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Accolades, March 2023

Accolades News for Researchers

Posted March 31, 2023 by Tiffany Lee

Awards, Honors and Recognitions

Andréia Bianchini, food science and technology, received the Edith A. Christensen Award for Outstanding Contributions in Analytical Methodology from the Cereals and Grains Association. The award recognizes contributions to the development and/or application of new analytical technologies to cereal grains and products, or the application of existing analytical technologies to solve detection and measurement problems in the field of cereal science. Bianchini, who works closely with the Food Processing Center, focuses her research on processing for food quality, safety and security, particularly improving the safety of grain and grain-based products throughout the production and processing chains.

Shudipto Dishari, chemical and biomolecular engineering, received the Early Investigator Award from the American Chemical Society’s Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering. The award recognizes the professional accomplishments of early-career investigators who are emerging leaders in the field of polymer science and engineering across academia, industry and national labs. Dishari’s research focuses on designing synthetic and bioderived ion-conducting and light-harvesting polymers. She will give an invited technical talk describing her work at a special symposium featuring the other PMSE Early Investigators as well as keynote speakers from industry, national labs and academia.

Sheri Fritz, Earth and atmospheric sciences and biological sciences, earned a visiting professorship from the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The ministry’s Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel in Brazil program supports institutional internationalization. During the first two weeks of March, Fritz was at the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo, where she taught a short course on paleoecology and paleoclimatology and advised graduate and undergraduate students.      

Eileen Hebets, biological sciences, received the Outstanding Woman in STEM award at the inaugural Nebraska Women in STEM Conference on March 23. The award recognizes a woman who has demonstrated a commitment to the STEM fields and has proven to be a leader and mentor, breaking barriers and/or advocating for her peers and successors. Hebets is at the forefront of arachnid and animal behavior research, with a focus on spiders’ communication, sensory abilities and mating strategies. She is also a pioneer of informal science education. Bob Wilhelm, vice chancellor for research and economic development, presented her with the award.

Mark Hoistad, architecture, received the TRIAD Award from the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. The award honored Hoistad’s contributions to CELA and landscape architecture. He founded the university’s Landscape Architecture Program, which is the only four-year accredited program in a four-state region. Hoistad has also established interdisciplinary connections across the university and developed a semester-long study program in China.       

Srivatsan Kidambi, chemical and biomolecular engineering, was selected to join the 2023 Science Outside the Lab Program. The program focuses on the federal government’s relationship to science and technology, including the links between science, innovation, policy and societal outcomes. Kidambi will attend a workshop at Arizona State University from May 31 to June 1. The program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation-funded Nanotechnology Collaborative Infrastructure Southwest and the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure Coordinating Office.

The College of Engineering is one of the first institutions in the United States to achieve Silver Award status in the American Society for Engineering Education Diversity Recognition Program. The honor, given to only three U.S. engineering colleges so far, recognizes sustained and measurable increases in diversity, inclusion and degree attainment outcomes by students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. Since earning the Bronze Award four years ago, the college has increased the number of women and underrepresented faculty and students, improved diversity in leadership positions, and enhanced student recruitment initiatives focused on recruiting and retaining students from underrepresented groups.

Twenty-three Nebraska faculty and staff have received 2023 research, teaching and outreach awards from the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor. Recipients will be honored this fall at the Laurels award ceremony.

Professional Service

Kristen Blankley, law, along with co-authors Kathleen Claussen of Georgetown Law and mediator Judith Starr, presented to the federal Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group on March 15. Their presentation featured highlights from a report they produced focused on alternative dispute resolution opportunities for public-facing agency programs.

Katie Edwards, educational psychology, and Ramona Herrington, cultural outreach manager for the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, delivered keynote presentations at Stanford Medicine’s fourth annual Native Youth School and Community Wellness Conference, held virtually March 9-10.

Kathy Farrell, finance and James Jr. and Susan Stuart Endowed Dean of the College of Business, was elected to the board of directors of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The association is an international group of educators, students and businesses who work to improve business education. Her three-year term starts July 1.

Other News

Daniel Linzell, engineering, was named director of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation. In this role, he will collaborate with government officials and others responsible for setting national science and technology policy, helping to advance strategic initiatives and develop new, inclusive strategies. Linzell will begin his term May 22. He will continue to serve the College of Engineering as the Leslie D. Martin Professor of civil and environmental engineering.

Dustin Loy, veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences, has been selected as the next director of the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center. His appointment started March 1. Loy is a professor, veterinary diagnostic microbiologist and faculty supervisor for the bacteriology and molecular diagnostic laboratories in the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center. His research focuses on the application of genomics, with a focus on bovine diseases and antimicrobial resistance. Loy received his bachelor’s degree in animal science, veterinary degree in food animal medicine and doctoral degree in veterinary microbiology from Iowa State University. Loy succeeds Bruce Brodersen, who spent more than 30 years on the Nebraska faculty and had led the center since 2019.   

Mitchell Stephenson, agronomy and horticulture, has been permanently appointed as associate director of the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center in Scottsbluff. The appointment took effect Jan. 1. Stephenson has served as interim associate director from 2020 to 2022, and also served as the center’s interim director prior to the hiring of John Westra last year. In this new role, Stephenson will split time between center administration and research and extension duties. Stephenson’s research focuses on areas with potential impact on managing grazing lands throughout central and western North America.

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