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RSpace electronic lab notebooks now available to NU faculty, lab groups

News for Researchers

Posted June 6, 2022 by Dan Moser

University of Nebraska faculty and laboratory groups now can access the Research Space electronic laboratory notebook system to manage a variety of documents.  

Laboratory notebooks are essential in research labs to document protocols, experiments and results. However, sharing and storage of paper-based notebooks can often be a challenge and are time-consuming to search. 

RSpace replaces the paper-based process with a system that documents protocols, notes, hypotheses, observations, figures, tables and pictures. ELNs offer more functionality through linking to data sets and repositories, sharing with multiple collaborators, versioning of entries and compliance with various standards. 

The system includes a number of features.  

RSpace is available to NU faculty and their laboratory groups, including staff and students. The university-licensed Enterprise version of RSpace is installed on a HIPAA-compliant and HIPAA-certified cloud storage system managed by Information Technology Services and secured via the normal NU login with two-factor authentication.  

User fees for the Research Space ELN are $45 per person until August 2024. A form to request access to the system is available. Once the accounts are active, Research Space is accessible via  

The Data and Life Sciences Core, part of the Nebraska Center for Integrative Biomolecular Communication, piloted RSpace for three years. 

For more information, contact Jean-Jack Riethoven, research assistant professor, or Jennifer Clarke, director of the Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative and professor of food science and technology.  

A 16-minute introductory video is posted on the RSpace’s YouTube channel. A full 90-minute training video also is available. 

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