Contact BOSR by Nov. 5 to include questions in NASIS survey

News for Researchers

Posted October 20, 2021 by Tiffany Lee

The Bureau of Sociological Research invites University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers to submit questions to be included in the 2022 Winter Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, recognized by researchers, state agencies and legislators as a scientific way to measure public opinion and behaviors related to various issues Nebraskans face.  

Researchers should consider adding questions relevant to their research objectives to the survey, known as NASIS, which is a cost-effective way to collect pilot data for grant submissions. 

Costs are estimated at $7,500 per page this year, but researchers can purchase partial pages, such as a half or a quarter of a page, at a prorated price. With data collection scheduled to begin in January 2022, with client data delivered in May 2022, BOSR aims to initiate discussions with prospective clients as soon as possible and no later than Nov. 5. 

Researchers will receive the data for the questions they paid to include, as well as demographic data, for analysis. BOSR will share data with clients until one year after collection, when it becomes publicly available. This means the researcher has one year to conduct analyses before anyone else has access to the data. 

NASIS is a mail survey of at least 1,000 Nebraska adults that has been conducted since 1977. BOSR works with researchers to develop survey questions that best suit their needs and interests. It’s cost-effective because the expense for obtaining basic demographic information – like age, sex, family and employment – is shared by all participating researchers. 

If you have questions or are interested in participating, contact Amanda Ganshert, senior project manager in BOSR, 402-472-3672. She can review your research needs and discuss how NASIS might be used to meet them. The NASIS website provides more information about the survey. 

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