Posted April 27, 2017 by Tiffany Lee
The Office of Research and Economic Development is supporting the following projects through its Layman Awards program, which funds work that enhances a researcher’s ability to obtain external funding to support prominent scholarship. There are two tracks: the Layman Seed Program, which funds new projects by non-tenured junior faculty, and the New Directions Program, which funds tenured faculty who are re-entering research or branching out in new directions.
- Marc “John” Goodrich, special education and communication disorders, Development and Validation of a Semantic Primary Measure to Assess the Language Processing of Language-Minority Children
- Elizabeth Niehaus, educational administration, If You Build It, Will They Learn? Exploring What Works in Short-term Study Abroad
- Seung-Hyun Ro, biochemistry, Identification of Sestrin2-regulated Disease Biomarkers in Obesity-induced Colon Cancer
- Jin Yeub Kim, economics, Unification of Cooperative and Noncooperative Game Theories
- Melinda Yerka, agronomy and horticulture, Characterization of Genetic Incompatibility during Interspecific Cross-pollinations in Sorghum
- Etsuko Moriyama, biological sciences, Development of Improved Genome Assembly Methods for Third-generation Sequencing Technology
- Meredith Martin, Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools/educational psychology, Understanding Early Adolescents Coping with Peer Threat: Insecurity as a Risk Factor for Psychopathology
- Min Namkung, child, youth and family studies/communications disorders, Enhancing Students with Math Difficulties Transition from Arithmetic to Algebra
- Xinghui Sun, biochemistry, The Role of Long Non-coding RNA Mega3 in Regulating Endothelial Function
- Elvira Abrica, child, youth and family studies/educational administration, STEM Pathways in the Community College: An Empirical Examination of How Community Colleges Broaden or Restrict the STEM Transfer Function
- Amanda Thomas, child, youth and family studies/teaching, learning and teacher education, Examining Elementary Teachers’ Enactment of Digital Instructional Materials for Mathematics
- Rodrigo Franco Cruz, veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences, Alterations in Brain Metabolism Induced by Drinking Water Contaminants
- Prahalada Rao, mechanical and materials engineering, Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) of Metal 3D Printed Parts
- Changbum Ahn, architectural engineering and construction, Profiling Individual Risk Perception from Continuous Behavioral Measurement in the Construction Workplace
- Yuguo Lei, chemical and biomolecular engineering, Novel Hydrogel for Stem Cell Culture
- Kathy Chiou, psychology, EEG and fMRI Investigation of the Neural Mechanisms of Metacognition in Traumatic Brain Injury
- Nathan Bicak, architecture, A Spatial Taxonomy and Best Practices Criteria for the Interior Design of Makerspaces
- Jongwan Eun, civil engineering, A Framework of THMC/B-coupled Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emission in a Bioreactor Landfill
- Sathish Natarajan, nutrition and health sciences, Palmitoleate Protects 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acid-Induced Oxidative Stress and Lipoapoptosis in Primary Rat Hepatocytes and Primary Human Trophoblast Cells
- Arthur (Trey) Andrews III, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Acceptability and Feasibility of a Novel PTSD Treatment that Reduces Service Barriers for Latino Immigrants
- Anthony Adesemoye, West Central Research and Extension Center, Using Metabolomics to Decipher Mechanisms of Biological Control for Sustainable Management of Soilborne Diseases in Row Crop Production
- Jinying Zhu, civil engineering, Evaluation of Stress Level in Concrete Using Acoustoelastic Effect
- Luwen Zhang, biological sciences, Infection of Brain Cells by Zika Virus