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Project Monitoring and Control

The monitoring and controlling phase coincides with the execution phase of the project’s lifecycle. This phase involves:

  • Reviewing the status of the project
  • Evaluating potential obstacles
  • Implementing necessary changes
  • Keeping to the schedule
  • Staying within budget

The Project Management Office (PMO) utilizes best practices and tools to provide effective monitoring and control methods for projects. Some tools for project monitoring and control include: risk logs, project management software, dashboards, reports, and alerts.

PMO project managers will monitor the project team’s performance against proposed schedule (deliverables, activities, and milestones) and budget (capital, personnel, direct, indirects, cost share, etc.) baselines, working with team to make modifications as necessary. The PMO utilizes several internal and external tools to manage, monitor, and control projectswith the team. The PMO carefully assesses each project’s needs to determine which tools fit the need and scope of the work being conducted.