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NSF CAREER proposal workshop is Dec. 9

News for Researchers

Posted November 7, 2022 by Dan Moser

A Dec. 9 workshop will help pre-tenure faculty prepare competitive proposals for the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Program. 

The workshop will be 11 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Red Cloud Room of the Willa Cather Dining Complex. The workshop is free and open to UNL faculty. Registration is required by Dec. 6. 

The Office of Research and Economic Development annually sponsors this early career award workshop to provide prospective applicants with proposal writing advice specific to the NSF CAREER program. This year’s event will feature a panel discussion with NSF CAREER awardees and a session on broader impacts designed to help position attendees to plan education and outreach activities for their CAREER proposals. 

The workshop includes a complimentary lunch. 

For more information contact Tisha Gilreath Mullen, director of proposal development, 402-472-2894.  

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