Innovation Campus forums Sept. 10-11

jbrehm2, October 1, 2009 | View original publication

Innovation Campus forums Sept. 10-11

Progress of master planning and business strategy planning for UNL's Nebraska Innovation Campus will be discussed at two open house forums Sept. 10-11 at the East and City campus student unions.

Anyone interested in information and answers to questions about Nebraska Innovation Campus is welcome. The free, public sessions are: Sept. 10, 4:30-6:00 p.m. in the Nebraska East Union Cottonwood Room, 37th Street and Center Drive; and Sept. 11, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in Nebraska Union Regency Suite, 1400 R St. Forums will facilitate information sharing and question answering. Consultants from Smith Group/JJR and Noddle Development will be on hand for discussion. Information on work thus far will be displayed.