jbrehm2, August 30, 2011 | View original publication
Energy Center director candidate to give presentation
Mike Nastasi, candidate for the position of director of the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research, is visiting campus to participate in interviews and make a public presentation 3:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at the Van Brunt Visitors Center, 13th and Q streets. Faculty and staff are invited to attend.
Nastasi has been director of the Department of Energy’s Center for Materials at Irradiation and Mechanical Extremes at the Los Alamos National Laboratory since 2009. Previously, Nastasi was the nano electronics and mechanics thrust leader in DOE’s Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies.
He earned doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s degrees in materials science and engineering from Cornell University. Nastasi’s research interests include ion-solid interactions, irradiation induced phase transformation and irradiation effects in nanostructured materials. He is a Fellow of the Materials Research Society and the American Physical Society. Nastasi was one of the top 50 most-published authors at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1996 to 2005.
NCESR was established in 2006 through a partnership between UNL and the Nebraska Public Power District. It supports promising research to develop renewable energy and enhance energy efficiency.