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Stay up-to-date with EHS safety training, resources

News for Researchers

Posted September 27, 2018 by Ashley Washburn

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Environmental Health and Safety office is reminding campus researchers and staff to keep safety and compliance at the forefront this fall by completing bloodborne pathogens training, participating in National Biosafety Month and attending a ladder safety colloquium.

Renew annual bloodborne pathogens training by Oct. 31

All faculty, staff and students subject to the university’s Bloodborne Pathogens Program are required to complete annual training by Oct. 31. This applies to all who handle human blood, human blood products or human-derived potentially infectious materials while performing their assigned duties.

Researchers may complete the training in person or online. In-person training is in the EHS Training Room in Agriculture Warehouse 1 on East Campus at the following times:

Online training is available through the EHS web-based training page. Employees must select from one of three options:

Each online module takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

For questions related to these trainings, contact Charles Murrieta, EHS biosafety specialist, 402-472-4925.

Engage in refresher training to mark National Biosafety Month

In recognition of National Biosafety Month, EHS encourages the campus research community to complete biosafety refresher training in October. These trainings, aimed at averting complacency and potential accidents, take less than 15 minutes and are available through three forums.

Researchers are asked to keep a record of their participation. Laboratory groups or individuals who complete the training during October are encouraged to post to social media using the hashtags #getyourcultureon and #UNLEHS, which will enter them in a prize drawing.

The National Institutes of Health launched Biosafety Month in 2014 to promote stewardship of the life sciences and biosafety awareness. In 2017, NIH transitioned management of the initiative to ABSA International: the Association for Biosafety and Biosecurity. This year’s theme is “Promoting a Culture of Biosafety and Responsibility.”

For more information, contact Matt Anderson, EHS biosafety officer, 402-472-9554.

Ladder safety event set for Oct. 24

EHS, in partnership with the Office of Research and Economic Development, is sponsoring a campuswide safety colloquium, “Ladder Safety for Everyone,” on Oct. 24. The event is intended for anyone who uses, intends to use, or selects and purchases a ladder or stepstool.

For scheduling convenience, two sessions will be offered: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the East Campus Union (check kiosk for room), or 3:30-5 p.m. in Room 104 of Hamilton Hall. Registration is not required.

The featured speaker is Dick Francis, national safety director of Little Giant Ladders, a leading manufacturer of ladders and other climbing equipment.

The event is part of the EHS/ORED-sponsored Laboratory Safety Colloquium Series, which offers biannual sessions focused on campus-relevant safety issues. Previous colloquia are available online.

For more information, contact Betsy Howe, EHS occupational safety specialist, 402-472-5488.

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