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Grace period for multiple NSF accounts expires Aug. 20

News for Researchers

Posted July 31, 2019 by Liz Banset

Faculty who have more than one National Science Foundation account, or NSF ID, associated with a single email address must consolidate accounts before Aug. 20 to avoid being suspended from systems access.

In March 2018, NSF changed the way the research community registers for NSF accounts and maintains account and user profile information in and FastLane. NSF policy now states that individual users should not have more than one NSF ID.

The 30-day grace period is nearing expiration for users whose email address is associated with more than one NSF account. When the grace period expires on Aug. 20, access to NSF systems will be suspended until the user complies with NSF’s policy for NSF IDs

If an account is in the expiration grace period, each time the user logs in to NSF systems, a “Multiple Accounts Found” pop-up alert will appear, stating that an information update is required to restore service. In this case, the user must contact the NSF Help Desk at 1-800-381-1532 to reconcile multiple accounts before Aug. 20. The NSF Help Desk is available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern time, except on federal holidays.

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