Abusive Bosses Often ‘Fake Nice,’ Seldom ‘Make Nice’

Troy Smith. Photo by Garrett Stolz, College of Business.

Abusive bosses – you know, the ones who seem to enjoy demeaning employees – are unlikely to change, even if they appear repentant, according to a Nebraska-led study. Rather than making amends out of genuine contrition, most abusive managers engage in image control. Giving them a pass ultimately harms employee well-being and the organization over… Continue reading Abusive Bosses Often ‘Fake Nice,’ Seldom ‘Make Nice’

Center Focuses on Technology Governance

Gus Hurwitz

Technology has evolved at breakneck speed the last 150 years – from telephones, computers and the internet to recent breakthroughs like drones, genetic tools and mRNA vaccines. But laws and regulations aren’t keeping pace. That’s why a technology like CRISPR, the gene-editing tool, has vast potential to cure diseases, but also to drive nefarious activity… Continue reading Center Focuses on Technology Governance