Please find a listing of award winners by sponsor as well as a directory of many professional associations and societies from which Nebraska faculty have received awards. While not exhaustive, this list reflects a wide range of honors and recognizes faculty excellence across the institution.
For any additions to or inquiries regarding this list, please contact Petrina Suiter ( or 402.472.1185) or click here to submit your award information.
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Year Awarded
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- Shannon Bartelt-Hunt (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors | Fellow
- Andrea Basche (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Environmental Quality Section - Inspiring Early Career Scientist Award
- Bill Belcher (School of Global Integrative Studies) | Institute of International Education | Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award
- David Berkowitz (Chemistry) | American Chemical Society | Fellow
- Rick Bevins (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 28 - MED Associates Brady-Schuster Award
- Rick Bevins (Psychology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Kelli Boling (College of Journalism and Mass Communications) | Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Cener for the Advancement of Women in Communication and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication's Commission on the Status of Women | Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Outstanding Early-Career Woman Scholar Award
- Molly Brummond (Law) | Ms. JD | Limitless Leadership Award
- Byron Chaves (Department of Food Science and Technology) | International Association for Food Protection | James M. Jay Diversity in Food Safety Award
- James Checco (Chemistry) | National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators | COBRE Rising Star Award
- Andrea Cupp (Animal Science) | Society for the Study of Reproduction | Distinguished Fellow
- Judy Diamond (University Libraries) | Advancing Research Impacts in Society | Enduring Achievement Award
- Thomas Gannon (English) | Center for Great Plains Studies | Stubbendieck Great Plains Distinguished Book Prize
- Crystal Garcia (Educational Administration) | Diverse: Issues in Higher Education | Outstanding Women in Higher Education
- Jason Griffiths (Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Design-Build Award
- Yinsheng Guo (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Jason Hawkins (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | International Association for Travel Behaviour Research | Eric Pas Dissertation Award
- Eileen Hebets (School of Biological Sciences) | Animal Behavior Society | Fellow
- Chung-Hsing Ho (Durham School and Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Institute of International Education | Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award
- Katy Holland (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions to Psychology
- Mary Anne Holmes (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | European Geosciences Union | Champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award
- Jenny Keshwani (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | IDEA Award
- Aemal Khattak (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Transportation Research Board | Best TRB Freeway Operations Committee Paper
- Ayse Kilic (School of Natural Resources) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Royce J. Tipton Award
- Ayse Kilic (School of Natural Resources) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Margaret S. Petersen Award
- Taeyeon Kim (Educational Administration) | American Educational Research Association | Educational Change SIG - Emerging Scholar Award
- Tierney Lorenz (Psychology) | International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health | Rising Star Award
- Eric Markvicka (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Glennis McClure (Agricultural Economics) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | Search for Excellence in Farm and Ranch Business Management National Winner
- Peter McCornick (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Sukup Global Food Security Award
- Barney McCoy (Broadcasting) | Marina del Rey Film Festival | Grand Prize for Best TV Documentary
- Renee McFee (School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences) | American Physiological Society | Guyton Distinguished Educator Award
- Patrice McMahon (Political Science) | Council on Foreign Relations | International Affairs Fellow for Tenured International Relations Scholars
- Taro Mieno (Agricultural Economics) | The Unjournal | Impactful Research Prize
- Shuai Nie (School of Computing) | Women in 6G | 100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G
- Shuai Nie (School of Computing) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Grace Panther (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Stefanie Pearlman (Law) | American Association of Law Libraries | Government Law Libraries Special Interest Section - Dr. Joel Fishman Professional Publication Award
- Pete Pinnell (Art, Art History & Design) | National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts | Fellow of the Council
- Tom Powers (Plant Pathology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Liyan Qu (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | National Academy of Inventors | Senior Member
- Jamie Reimer (Glenn Korff School of Music) | Virtuoso Awards for Professional Classical Voice | Gold Prize
- Arman Roohi (School of Computing) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Alexandra Seceleanu (Mathematics) | Association for Women in Mathematics | Ruth I. Michler Memorial Prize
- Susan Sheridan (Educational Psychology) | National Academy of Education | Member
- Jay Storz (School of Bioloical Sciences) | Explorers Club | Fellow
- Judith Turk (School of Natural Resources) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Ashley Votruba (Psychology) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Christine Wittich (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Marilyn Wolf (School of Computing) | Association of Computing Machinery | Special Interest Group on Design Automation - Distinguished Service Award
- Jonis Agee (English) | Mountain Plains Library Association | Literary Contribution Award
- Katherine Ankerson (Architecture/Executive Vice Chancellor) | Scoop News Group EdScoop 50 Awards | University Technology Leader of the Year
- Cory Armstrong (Journalism and Mass Communication) | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication | Commission on the Status of Women - Outstanding Woman in Journalism & Mass Communication Education Award
- Simanti Banerjee (Agricultural Economics) | Agricultural and Applied Economics Association | Committee on Women in Agricultural Economics - Senior Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award
- Shannon Bartelt-Hunt (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Fellow
- Mona Bavarian (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Rick Bevins (Psychology) | Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco | Fellow
- Andreia Bianchini (Food Science and Technology) | Cereals & Grains Association | Edith A. Christensen Award
- Humberto Blanco (Agronomy and Horticulture) | University of Kentucky | Shirley H. Phillips Distinguished Lecture in No-Till Agriculture Award
- Humberto Blanco (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Kristen Blankley (Law) | Association of American Law Schools | Pro Bono Honor Roll
- Tami Brown-Brandl (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Henry Giese Structures and Environment Award
- Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel (Agricultural Economics) | National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals | Creative Excellence Award
- Daniel Ciobanu (Animal Science) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Mark Clinton (Glenn Korff School of Music) | Steinway and Sons | Teacher Hall of Fame Inductee
- Katelyn Coburn (Child, Youth and Family Studies) | National Council on Family Relations | Family Therapy Section: Best Research Paper Award
- Nathan Conner (Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright U.S. Scholar
- Caro Córdova (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network | Early Career Award
- Aziza Cyamani (Interior Design) | Institute of International Education/Carnegie Corporation of New York | Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship
- Mohamed Dahab (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Water Environment Federation | Emerson Distinguished Service Medal
- Kwame Dawes (English) | Poetry Book Society | Poetry Book Society Choice Winter 2023
- Jeffrey Day (Architecture and Landscape Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Design Build Award
- Jeffrey Day (Architecture and Landscape Architecture) | Architect Magazine | Residential Architect Design Awards
- Shudipto Dishari (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) | American Chemical Society | Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering - Young Investigator Symposium Honoree
- Robert Williams, Bruce Dvorak, Karen Stelling (Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering) | U.S. Department of Energy | Industrial Assessment Center of the Year
- Jongwan Eun (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Tony Falcone (Glenn Korff School of Music) | Kappa Kappa Psi | Distinguished Service to Music Medal
- Irina Filina (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Katherine Frels (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Foundation for Innovation in Healthy Food | Hero for Innovation in Healthy Food
- Roch Gaussoin (Agronomy and Horticulture) | United States Golf Association | Green Section Award
- Esma Gel (Supply Chain Management and Analytics) | Wolfram | Wolfram Innovator Award
- Mohammad Ghashami (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Eloisa Grifo (Mathematics) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Jessica Groskopf and Glennis McClure (Agricultural Economics) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | Search for Excellence in Farm and Ranch Business Management
- David Hage (Chemistry) | International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | Award for Distinguished Contributions in Education
- Derek Heeren (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Heermann Sprinkler Irrigation Award
- Gary Hein (Entomology) | National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants | Service to Agriculture Award
