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Accolades, December 2021

Accolades News for Researchers

Posted January 7, 2022 by Tiffany Lee

Awards, Honors and Recognitions

William Belcher, forensic anthropology in the School of Global Integrative Studies, participated in a new documentary about the recovery of more than 80,000 Americans missing in action since World War II. The film, “To What Remains,” premiered in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 7.  

Crystal Garcia, educational administration, was a featured speaker on a Chronicle of Higher Education panel for an event called “The Big Universities Students Need Now,” which focused on how universities committed to equity can best serve all students. The session was the last of a four-part series, “Going Forward: The Higher Ed We Need Now.”

Xia Hong, physics and astronomy, was featured on the podcast “NanoTube,” which is produced by the National Nanotechnology Initiative. During the episode, Hong described her work investigating the properties of complex oxide nanostructures and interfaces.    

Ron Hull, broadcasting (emeritus), received the 2021 Frank Blythe Award for Media Excellence from Vision Maker Media. The award recognizes individuals or organizations that empower Native storytellers in public media. Hull was a charter member and the first treasurer of the Native American Public Broadcasting Consortium, founded in 1976. The consortium was renamed Native American Public Telecommunications in 1995 and became Vision Maker Media in 2013.      

Fred Luthans, management (emeritus), was featured by the Academy of Management as its member spotlight. Earlier this year, he received the academy’s Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Management Award, a lifetime career achievement award honoring significant contributions to the field. 

Professional Service

Elsbeth Magilton, law, and a team of students from Nebraska Law recently completed a large project with the European Centre of Excellence in Countering Hybrid Threats, an international, independent network-based organization focused on countering hybrid threats. The team developed an issue paper outlining modern security issues in space law, which the center will use to focus its work in the space domain. Participating students are Leana Brown, Lauren Bydalek, Endeliza Hampton and Paige Ross.

Richard Leiter, law, was appointed to a U.S. Government Publishing Office task force that will study the feasibility of a digital Federal Depository Library Program, or FDLP. The task force is tasked with defining the scope of an all-digital depository program and providing recommendations about how to implement and operate such a program. The FDLP is a government program aimed at making U.S. federal government publications available to the public at no cost and in an impartial environment.     


Christos Argyropoulos, electrical and computer engineering,along with co-author Yang Li of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, published “Multiqubit entanglement and quantum phase gates with epsilon-near-zero plasmonic waveguides,” an article that was selected as an Editor’s Pick by the editors at Applied Physics Letters. Editor’s Picks are selected to highlight noteworthy articles that have excellent scientific quality.  

Kristen Blankley, law, published a consultant report titled “Alternative Dispute Resolution in Agency Administrative Programs” for the Administrative Conference of the United States. The report is the culmination of an 18-month study of agency practices in the area of alternative dispute resolution, as well as recommendations for agencies looking to create or improve ADR programs.  

Les Carlson, marketing (emeritus), received the Outstanding Paper Award from the Society for Marketing Advances for “The Future of Advertising Research: New Directions and Research Needs,” which he co-authored with Charles R. Taylor of Villanova University. The article discusses the forces driving changes in the advertising industry in recent years, including cluttered environments, digital advertising and technological advancements, privacy concerns, a focus on corporate social responsibility and emphasis on return on investment.

Casey Ryan Kelly, communication studies, is author of the book “Apocalpyse Man: The Death Drive and the Rhetoric of White Masculine Victimhood,” which was named one of Choice Magazine’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2021. This prestigious honor recognizes the best scholarly titles reviewed by Chase during the calendar year and is given to only about 10% of roughly 6,000 publications.   

Rachael Shah, English, received the Publication of the Year Award from the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. The award honors a scholarly article, book chapter, book or book series that has had or will have a significant impact on the study and/or practice of service-learning and community engagement. Shah was recognized for her book “Rewriting Partnerships: Community Perspectives of Community-Based Learning,” which explores how to take seriously the experiences and knowledge of the communities that partner with universities.   

Jessica Shoemaker, law, received a Professional Scholarship Award from the American Agricultural Law Association during its 2021 education symposium. The award recognizes members’ writings, including both scholarly articles and practice-related works. Shoemaker was recognized for her article, “Fee Simple Failures: Rural Landscapes and Race,” which appeared in the Michigan Law Review.  

Other News

Shane Farritor, mechanical and materials engineering, and his Virtual Incision team raised $46 million to support its ongoing development of a miniaturized surgical robot. The funds will support regulatory and clinical programs aimed at further commercializing the surgical device. Farritor co-founded Virtual Incision in 2006 and is the company’s chief technology officer. 

Joe Petsick, management, developed the Startup Accelerator in the College of Business, which will focus on providing mentorship, advice, curriculum and resources to students and student-athletes during the very early stages of an established startup. The accelerator will leverage the college’s existing programming  to help these businesses unlock growth potential.

Charles Stoltenow was selected as the next dean and director of Nebraska Extension following a national search, pending approval of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. Stoltenow currently serves as assistant director of extension for agriculture and natural resources at North Dakota State University, an institution he’s served since 1996. Prior to that, he worked in private practice as an equine veterinarian; as a veterinary epidemiologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and for the Nebraska Department of Health as the assistant state epidemiologist. Stoltenow has a bachelor’s degree in animal science from North Dakota State University and a doctoral degree in veterinary medicine from Iowa State University. He succeeds Chuck Hibberd, who retired in June 2020. 

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