociology/School of Art, Art History and Design/School of Natural Resources/Social and Behavioral Science Research Consortium
J. Diamond, J. McQuillan, A. Sutherlen, E. VanWormer, T. Wonch Hill
COVID: RAPID: World of Viruses: COVID-19
Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance
M. LaGrange
U.S. Department of Education
COVID: CARES Act Institutional Assistance
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
J. Brown
U.S. Department of Education
COVID: CARES Act Student Assistance