- Mark Hoistad (Landscape Architecture) | Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture | TRIAD Award
- Larry Howard (Nebraska Extension) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | Hall of Fame
- Anna Jaffe (Psychology) | Association for Psychological Science | APS Rising Star
- Amit Jhala (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Weed Science Society of America | US-Herbicide Resistance Action Committee's Herbicide Resistance Management Award
- Mary Ann Johnson (Nutrition and Health Sciences) | American Society for Nutrition | Fellow
- Valerie Jones (Journalism and Mass Communication) | Journal of Advertising Education | Best Article of the Year
- Shawn Kaskie (Nebraska Extension) | National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals | Excellence in Teamwork Award
- Christine Kelley (Mathematics) | Association for Women in Mathematics | Fellow
- Ciera Kirkpatrick (Journalism and Mass Communication) | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication | Emerging Scholar Award
- Jennifer Lather and Christine Wittich (Durham School and Civil and Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers Infrastructure Innovation and Adaptation for a Sustainable and Resilient World Conference | Best Paper Award
- John Lindquist (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Weed Science Society of America | Outstanding Research Award
- Marianne Lorensen (Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication) | Association of Leadership Educators | Distinguished Leadership and Service Award
- Kristin Malek (Nutrition and Health Sciences) | International Association of Exhibitions and Events | Bob Dallmeyer Educator of the Year Award
- Jill Martin (College of Journalism and Mass Communications) | Distinguished Teaching in Journalism Award | Society for Professional Journalists
- Barney McCoy (Journalism and Mass Communication) | Broadcasting Education Association's Festival of Media Arts Competition | Best of Competition: Radio Hard News Reporting Category
- Justin McMechan (Entomology) | Agronomy Journal | Outstanding Paper Award
- Deborah Minter and Shari Stenberg (English) | Council of Writing Program Administrators | Kenneth Bruffee Award
- Keegan Moore (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Maital Neta (Psychology) | Association for Psychological Science | Fellow
- Charles Chioma Nwaizu (Food Science and Technology) | Institute of International Education/Carnegie Corporation of New York | Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship
- Kendra Ordia (Interior Design) | Interior Design Educators Council | Teaching Excellence Award
- Jo Potuto (Law) | Association of American Law Schools | Section on Law and Sports - Law and Sports Award
- Laila Puntel (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | ASA Early Career Award
- Wei Qiao (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | National Academy of Inventors | Senior Member
- Mark Riley (Biological Systems Engineering) | Institute of Biological Engineers | Fellow
- Bonita Sharif and Hamid Bagheri (School of Computing) | International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE) | Best Paper Award
- Ryan Sullivan (Law) | Association of American Law Schools | Pro Bono Honor Roll
- Daniel Tannenbaum (Economics) | American Economic Association | American Economic Journal Best Paper Award (Applied Economics)
- Jason Tuller (Nebraska Extension) | National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals | Educational Materials Award
- Shari Veil (College of Journalism and Mass Communications) | National Communication Association | Public Relations Division - Outstanding Contribution to Public Relations Education Award
- Becky Wachs (Biological Systems Engineering) | Orthopaedic Research Society | JOR Spine Early Career Award
- Jian Wang (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society | Brimacombe Medalist
- Lily Wang (Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction) | Society of Women Engineers | Women Engineers You Should Know
- Brenda Wristen (Glenn Korff School of Music) | Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy | Outstanding Service Recognition Award
- Katie Anania (Art, Art History and Design) | Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | Short-Term Research Fellowship
- Jena Asgarpoor (Engineering Management) | American Society for Engineering Education | Graduate Studies Division - Keating Award for Innovation and Leadership in Lifelong Learning in Graduate Engineering Education
- Jena Asgarpoor and Neal Lewis (Engineering Management) | American Society for Engineering Education | Engineering Management Division - Best Paper Award
- Hamid Bagheri (School of Computing) | Association for Computing Machinery | SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis - Distinguished Paper Award
- Andrea Basche (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Early Career Award
- Justin Bradley (School of Computing) | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Associate Fellow
- Chris Calkins (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Bertrand Clarke (Statistics) | International Society for Bayesian Analysis | Fellow
- Aziza Cyamani (Architecture) | Industrial Designers Society of America | Young Educator Award
- Kwame Dawes (English) | Jamaica | Order of Distinction in the Rank of Commander
- Kwame Dawes (English) | Narrative Magazine | Fourteenth Annual Poetry Contest Winner
- Dipti Dev (Child, Youth and Family Studies) | Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior | Early Professional Achievement Award
- Heidi Diefes-Dux (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society for Engineering Education | Fellow
- Angela M. Dietsch (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders | Editor's Award
- Richard Endacott (Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film) | Snake Alley Festival of Film | Best Short Screenplay
- Richard Endacott (Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film) | Copa Shorts Film Festival | Best Short Script
- Ronald Faller (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Sheri Fritz (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Biological Sciences) | International Biogeography Society | Distinguished Fellow Award
- Matthias Fuchs (Physics) | National Academy of Sciences | Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellows
- Crystal Garcia (Educational Administration) | Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education | Early Career Award
- Crystal Garcia (Educational Administration) | Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors | Dr. Charles Eberly Oracle Award
- Phil Geib (School of Global Integrative Studies) | Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society | Byron Cummings Award
- Priscilla Grew (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | The Geological Society of America | President's Medal
- David Hage (Chemistry) | American Association for Clinical Chemistry | Outstanding Contributions to Education in Clinical Chemistry
- Andrew Hamann (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy | Career Development Award
- Robert Harveson (Plant Pathology) | American Phytopathological Society | Fellow
- Lindsay Hastings (Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication) | Association of Leadership Educators | SAGE Outstanding Scholar Award
- Lindsay Hastings (Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication) | Association of Leadership Educators | Distinguished Workshop Award
- Holly Hatton-Bowers (Child, Youth and Family Studies) | Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Board on Human Sciences | Outstanding Engagement Award
- Holly Hatton-Bowers (Child, Youth and Family Studies) | ZERO TO THREE | Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Emerging Leadership Award in Research
- Gary Hein (Entomology) | United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs | Fulbright Specialist Award
- Carrie Heitman (School of Global Integrative Studies) | Society for American Archaeology | Book Award, Popular Category
- Terry Hejny (Nebraska LEADS) | International Association of Programs for Agricultural Leadership | Outstanding International Leadership Program Director
- Kathryn Holland (Psychology) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Melissa J. Homestead (English) | American Antiquarian Society | Member
- Margaret Huettl (History) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Fellow
- Nicole Iverson (Biological Systems Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Margaret Jacobs (History) | The Telly Awards | Gold Winner - General-Television Category
- Valerie Jones (Journalism and Mass Communications) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Alice Kang (Political Science and Ethnic Studies) | American Political Science Association | Law & Courts Section - C. Herman Pritchett Book Award
- Jody Koenig Kellas (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Bernard J. Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship or Distinguished Service in Family Communication
- Casey Kelly (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression
- Oleh Khalimonchuk (Biochemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Taeyeon Kim (Educational Administration) | Comparative and International Education Society | East Asia Special Interest Group - Best Paper Award
- Taeyeon Kim (Educational Administration) | Korean-American Educational Researchers Association | Outstanding Research Paper Award
- Alok Kumar (Marketing) | American Marketing Association | Louis W. Stern Award
- Ronald Lewis (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Neal Lewis (Engineering Management) | American Society for Engineering Education | Engineering Economy Division - Best Paper Award
- Joe Louis (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | Plant-Insect Ecosystem's Recognition Award in Entomology
- Joe Luck (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award - Machinery Systems
- Kristin Malek (Nutrition and Health Sciences) | International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education | Excellence in Teaching Award
- Martha Mamo (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Barney McCoy (Journalism and Mass Communication) | Broadcasting Education Association On Location Awards | Best of Show: Audio Competition
- Barney McCoy (Journalism and Mass Communication) | Broadcasting Education Association On Location Awards | Best of Show: News and Sports Competition
