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Nov. 10, 18 NUgrant Basics webinars to focus on Sponsored Programs

News for Researchers

Posted October 29, 2020 by Tiffany Lee

The Office of Research and Economic Development will host a Zoom webinar focused on the Sponsored Programs module of NUgrant, the university’s secure electronic research administration system developed by ORED to help faculty, staff and administrators manage research projects.

The Zoom sessions are Nov. 10, 2:30-4 p.m., and Nov. 18, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Registration is required in order to receive meeting information.

Attendees will learn how to log on to the system and create a routing form to move a proposal through Sponsored Programs. Kate Carlin, grants coordinator, will demonstrate how to use the form preparation pages and highlight other useful NUgrant features.

The session is geared toward new faculty, new-to-grants faculty and department liaisons who help with grants, but all faculty and staff are welcome to attend.

Contact Laurie Sampson, learning and development coordinator, with questions.

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