Faculty invited to become authors for ‘The Conversation’

News for Researchers

Posted January 7, 2019 by Ashley Washburn

Nebraska faculty have a unique opportunity to elevate their research and scholarly expertise on a national stage. During campus information sessions Jan. 22-23, faculty can learn more about an opportunity to write opinion pieces for popular media outlets. Registration is encouraged.

The university recently joined a partnership with The Conversation, an independent, nonprofit news outlet that combines academic rigor with journalism excellence. The Conversation’s aim is to improve public discourse on a range of topics: arts and culture, economy and business, education, environment and energy, ethics and religion, health and medicine, politics and society, and science and technology.

Scholarly experts who have doctorates contribute written op-ed pieces on current, newsworthy topics. The Conversation’s professional journalists and subject-matter experts provide editing capabilities and help writers hone messages and prepare pieces for popular media. The finished op-ed pieces are distributed via The Associated Press to thousands of newsrooms across the U.S. Email subscribers also receive updates from The Conversation about new, timely articles.

Universitywide participation has potential to elevate individual scholars’ reputations, as well as enhance Nebraska’s institutional reputation. Some Nebraska faculty have already participated, including space law professor Frans von der Dunk, who wrote a piece on who owns the moon, and sociologists Emily Kazyak and Kelsy Burke, who wrote about the shared values of those who support and oppose religious freedom laws.

On Jan. 22-23, University Communication and the Office of Research and Economic Development are hosting information sessions for potential UNL authors, with support from the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. The Conversation’s Eric Zack, director of university relations, will lead the sessions.

The schedule is as follows. Faculty may choose the session and location that best fits their schedule.

Jan. 22
10-11:30 a.m. – Open session for potential authors, Lied Commons.
12:10-1 p.m. – Small group session, College of Law.
2:30-3 p.m. – Deans’ Council session, Nebraska Union, Georgian Suite.
3:30-5 p.m. – Small group session, College of Business, Hawks Hall, Room 204.

Jan. 23
9-10:30 a.m. – Open session for potential authors, Nebraska East Union, Columbine Room.
11 a.m.-noon – Small group session, College of Engineering, Othmer Hall, Room 114, and Peter Kiewit Institute, Room 100 (via web conference).
Noon-1 p.m. – Brown bag luncheon for college communications staff, Lied Commons.

For more information, contact Leslie Reed, director of public affairs, 402-472-2059.

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