- L.J. McElravy (Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication) | Association of Leadership Educators | Distinguished Practice Paper Award
- Patrice McMahon (Political Science) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Jake Messersmith (Management) | Academy of Management | Human Resources Division - Best Paper Award for HR-Entrepreneurship Research
- Phillip Miller (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | AFIA Award in Nonruminant Nutrition Research
- Keegan Moore (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | Air Force Office of Scientific Research | Young Investigator Research Program
- George Morcous (Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction) | Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute | PCI Fellow
- Amy Napoli, Jaci Foged, Sarah Roberts, Lee Sherry, Jackie Steffen, LaDonna Werth, Becky Schuerman (Child, Youth and Family Studies, Extension) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Christopher Neale (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Royce J. Tipton Award
- Carl Nelson (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | National Academy of Inventors | Senior Member
- Angie Pannier (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Fellow
- Katie Pekarek, Carla McCullough, Troy Gilmore (School of Natural Resources) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | Communication Award National Winner for Educational Video Recordings
- Julie Peterson (Entomology) | Soil and Water Conservation Society | Conservation Research Award
- Larkin Powell (School of Natural Resources) | The Wildlife Society | Fellow
- Wei Qiao (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association | Fellow
- Daran Rudnick (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award - Natural Resources & Environmental Systems
- Erica Ryherd (Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction) | Acoustical Society of America | Fellow
- Sangjin Ryu (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science | Invitational Fellowship for Research in Japan
- Timothy Schaffert (English) | Penguin Random House International | One World One Book
- Julia Schleck (English) | National Council of Teachers of English | Intellectual Freedom Award
- Amy Millmier Schmidt and Rick Koelsch (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Chungwook Sim and Maher Tadros (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | T.Y. Lin Award
- Kevin Smith (Political Science) | Textbook & Academic Authors Association | McGuffey Longevity Award
- Troy Smith (Management) | Poets&Quants | Top 50 Undergraduate Professors
- Ryan Sullivan (Law) | Association of American Law Schools | Access to Justice Award
- William G. Thomas III, Kwakiutl Dreher, Michael Burton (History/English/Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design) | Prince George's Film Festival | Best Animation
- James F. Tierney (Law) | Harvard-Yale-Stanford Junior Faculty Forum | Junior Faculty Forum
- Joseph Turner (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | American Society for Nondestructive Testing | Fellow
- Vinodchandran Variyam (School of Computing) | Association for Computing Machinery | ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award
- Mehmet Can Vuran, Amit Jhala, Xin Qiao (School of Computing, Agronomy and Horticulture, Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award - Information Technology, Sensors, & Control System
- Becky Wachs (Biological Systems Engineering) | Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Journal | Young Innovator Award
- Jian Wang (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society | TMS MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineers
- Jian Wang (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | ASM International | Fellow
- Rich Wilson (Plant Pathology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Ruiguo Yang (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Yiqi Yang (Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design) | American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists | Olney Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Textile Science
- Joseph Yesselman (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Tian Zhang (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Distinguished Member
- Katie Anania (Art, art History & Design) | Crystal Bridges Museum of Art | Tyson Scholar in American Art
- Christos Argyropoulos (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | The International Society for Optics and Photonics | Senior Member
- Lindsey Bahe (Interior Design) | Interior Design Educators Council | Teaching Excellence Award
- Wei Bao (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Florin Bobaru (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | National Association of Corrosion Engineers | CORROSION Best Paper Award
- Justin Bradley (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Eve Brank (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 41-American Psychology-Law Society-Lawrence S. Wrightsman Book Award
- Les Carlson (Marketing) | Society for Marketing Advances | Outstanding Paper Award
- Matt Cohen (English) | Society for Textual Scholarship | David Greetham Prize
- Kwame Dawes (English) | PEN America | PEN/Nora Magid Award for Magazine Editing
- Carrick Detweiler (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Academy of Inventors | Senior Member
- Shudipto Dishari (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering) | 3M | Non-Tenured Faculty Award
- Robert Dyer (Computer Science & Engineering) | International Conference on Mining Software Repositories | Distinguished Paper Award
- Katie Edwards (Educational Psychology) | American Society of Criminology | Division on Women and Crime - Community Engaged Scholar Award
- Katie Edwards (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Fellow
- Lynne Elkins (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Dennis Ferraro (School of Natural Resources) | The Wildlife Society | Conservation Education Award
- Crystal Garcia (Educational Administration) | American College Personnel Association | ACPA Emerging Scholar Award
- Katarzyna Glowacka (Biochemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Marc Goodrich (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | Society for the Scientific Study of Reading | Rebecca L. Sandak Young Investigator Award
- Alexei Gruverman (Physics & Astronomy) | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Humboldt Research Award
- John Guretzky, Martha Mamo, Walter H. Schacht, Jerry D. Volesky, and Ana B. Wingeyer (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management Journal | Outstanding Paper Award
- Frauke Hachtmann (College of Journalism & Mass Communication) | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication | Advertising Division - Distinguished Teaching Award
- Brian Harbourne (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Carrie Heitman (School of Global Integrative Studies) | American Anthropological Association | Engaged Anthropology Award
- Terry Howell, Jr. (Food Science and Technology) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- Emira Ibrahimpasic (School of Global Integrative Studies) | The Forum on Education Abroad | Award for Excellence in Education Abroad
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Environmental & Water Resources Institute Fellow
- Jack Jeffries (Mathematics) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Steven Jones (Animal Science) | American Meat Science Association | Signal Service Honoree
- Jennifer Johnson Jorgensen (Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design) | International Textile and Apparel Association | Nancy Rutherford Teaching Innovation Award
- Yingchao Lan (Supply Chain Management and Analytics) | Academy of Management | Operations and Supply Chain Management Division - Chan Hahn Best Paper Award
- James Le Sueur (History) | The Blackbird Film Festival | Best Documentary Feature
- James Le Sueur (History) | Karama Human Rights Film Festival | Karama Feather Award for Best Documentary
- Ronald Lewis (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Distinguished Teacher Award
- Michael Lippman (Classics & Religious Studies) | Classical Association of the Middle West and South | Award for Excellence in College Teaching
- Fred Luthans (Management) | Academy of Management | Distinguished Award for Scholarly Contributions to Management
- Maria Marron (College of Journalism & Mass Communication) | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication | Commission on the Status of Women - Donna Allen Award for Feminist Advocacy
- Julia McQuillan (Sociology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Sarah Michaels (Political Science) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Canada Distinguished Research Chair in Environmental Science at Carleton University
- Siamak Nejati (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Carl Nelson (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Fellow
- Jae Sung Park (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Santosh Pitla (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | A.W. Farrall Young Educator Award
- Wei Qiao (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Power Electronics Society Sustainable Energy Systems Technical Achievement Award
- Laurence Rilett (Civil & Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Frank M. Masters Transportation Engineering Award
- Rebecca Roston (Biochemistry) | Phytochemical Society of North America | Arthur C. Neish Young Investigator Award
- Daran R. Rudnick (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional Award
- Daran R. Rudnick, Xin Qiao, Matt Stockton, Chuck A. Burr (Biological Systems Engineering/Agricultural Economics/West Central Research and Extension Center) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Anthony Schutz (Law) | American Agricultural Law Association | Distinguished Service Award
- Jamie Reimer Seaman (Glenn Korff School of Music) | International Alliance for Women in Music | Programming Award
- Jamie Reimer Seaman (Glenn Korff School of Music) | The American Prize | Special Judges' Citation
- Rachael Shah (English) | Coalition for Community Writing | Outstanding Book in Community Writing
- Rachael Shah (English) | International Association for Research on Service-Learning & Community Engagement | Publication of the Year Award
- Daizaburo Shizuka (School of Biological Sciences) | American Ornithological Society | Fellow
- Jessica Shoemaker (Law) | American Agricultural Law Association | Professional Scholarship Award
