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Save the date for Nebraska Research Days, Nov. 4-8

Research Events

Tiffany Lee, October 3, 2019

Save the date for Nebraska Research Days, Nov. 4-8

The Office of Research and Economic Development will celebrate the research and creative accomplishments of our faculty and students at Nebraska Research Days, previously known as the Research Fair, on Nov. 4-8. The week will feature one event per day aimed at highlighting the impactful work of the university’s research community.

More information is forthcoming on the Research Days website. Registration is required for some events.

Nov. 4: Innovator Celebration, 5-7 p.m., Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center, Banquet Hall
NUtech Ventures will honor entrepreneurship and innovation on and around campus at this invitation-only event. A reception with drinks and hors d’oeuvres begins at 5 p.m.; followed by a formal program at 5:30 p.m. featuring remarks from Chancellor Ronnie Green and Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development Bob Wilhelm; and concluding with an awards ceremony.

Nov. 5: Faculty Recognition Breakfast, 8-9:30 a.m., Nebraska Union, Centennial Room
Join us for our annual celebration of Nebraska faculty and students’ research and creative accomplishments. Registration and breakfast begin at 8 a.m., followed by the program at 8:30 a.m. Registration is required.

Nov. 6: Faculty Connector: Research and Creative Activity Slam, 4-6 p.m., Lied Commons
Researchers from a range of disciplines will give short, engaging presentations about their work at UNL’s second science slam for faculty. Registration is required.

Nov. 7: Association for Women in Science Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Wick Alumni Center
Dawn Tilbury, head of the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Engineering, will deliver the keynote at this event celebrating AWIS, a group that aims to increase the participation of women in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Registration is required.

Nov. 8: Nebraska Lecture, “Nebraska Songbook,” 3:30-5 p.m., Sheldon Museum of Art, Ethel S. Abbott Auditorium
Greg Simon, composer of “Nebraska Songbook” and assistant professor of composition, will open the lecture with a discussion of the meaning and inspiration behind the piece. Jamie Reimer, associate professor of voice, and Brenda Wristen, professor of piano and piano pedagogy, will then perform “Nebraska Songbook” for soprano and piano. A reception will follow the lecture, which is part of the expanded, 12-talk series celebrating the university’s 150th anniversary.

Research Events