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Research Fair kicks off Tuesday

Research Events

Ashley Washburn, October 31, 2016

Research Fair kicks off Tuesday

Tuesday’s events for the fall Research Fair Nov. 1-2 include the Faculty Recognition Breakfast and workshops on tapping into the university’s social and behavioral sciences research, developing collaborations between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Nebraska Medical Center and identifying pathways for translational research. The day concludes with NUtech Ventures’ Innovator Celebration.

Faculty Recognition Breakfast, Nebraska Union, Centennial Room
Research Fair kicks off with the Faculty Recognition Breakfast from 8-9:30 a.m. in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room. Chancellor Ronnie Green is scheduled to speak at this celebration of faculty successes in research and creative activity. Registration is required.

Connecting with Social and Behavioral Science Expertise at UNL, Nebraska Union Ballroom
The Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Consortium is hosting a workshop from 9:30-11:30 a.m. to encourage campus partnerships in this growing priority area. Speakers include SBSRC staff members. Fourteen campus units with robust social and behavioral sciences research programs will have booths at the event and representatives on hand to discuss partnership opportunities.

How to SPARK Translational Research, Wick Alumni Center
Daria Mochly-Rosen, George D. Smith Professor in Translational Medicine at Stanford University, is presenting the keynote address at a luncheon from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Registration is required. This event is hosted by NUtech Ventures, the Department of Biochemistry, Office of Research and Economic Development and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Training Program.

Enhancing Collaborations Between UNL and UNMC, Nebraska Union, Heritage Room
A panel discussion on fostering collaborations between UNL and UNMC is from 2-3 p.m. Faculty members who have established successful biomedical research partnerships will share their experiences. Speakers include Shane Farritor, mechanical and materials engineering; Angela Pannier, biological systems engineering; Robert Powers, chemistry; Melanie Simpson, biochemistry; and Benjamin Terry, mechanical engineering.

Innovator Celebration
The innovator celebration, hosted by NUtech Ventures from 4-6 p.m., honors university innovators and their promising technologies. For more information about this event, contact Nancy Petitto, operations manager, at 402-472-1782.

The biannual Research Fair is sponsored by the Office of Research and Economic Development in collaboration with campus partners. View the Research Fair website for the latest schedule. Participants are encouraged to use the #ResearchFair hashtag on social media and mention @UNLresearch.

Research Events