- Jessica Shoemaker (Law) | Carnegie Corporation of New York | Andrew Carnegie Fellow
- Chungwook Sim (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute | George D. Nasser Award
- Rick Stowell (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | G.B. Gunlogson Countryside Engineering Award
- William G. Thomas III (History) | Society for Historians of the Early American Republic | Best Book Prize
- William G. Thomas III (History) | Columbia Journalism | Mark Lynton History Prize
- Judy Walker (Mathematics) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Jian Wang (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Fellow
- Marilyn Wolf (Computer Science and Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award
- Julie Wu (Finance) | Review of Finance | Spängler-IQAM award for the Best Investments Paper
- David Yuill (Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction) | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers | Science and Technology for the Built Environment Best Paper Award
- Vitaly Alexandrov (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Craig Allen (School of Natural Resources) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Katherine Ankerson (Architecture - Dean's Office) | International Interior Design Association | College of Fellows
- Katherine Ankerson (Architecture - Dean's Office) | International Interior Design Association | Educator of the Year
- Wayne Babchuk (Educational Psychology) | Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference | McGraw Hill Distinguished Scholar Award
- Hamid Bagheri (Computer Science & Engineering) | Association for Computing Machinery | ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
- Humberto Blanco (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Soil Science Society of America | Fellow
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Distinguished Scholar
- Kathleen Brooks (Agricultural Economics) | Western Agricultural Economics Association | Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, Less Than 10 Years' Experience
- Amy Nelson Burnett (History) | Institute for Research in the Humanities | Solmsen Fellow
- Amy Nelson Burnett (History) | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Fellow
- Amy Nelson Burnett (History) | Sixteenth Century Society and Conference | Gerald Strauss Book Prize
- Martin Centurion (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Ozan Ciftci (Food Science and Technology) | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | LIST International Award in Bioinnovation
- Nathan Connor (Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication) | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture | Educator Award
- Beth Doll (Educational Psychology) | National Association of School Psychologists | Lifetime Achievement Award
- Catherine Eichhorn (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Ronald Faller (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Transportation Research Board | Kenneth A. Stonex Roadside Safety Award
- Sherilyn Fritz (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | American Geophysical Union | Fellow
- Lilyan Fulginiti (Agricultural Economics) | Agricultural and Applied Economics Association | Graduate Teaching: Ten or More Years’ Experience
- Roch Gaussoin (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Patricio Grassini (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Werner L. Nelson Award for Diagnosis of Yield-Limiting Factors
- Jason Griffiths (Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Design-Build Award
- David Hage (Chemistry) | American Chemical Society | ACS Award in Chromatography
- Edmund ‘Ted’ Hamann (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Educational Research Association | Fellow
- Raymond Hames (Anthropology) | National Academy of Sciences | Member
- Cody Hollist (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Terry Housh (Nutrition and Health Sciences) | National Strength and Conditioning Association | Boyd Epley Award for Lifetime Achievement
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- Diego Jarquin (Agronomy and Horticulture) | National Association of Plant Breeders | Early Career Scientist Award
- Casey Kelly (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Feminist and Gender Studies Division - Top Paper Award
- Lydiah Kiramba (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Educational Research Association | Carlos J. Vallejo Memorial Award for Emerging Scholarship
- Michael Kocher (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | PEI Professional Engineer of the Year Award
- James Le Sueur (History) | Rhode Island International Film Festival | Social Spotlight Award
- James Le Sueur (History) | Newburyport Documentary Film Festival | First-Time Filmmaker Award
- James Le Sueur (History) | Big Apple Film Festival | Best Feature Documentary
- Richard Leiter (Law Library) | Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section | Frederick Charles Hicks Award
- Joe Luck (Biological Systems Engineering) | International Conference on Precision Agriculture | Pierre C. Robert Precision Agriculture Award - Young Scientist
- Joe Luck (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Tiffany Messer, Aaron Mittelstet, Thomas Franti, Jessica Corman (Biological Systems Engineering/School of Natural Resources) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Amanda Morales (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Educational Research Association | Latina/o/x Research Issues SIG Early Career Scholar Award
- Max Perry Mueller (Classics & Religious Studies) | Mormon History Association | The Jan Shipps Best Article Award
- Elizabeth Niehaus (Educational Administration) | University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement | Fellow
- Chigozie Obioma (English) | House of World Cultures and Stiftung Elementarteilchen | International Literature Award
- Kristen Olson (Sociology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Kendra Ordia (Interior Design) | American Society of Interior Designers | Ones to Watch Awards Scholars
- Angela Pannier (Biological Systems Engineering) | Biomedical Engineering Society | Fellow
- Ryan Pedrigi (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Jenna Pieper (Management) | Academy of Management (Human Resource Division) | International HRM Scholarly Research Award
- Santosh Pitla (Biological Systems Engineering) | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture | John Deere Award
- Jennifer Rasmussen, Ronald Faller, Joshua Steelman (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Transportation Research Board | Roadside Safety Design Best Paper Award
- Brett Ratcliffe (Entomology) | Royal Entomological Society | J. O. Westwood Medal
- Heather Richards-Rissetto (Anthropology) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowship
- Laurence Rilett (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | Transportation Research Board | Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Best Paper Award
- Laurence Rilett (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Fellow
- Rajib Saha (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- James Schnable (Agronomy & Horticulture) | The Plant Phenome Journal | Outstanding Paper Award
- Phil Schwadel (Sociology) | Association for the Sociology of Religion | Distinguished Journal Article Award
- Michael Sealy (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | Society of Manufacturing Engineers | Outstanding Young Manufacturer Award
- Jolene Smyth (Sociology) | Association of Academic Survey Research Organization | John M. Kennedy Achievement Award
- Gerald Steinacher (History) | Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies | Senior Fellow
- Matthew Stockton, Daran Rudnick, Chuck Burr, Robert Tigner (Agricultural Economics/Biological Systems Engineering/West Central Research and Extension Center) | Agricultural and Applied Economics Association | Distinguished Extension/Outreach Program Awards
- Jordan Stump (Modern Languages and Literatures) | The American Literary Translators Association | National Translation Award in Prose
- Gary Sullivan (Animal Science) | American Meat Science Association | Distinguished Achievement Award
- Susan Swearer (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Mid-Career Award for Outstanding Contributions to Benefit Children, Youth, and Families
- James Takacs (Chemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Julie Tippens (Child, Youth and Family Studies) | National Council on Family Relations | Issues in Aging Focus Group - Student and New Professional Award
- Isabel Velázquez (Modern Languages & Literatures) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Lily Wang (Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction) | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | Editor's Award for the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (Hearing Section)
- Susan Weller (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | Fellow
- Tyler White (Glenn Korff School of Music) | The American Prize | The American Prize in Composition - Orchestra
- Yan Xia (Child, Youth and Family Studies) | National Council on Family Relations | International Section - Jan Trost Award
- Xiao Cheng Zeng (Chemistry) | European Academy of Sciences | Member
- Tian Zhang (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Rudolph Hering Medal
- Tian Zhang, Chittaranjan Ray (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Samuel Arnold Greeley Award
- Marco Abel (English) | American Academy of Berlin | Berlin Prize
- J. Clark Archer (Geography) | American Association of Geographers | E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award
- Christos Argyropoulos (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | Department of Defense Office of Naval Research | Young Investigator Award
- Steven Barlow (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | Callier Center for Communication Disorders | Callier Prize
- Paul Black (Biochemistry) | American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Award for Exemplary Contributions in Education
- Brian Bornstein (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 41-American Psychology-Law Society-Book Award
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Communication Administration Award for Communication Administrator Excellence
- Eve Brank (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Fellow
- Tami Brown-Brandl (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- Tami Brown-Brandl (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Mark E. Button (Arts and Sciences) | American Political Science Association | Heinz I. Eulau Award for Best Article
