Visit the Federal Research Updates 2025 website for current resources.

Research Responsibility is a collaboration between administrators and investigators to ensure that research is conducted with integrity and in accordance with federal regulations, state laws and institutional policies. The Research Responsibility offices provide support for the review committees, but also serve as a resource for UNL faculty, students, and staff.

Research Compliance Services

Research Compliance Services (RCS) administers oversight of human subjects research, conflict of interest in research, export controls, research misconduct, research with human fetal tissue and embryonic stem cells, and responsible conduct of research. RCS also serves as the administrative office for the Institutional Review Board, the Scientific Research Oversight Committee, and the Conflict of Interest in Research Committee.

Institutional Animal Care Program

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees all aspects of animal use research, including protocol review and approval, animal facilities inspections and personnel training. The Institutional Animal Care Program (IACP) assists and coordinates IACUC activities and manages the Life Sciences Annex animal research facility.

Research Safety

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS), which reports to UNL’s vice chancellor for business and finance, oversees laboratory research safety. EHS provides administrative support to the Institutional Biosafety Committee and the Radiation Safety Committee, including licensing and registration of protocols, audits of registered laboratories, and personnel training.