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Register by March 1 for grant writing seminar

News for Researchers

Posted January 3, 2018 by Ashley Washburn

The 2018 “Write Winning Grant Proposals” seminar, which helps University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty prepare successful proposals, is March 16 from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center auditorium. Participants must register by March 1.

The Office of Research and Economic Development annually offers this seminar primarily for faculty. However, staff, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students may register to attend and will be added to a waiting list for spots that may remain after faculty have registered. Complimentary breakfast and lunch are included.

John Robertson, associate member of Grant Writers’ Seminars & Workshops LLC, will lead the session. The seminar covers both practical and conceptual aspects of the proposal writing process, with an emphasis on developing ideas, identifying appropriate agencies and writing for reviewers. Participants will learn proven tips and strategies for presenting their case to reviewers.

Four versions of the seminar workbook are available, depending on a participant’s likely funding source: the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a general version geared toward smaller funding agencies and foundations. Each participant may select only one workbook by indicating that preference on the registration form.

Participants from the other University of Nebraska campuses are welcome but will be charged $150 to cover workshop costs, and should bring payment the day of the seminar or have a department provide a cost object number to which the fee can be charged. For non-NU participants, the fee is $200, payable the day of the seminar.

For more information contact Megan McMasters, events and outreach manager, 402-472-0030.

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