- Edgar Cahoon (Biochemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- John Carroll (Natural Resources) | The Wildlife Society | Fellow
- Brent Cejda (Educational Administration) | Council for the Study of Community Colleges | Arthur Cohen and Florence Brawer Distinguished Service Award
- Bertrand Clarke (Statistics) | Institute of Mathematical Statistics | Fellow
- Thomas Clemente (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Brian Couch (Biological Sciences) | National Association of Biology Teachers | Four-Year College & University Section Research in Biology Education Award
- Cody Creech (Nebraska Extension) | Crop Science Society of America | Early Career Award
- Kwame Dawes (English) | Yale University | Windham-Campbell Prize
- Jeffrey Day (Architecture) | American Institute of Architects | Fellow
- Shudipto Dishari (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) | Department of Energy | Office of Science/Early Career Award for Innovative Research & Teaching Techniques
- Aaron Duncan (Communication Studies) | National States Advisory Council | Administrator of the Year Award
- Tracy Frank (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Lisa Franzen-Castle (Nutrition and Health Sciences) | Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior | Early Professional Achievement Award
- Jason Griffiths (Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Design-Build Award
- Maria de Guzman (Child, Youth and Family Studies) | American Psychological Association | International Psychology Division/Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
- Ted Hamann (Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Eileen Hebets (Biological Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Kathryn Holland (Psychology/Women's & Gender Studies) | Association for Women in Psychology | Distinguished Publication Award
- Margaret Jacobs (History) | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | Member
- Jeannette Eileen Jones (History) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Fellow
- Sherri Jones (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | Honors of the Association
- Alice Kang (Political Science) | European Journal of Politics and Gender | Best Paper Award
- Casey Kelly (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Visual Communication's Division/Outstanding Article of the Year Award
- Deepak Keshwani (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | A.W. Farrall Young Educator Award
- Paul Kononoff (Animal Science) | American Dairy Science Association | Nutrition Professionals, Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award
- Joe Louis (Entomology) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Joe Louis (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | Early Career Innovation Award
- Dustin Loy (Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences) | American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians | Excellence in Diagnostic Microbiology Award
- Greg McKee (Agricultural Economics) | Agricultural and Applied Economics Association | Distinguished Extension/Outreach Program Awards
- Rodney Moxley (Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences) | American College of Veterinary Microbiology | Honorary Diplomate
- Rodney Moxley (Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences) | American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians | Best Full Manuscript Award
- Toshihiro Obata (Biochemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Angela Pannier (Biological Systems Engineering) | White House Office of Science and Technology Policy | Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
- Ellen Paparozzi (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society for Horticultural Science | Pi Alpha Xi Fellow
- Stefanie Pearlman (Law Library) | American Association of Law Libraries | Connie E. Bolden Publication Award and the RIPS-SIS Publication Award
- Lance C. Pérez (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Distinguished Member Award
- Laura Poppo (Management) | Strategic Management Society | The Dan and Mary Lou Schendel Best Paper Prize
- Larkin Powell (Natural Resources) | The Wildlife Society | Excellence in Wildlife Education Award
- Sheila Purdum (Animal Science) | Poultry Science Association | American Egg Board Research Award
- Yi Qian (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Fellow
- Wei Qiao (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Fellow
- Laurence Rilett (Civil & Environmental Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Arthur M. Wellington Prize
- Rebecca Roston (Biochemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- James Schnable (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Early Career Award
- James Schnable (Agronomy & Horticulture) | North American Plant Phenotyping Network | Early Career Scientist Award
- Michael Sealy (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Charles Shapiro (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Soil Science Society of America | Fellow
- John Shrader (Sports Media & Communication) | Broadcast Education Association | Faculty Best of Competition - Sports Radio Category
- Francisco Souto (Art, Art History and Design) | Florence Biennale | Lorenzo il Magnifico Award
- Marilyne Stains (Chemistry) | White House Office of Science and Technology Policy | Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
- David Steffen (Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences) | American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians | E.P. Pope Award
- Richard K. Sutton (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Green Roofs for Healthy Cities | Distinguished Career Research Award
- Zhenghong Tang (Community and Regional Planning) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning | Chester Rapkin Award
- William G. Thomas III (History) | American Society for Legal History | Mary L. Dudziak Digital Legal History Prize
- Rebecca Wachs (Biological Systems Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Mark Walker (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Jack Whittier (Panhandle Research & Extension Center) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow Award for Extension
- Janos Zempleni (Nutrition & Health Sciences) | American Society for Nutrition | Osborne and Mendel Award
- Xiao Zeng (Chemistry) | Materials Research Society | Fellow
- Limei Zhang (Biochemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Joe Luck (Biological Systems Engineering) | Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities | Regional Excellence in Extension Award - North Central Region
- Elvira Abrica (Educational Administration) | American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education | Faculty Fellow
- Lindsey Bahe (Interior Design) | Council for Interior Design Accreditation | Award for Excellence
- Andrew Benson (Food Science & Technology) | American Society for Microbiology | Fellow
- Christopher Bilder (Statistics) | American Statistical Association | Outstanding Statistical Application Award
- Paul Black (Biochemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Kwame Dawes (English) | Royal Society of Literature | Fellow
- Dipti Dev (Child, Youth, and Family Studies) | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | National Family Life and Human Development State Extension Specialist Early Achievement Award
- Shudipto Dishari (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Brittany Duncan (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Dean Eisenhauer (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- Shane Farritor (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Arthur M Wellington Prize
- Cory Forbes (Natural Resources) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Sheri Fritz (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | International Paleolimnology Association | Lifetime Achievement Award
- Sheri Fritz (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) | Geological Society of America | Israeli C. Russell Award
- Yufeng Ge (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | New Holland Young Researcher Award
- Ted Hamann (Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education) | American Educational Research Association | Henry T. Trueba Award
- Derek Heeren (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | A.W. Farrall Young Educator Award
- Susan Hermiller (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Margaret Jacobs (History) | Carnegie Corporation of New York | Andrew Carnegie Fellow
- Dipra Jha (Nutrition & Health Sciences) | International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education | John Wiley & Sons Innovation in Teaching Award
- Casey Kelly (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award
- Jennifer Keshwani (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society for Engineering Education | Biological and Agricultural Engineering Division Award for Early Achievement in Education
- Mike Lippman (Classics & Religious Studies) | Society for Classical Studies | Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Maital Neta (Psychology) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Lim Nguyen (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Kristen Olson (Sociology) | American Statistical Association | Fellow
- Kamlakar Rajurkar (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal
- Prahalado Rao (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Gil Renberg (Classics & Religious Studies) | Society for Classical Studies | Charles J. Goodwin Award for Merit
- James Schnable (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Maize Genetics and Genomics Database | Rhoades Early Career Maize Genetics Award
- Dai Shizuka (Biological Sciences) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Jessica Shoemaker (Law) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Marilyne Stains (Chemistry ) | American Chemical Society | Women Chemists Committee Rising Star Award
- Mitchell Stephenson (Panhandle Research and Extension Center) | Society for Range Management | Outstanding Young Range Professional Award
- Jay Storz (Biological Sciences) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Hope Wabuke (English) | National Book Critics Circle | Emerging Critics Fellowship
- Matt Waite (Journalism) | National Press Photographers Association | J. Winton Lemen Fellowship Award
- Judy Walker (Mathematics) | Association for Women in Mathematics | Fellow
