Posted August 2, 2017 by Tiffany Lee
The Office of Research and Economic Development is sponsoring a limited submission competition to select the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s applicants for the National Science Foundation’s upcoming Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships program. ORED expects that UNL will have the opportunity to submit up to three pre-proposals during the next round of competition.
Teams interested in applying should provide notification of intent to submit to ORED by 5 p.m. CDT Aug. 16. Subsequent internal pre-proposals will be due 5 p.m. CDT Sept. 15.
The STC program supports innovative research and education projects that require large-scale, long-term investment. STCs, which may involve any areas of NSF-supported science and engineering, conduct world-class research and education by establishing partnerships among academic institutions, national laboratories, industrial organizations and/or other public/private entities. The center’s thematic focus must be on research at the interfaces of disciplines or on fresh approaches within a discipline. STCs may feature international collaborations, as appropriate.
The STC limited submission competition has special instructions for providing notification of intent to submit. View ORED’s online Request for Internal Pre-proposals document for additional information and instructions.
For questions regarding the STC limited submission competition, contact Nathan Meier, assistant vice chancellor for research, 402-472-3902.