IRB, Research Compliance offering training, new guidance this fall

News for Researchers

Posted September 3, 2019 by Tiffany Lee

The Institutional Review Board and Research Compliance Services at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are offering four training and information sessions in September and October, as well as updated guidance for researchers.

FBI foreign influence briefing, Sept. 12

Research Compliance Services will present an FBI briefing on foreign influence. The informational session is 2:30-3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Heritage Room. Register in advance.

The training will include presentations from RCS staff and its FBI partner, agent Robert Georgi.

If you’re unable to attend in person but would like a live webinar link, please indicate on the registration page that you would like access.

Office for Human Research Protections webcast, Sept. 19

The federal OHRP is conducting a live webcast 8:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m. EDT. The online workshop will offer several sessions focused on protecting participant privacy and confidentiality. The webcast is open access and free of charge. IRB staff will listen in throughout the day, but this is also a valuable learning opportunity for UNL human subjects researchers.

A registration link on the OHRP website will be available closer to the event.

IRB training for graduate students, Sept. 25

The IRB is offering a training session on IRB protocol submissions from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, 1505 S St., Unity Room. The goal is to help graduate students successfully submit IRB protocols for review. Register in advance. Snacks will be provided. The following is a brief summary of topics to be discussed:

IRB training on NIH proposal submission, Oct. 15

The IRB is offering a training session on NIH proposal submissions and IRB requirements from 1-2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Platte River Room (formerly known as Colonial Rooms A and B). Register in advance. Snacks will be provided. Topics to be covered include: 

For those unable to attend the Sept. 25 or Oct. 15 training sessions, RCS will provide recordings on the RCS Video Resources page after the events.

New IRB guidance

New guidance is available on classroom and clinical practica not requiring IRB approval, designed to assist instructors and students regarding best practices for classroom projects that involve human participants, but do not require IRB approval. View it on the IRB A-Z Guidance webpage under the title “Classroom and Clinical Practica Not Requiring IRB Approval.”

Checklists for PI onboarding and off-boarding

Research Compliance Services has partnered with other ORED offices to create onboarding and off-boarding checklists for principal investigators who are new to UNL or who may be leaving. The checklists are intended to assist PIs in identifying research regulatory areas in which they need to comply and helping them find resources. View the lists, labeled “PI Regulatory Onboarding Checklist” and “PI Regulatory Off-boarding Checklist,” on the ORED Research Policies and Procedures page.

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