- Sheng Wei (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Tyler White (Political Science) | International Association for Intelligence Education | Instructor of the Year
- Bob Wilhelm (Office of Research and Economic Development) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Charles Wortmann (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | International Agronomy Award
- Yan Ruth Xia (Child, Youth, and Family Studies) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Distinguished Fulbright Chair in the Social Sciences
- Xiaoshan Xu (Physics and Astronomy) | Department of Energy | Early Career Research Award
- Tian Zhang (Civil and Environmental Engineering) | International Engineering and Technology Institute | Fellow
- Andrew Zimbroff (Textiles, Merchandising, and Fashion Design & Nebraska Extension) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Kathy Anderson (Animal Science) | Equine Science Society | Fellow
- Christos Argyropoulos (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | International Union of Radio Science | Young Scientist Award
- Andreia Bianchini (Food Science and Technology) | American Association of Cereal Chemists | Young Scientist Research Award
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Interpersonal Communication Division/Gerald R. Miller Book Award
- Roger Bruning (Educational Psychology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Kelsy Burke (Sociology) | American Sociological Association | Section on Religion/Distinguished Book Award
- Edgar Cahoon (Biochemistry) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Fellow
- Les Carlson (Marketing) | American Academy of Advertising | Fellow
- Kenneth G. Cassman (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Swedish Academy of Sciences | Bertebos Prize
- Thomas Clemente (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Crop Science Society of America | Crop Science Research Award
- Archie Clutter (Animal Science / Agricultural Research Division) | American Society of Animal Science | Rockefeller Prentice Memorial Award on Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Andrea Cupp (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Animal Physiology and Endocrinology Award
- Dawne Curry (History) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- R. Wayne Drummond (Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Distinguished Service Award
- Roger Elmore (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Crop Science Society of America | Fellow
- Roger Elmore (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Agronomic Education and Extension Award
- Michael Forsberg (Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication) | Sierra Club | Ansel Adams Award for Conservation Photography
- Charles Francis (Agronomy & Horticulture) | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture | Educator Award
- Rick Funston (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Animal Management Award
- Doug Golick (Entomology) | Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities | Innovative Teaching Award
- Matthew Gormley (Educational Psychology) | CHADD - The National Resource on ADHD | Young Scientist Research Award
- Ronnie Green (Animal Science / Chancellor) | American Society of Animal Science | Morrison Award
- Mark Griep (Chemistry) | American Chemical Society | Helen M. Free Public Outreach Award
- Alexei Gruverman (Physics and Astronomy) | Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society | Ferroelectrics Recognition Award
- David Hage (Chemistry) | International Society of Molecular Recognition | Pierce Award in Affinity Technology
- David Hage (Chemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- F. John Hay (Nebraska Extension) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | Distinguished Service Award
- Melissa Homestead (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowship
- Melissa Homestead (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- Amit Jhala (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Weed Science Society of America | Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award
- Lisa Karr (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Corbin Companion Animal Biology Award
- Casey Kelly (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division/Early Career Award
- Kathleen Krone (Communication Studies) | International Communication Association | Fredric M. Jablin Award for Outstanding Contributions to Organizational Communication
- W. James Lewis (Mathematics) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Joe Luck (Biological Systems Engineering) | PrecisionAg | Educator/Researcher of the Year
- Joe Luck (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional Award
- Lorraine Males (Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Martha Mamo (Agronomy and Horticulture) | Soil Science Society of America | Soil Science Education and Extension Award
- Julia McQuillan (Sociology) | Sociologists for Women in Society | Feminist Lecturer Award
- Amelia Montes (English) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Rodney Moxley and STEC CAP Grant Executive Management Team (Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences) | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | Partnership Award
- Wayne Ohnesorg (Nebraska Extension) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | Achievement Award
- Kristen Olson (Sociology) | International Journal of Market Research | Collaborative Research Award
- Lance Pérez (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | American Society for Engineering Education | Fellow
- John Raible (Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education) | National Association for Multicultural Education | G. Pritchy Smith Multicultural Educator Award
- Patrick T. Randolph (Programs in English as a Second Language) | TESOL International Association | Best of TESOL Affiliates Award
- Patrick T. Randolph (Programs in English as a Second Language) | CoTESOL | Best of CoTESOL Award
- Prahalada Rao (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) | Society of Mechanical Engineers | Yoram Koren Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award
- Michael Rethwisch (Nebraska Extension) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | National Winner Applied Research Poster
- Mark Riley (Biological Systems Engineering ) | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Fellow
- Philip Sapirstein (Art History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowship
- Daniel Schachtman (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Fellow
- Matt Spangler (Animal Science) | Beef Improvement Federation | Continuing Service Award
- Jay Storz (Biological Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Daniel Tannenbaum (Economics) | W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research | Early Career Research Award
- Christopher Tuan (Civil Engineering) | Tech Connect | Defense Innovation Award
- Mark van Roojen (Philosophy) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- Mark van Roojen (Philosophy) | Princeton University Center for Human Values | Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellowships
- Curt Weller (Food Science and Technology) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Professional Engineering Institute Professional of the Year Award
- Yan Ruth Xia (Child, Youth, and Family Studies) | National Council on Family Relations | Felix Berardo Scholarship Award for Mentoring
- Hongfeng Yu (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Xiao Cheng Zeng (Chemistry) | Royal Society of Chemistry | Surfaces and Interfaces Award
- Anthony Zera (Biological Sciences) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Tian Zhang (Civil Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | State-of-the-Art Civil Engineering Award
- Gary L. Zoubek (Nebraska Extension) | National Association of County Agricultural Agents | Hall of Fame Award
- Kenneth A. Bloom (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- John S. Brunero (Philosophy) | American Philosophical Association | Article Prize
- Stephen G. Burnett (Classics & Religious Studies) | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Humboldt Research Award
- Kathy Castle (Communication Studies) | Association of Business Communication | Pearson Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology
- Angela Dietsch (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | Early Career Contributions Award
- Patrick Dussault (Chemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Sydney Everhart (Plant Pathology) | American Phytopathological Society | Schroth Faces of the Future Award
- Shane Farritor (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Linxia Gu (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Fellow
- Jiantao Guo (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Mary Anne Holmes (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Yongfeng Lu (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | Laser Institute of America | Arthur L. Schawlow Award
- Stephen Morin (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Terri Norton (Architectural Engineering & Construction) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Angela Palmer-Wackerly (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Interpersonal Communication Division/Outstanding Dissertation
- Gary Pickard (Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Santosh Pitla (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Sunkist Young Designer Award
- Robert Powers (Chemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Liyan Qu (Electrical and Computer Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Peter Z. Revesz (Computer Science & Engineering ) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Gregg E. Rothermel (Computer Science & Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Fellow
- William Seiler (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award
- Hamid Sharif (Electrical & Computer Engineering ) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Fellow
- Marilyne Stains (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- William G. Thomas III (History) | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Fellow
- James L. Van Etten (Plant Pathology) | American Phytopathological Society | Award of Distinction
- Judy L. Walker (Mathematics) | Association for Women in Mathematics | Louise Hay Award
- Mary Willis (Nutrition & Health Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Xiaoshan Xu (Physics & Astronomy) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Don C. Adams (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Animal Industry Service Award
- James R. Alfano (Plant Pathology) | American Society for Microbiology | Fellow
- Waskar T. Ari (History) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Fellow
- Steven M. Barlow (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | Honors of the Association
- David B. Berkowitz (Chemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Erin E. Blankenship (Statistics) | American Statistical Association | Fellow
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | GLBTQ Division/Monograph of the Year Award
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Disability Issues Caucus/James Ferris Award for Contributions to Communication and Disability Studies
- Stephen G. Burnett (Classics & Religious Studies) | Institute for Advanced Study | Member - School of Historical Studies
- Kenneth G. Cassman (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Thomson Reuters | Highly Cited Researcher
- Daniel R. Claes (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Galen E. Erickson (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | American Feed Industry Association Award in Ruminant Nutrition Research
- Thomas G. Franti (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Scott L. Gardner (School of Biological Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Kurt F. Geisinger (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Society | Fellow
- Ronnie Green (Animal Science / Chancellor) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Edmund ‘Ted’ Hamann (Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education) | American Anthropological Association | Anthropology in Public Policy Award
- Roger M. Hoy (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- David D. Jones (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- Alexey Kovalev (Physics and Astronomy) | Department of Energy | Office of Science/Early Career Award
- William L. Kranz (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Heermann Sprinkler Irrigation Award
- Kathleen Krone (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Charles H. Woolbert Research Award
- W. James Lewis (Mathematics) | Mathematical Association of America | Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Award
- W. James Lewis (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
- Joe Louis (Entomology) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Eric E. Conn Young Investigator Award
- Joe D. Luck (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Gale A. Holloway Professional Development Award
- Martha Mamo (Agronomy & Horticulture) | African Scientific Institute | Fellow
- Merlyn K. Nielsen (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Nora Martin Peterson (Modern Languages & Literatures) | Newberry Library | Short-Term Fellowships
- Andrzej Rajca (Chemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Mark Riley (Biological Systems Engineering ) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Daniel P. Schachtman (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- William Seiler (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Wallace A. Bacon Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award
- Susan Sheridan (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 16 - Senior Scientist Award
- Alexander Sinitskii (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Richard R. Stowell (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Richard K. Sutton (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Stephen L. Taylor (Food Science & Technology) | Institute of Food Technologists | Nicholas Appert Award
- Mehmet Can Vuran (Computer Science & Engineering) | Thomson Reuters | Highly Cited Researcher
- Xiaoshan Xu (Physics & Astronomy) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Janos Zempleni (Nutrition & Health Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Tian C. Zhang (Civil Engineering) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Marco Abel (English) | German Studies Association | DAAD Book Prize
- Arthur C. Allen (Accounting) | American Accounting Association | Government and Nonprofit Section-Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
- Christopher Bilder (Statistics) | American Statistical Association | Outstanding Statistical Application Award
- Chris R. Calkins (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Animal Industry Service Award
- Bertrand S. Clarke (Statistics) | American Statistical Association | Fellow
- Mary M. Davidson (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 17-Society of Counseling Psychology-Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Scientist/Practitioner Award
- Concetta C. DiRusso (Biochemistry) | The National Academies | Jefferson Science Fellows
- Terence Foster (Construction Engineering) | National Society of Professional Engineers | Engineering Education Excellence
- Sherilyn C. Fritz (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) | European Geosciences Union | Hans Oeschger Medal
- Ronnie Green (Animal Science / Chancellor) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Soo Young Hong (Child, Youth & Family Studies) | National Academy of Education | Spencer Fellows
- Roger M. Hoy (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | SMV Technologies Ergonomics, Safety and Health Award
- Roger M. Hoy (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Heermann Sprinkler Irrigation Award
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | John Deere Gold Medal
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Katrina L. Jagodinsky (History) | American Philosophical Society | Phillips Fund Grant Recipients
- Roger Johnson (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Morrison Award
- David D. Jones (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medal Award
- David D. Jones (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Mayfield Cotton Engineering Award
- Michael F. Kocher (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Jesse T. Korus (Natural Resources) | The Geological Society of America | John C. Frye Memorial Award
- Carole Levin (History) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Xu Li (Civil Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Jung Yul Lim (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- John C. Meakin (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Kristi Montooth (Biological Sciences) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- David R. Pitts (Mathematics) | Simons Foundation | Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians
- Daran R. Rudnick (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Michael J. Scheel (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Fellow
- Leen Kiat Soh (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants
- James R. Steadman (Plant Pathology) | American Phytopathological Society | Fellow
- Andrew E. Suyker (Natural Resources) | Thomson Reuters | Highly Cited Researcher
- William G. Thomas III (History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Collaborative Research Grant
- Chris S. Tuggle (Management) | Academy of Management | Business Policy and Strategy Division/Distinguished Paper Award
- Mehmet Can Vuran (Computer Science & Engineering) | Thomson Reuters | Highly Cited Researcher
- Mark E. Walker (Mathematics) | Simons Foundation | Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians
- Wendy Weiss (Textiles, Clothing & Design) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Curtis L. Weller (Food Science & Technology) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- John A. Woollam (Electrical & Computer Engineering ) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Tian C. Zhang (Civil Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | ASCE State-of-the-Art of Civil Engineering Award
- Luchezar L. Avramov (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- P. Stephen Baenziger (Agronomy & Horticulture) | National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders | Public Plant Breeding Award
- Brian H. Bornstein (Psychology) | Association for Psychological Science | Fellow
- Dennis R. Brink (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- John S. Brunero (Philosophy) | Princeton University Center for Human Values | Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellowships
- Kenneth G. Cassman (Agronomy & Horticulture ) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Raymond Chollet (Biochemistry) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Fellow
- David K. DiLillo (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Fellow
- Concetta C. DiRusso (Biochemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Matthew B. Dwyer (Computer Science & Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Fellow
- Richard B. Ferguson (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Soil Science Society of America | Fellow
- Sherilyn Fritz (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Roch E. Gaussoin (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Crop Science Society of America | Crop Science Extension Education Award
- Kurt F. Geisinger (Educational Psychology) | Association for Psychological Science | Fellow
- Patricio Grassini (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Alexei Grouverman (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Linxia Gu (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Stephen Hartke (Mathematics) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- John R. Hibbing (Political Science) | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Fellow
- Jinsong Huang (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Jody Koenig Kellas (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | GLBTQ Division and Caucus/Monograph of the Year Award
- Brian A. Larkins (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Plant Biologists | The Stephen Hales Prize
- W. James Lewis (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Ming Li (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Fellow
- Yongfeng Lu (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | Optical Society of America | Fellow
- Sally Mackenzie (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Fellow
- John Meakin (Mathematics) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Dennis L. Molfese (Psychology) | Association for Psychological Science | Fellow
- Thomas C. Omer (Accounting) | American Accounting Association | Auditing Section-Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award
- Angela K. Pannier (Biological Systems Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Ellen T. Paparozzi (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society for Horticultural Science | Fellow
- Yumou Qiu (Statistics) | Institute of Mathematical Statistics | Travel Award
- Gregg E. Rothermel (Computer Science & Engineering) | Association for Computing Machinery | Distinguished Scientist
- Gregory Rutledge (English) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- William Seiler (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Basic Course Division/Distinguished Faculty Award
- David J. Sellmyer (Physics & Astronomy) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Alison Stewart (Art and Art History) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Richard R. Stowell (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Judy L. Walker (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Donald P. Weeks (Biochemistry) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Roger Wiegand (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Sylvia Wiegand (Mathematics) | American Mathematical Society | Fellow
- Adrian S. Wisnicki (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Scholarly Editions and Translations Grant
- Charles Wood (School of Biological Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Haishun Yang (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- James R. Alfano (Plant Pathology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt (Civil Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Amy N. Burnett (History) | Sixteenth Century Society and Conference | Harold J Grimm Prize
- Kenneth G. Cassman (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Crop Science Society of America | CSSA Presidential Award
- Kwame Dawes (English) | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Fellow
- Jeffrey L. Day (Architecture & Landscape Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Design-Build Award
- Susan M. Hermiller (Mathematics) | Simons Foundation | Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians
- Xia Hong (Physics & Astronomy) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Margaret D. Jacobs (History) | Columbia University | The Bancroft Prize
- Terry Klopfenstein (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Extension Award
- Brian A. Larkins (Agronomy and Horticulture) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Derrel L. Martin (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Heermann Sprinkler Irrigation Award
- Thomas C. Omer (Accounting) | American Accounting Association | Ray M. Sommerfeld Outstanding Tax Educator Award
- Prem S. Paul (Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- Jenna R. Pieper (Management) | Academy of Management | Human Resources Division/Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award
- Kenneth M. Price (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Scholarly Editions and Translations Grant
- Petronela Radu (Mathematics) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Julia E. Schleck (English) | Folger Shakespeare Library | Short Term Fellowship
- Julia E. Schleck (English) | American Philosophical Society | Franklin Grant
- Hamid Sharif (Electrical & Computer Engineering ) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- William D. Spaulding (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Fellow
- Cho Wing Solomon To (Mechancial & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Fellow
- James L. Van Etten (Plant Pathology) | National Academy of Inventors | Fellow
- James R. Alfano (Plant Pathology) | American Phytopathological Society | Fellow
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Family Communication Division/Outstanding Book Award
- Amy Burnett (History) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Chris R. Calkins (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Meats Research Award
- Matthew Dwyer (Computer Science & Engineering) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Richard B. Ferguson (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Sarah J. Gervais (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 35-Society for the Psychology of Women-Georgia Babladelis Best PWQ Paper Award
- Delwyn Harnisch (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- John R. Hibbing (Political Science) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Roger M. Hoy (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Evelyn E. Rosentreter Standards Award
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Sherri M. Jones (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
- Jody Koenig Kellas (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Family Communication Division/Distinguished Article Award
- Carole Levin (History) | Folger Shakespeare Library | Short Term Fellowship
- Robert Portnoy (University Health Center) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Richard J. Rasby (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Extension Award
- Gerald J. Steinacher (History) | Jewish Book Council | National Jewish Book Award
- Richard R. Stowell (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Curtis L. Weller (Food Science & Technology) | The National Academies | Jefferson Science Fellows
- Charles S. Wortmann (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Ronald E. Yoder (Biological Systems Engineering ) | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Fellow
- Chad E. Brassil (Biological Sciences) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Bruce Dvorak (Civil Engineering) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Matthew B. Dwyer (Computer Science & Engineering) | Association for Computing Machinery | SIGSOFT/Impact Paper Award
- Richard B. Ferguson (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Werner L Nelson Award for Diagnosis of Yield-Limiting Factors
- Melissa J. Homestead (English) | American Antiquarian Society | Reese Fellowship
- Roger M. Hoy (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional Award
- William L. Kranz (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Rebecca Y. Lai (Chemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- W. James Lewis (Mathematics) | Council for Advancement and Support of Education | Carnegie Professor of the Year State Winner
- Hui Li (Chemistry) | American Oil Chemists' Society | Archer Daniels Midland Award
- Jamie L. Loizzo (Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Patrice C. McMahon (Political Science) | American Council of Learned Societies | East European Studies Program/Conference Grants
- Lim Nguyen (Computer & Electronics Engineering) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Wei Qiao (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Peter Z. Revesz (Computer Science & Engineering) | The National Academies | Jefferson Science Fellows
- Michael Riley (Industrial & Management Systems Engineering) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Philip N. Sapirstein (Art History ) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships
- Walter Schacht (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Mehmet Can Vuran (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Curtis L. Weller (Food Science & Technology) | American Association of Cereal Chemists | Excellence in Teaching Award
- Kenneth J. Winkle (History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Collaborative Research Grant
- Adrian S. Wisnicki (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants
- Steven M. Barlow (Special Education and Communication Disorders) | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | Fellow
- Mary B. Brown (Natural Resources) | American Ornithologists' Union | Elliott Coues Award
- Miles Bryant (Educational Administration) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Stephen G. Burnett (Classics & Religious Studies) | Institute for Advanced Study | Member - School of Historical Studies
- Amy N. Burnett (History) | Institute for Advanced Study | Visitor - School of Historical Studies
- Stephen G. Burnett (Classics & Religious Studies) | American Philosophical Society | Franklin Grant
- Amy N. Burnett (History) | American Philosophical Society | Sabbatical Fellowship
- Jeffrey L. Day (Architecture & Landscape Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Faculty Design Award
- Bruce I. Dvorak (Civil Engineering) | American Society of Civil Engineers | Samuel Arnold Greeley Award
- Ruqiang Feng (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Fellow
- Amanda A. Gailey (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- James D. Goedert (Construction Engineering) | National Society of Professional Engineers | Fellow
- Roger M. Hoy (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Standards Development Award
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Terry Klopfenstein (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Morrison Award
- George E. Meyer (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Eva B. Schubert (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Richard K. Sutton (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Landscape Architects | Fellow
- Stephen L. Taylor (Food Science & Technology) | Institute of Food Technologists | Babcock-Hart Award
- Timothy Wei (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Timothy Wei (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Fellow
- Wendy Weiss (Textiles, Clothing & Design) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Ronald E. Yoder (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- Herman Batelaan (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Frederick P. Baxendale (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension
- Kirill D. Belashchenko (Physics & Astronomy) | Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement | Cottrell Scholar Awards
- Roger H. Bruning (Educational Psychology) | American Educational Research Association | Fellow
- Ann Chang (Music) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Myra B. Cohen (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Axel Enders (Physics & Astronomy) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- David Forsythe (Political Science) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Thomas G. Franti (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Kurt F. Geisinger (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 5-Jacob Cohen Award for Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring
- Kurt F. Geisinger (Educational Psychology) | American Educational Research Association | Fellow
- Eileen A. Hebets (Biological Sciences) | Animal Behavior Society | Outstanding New Investigator Award
- Tiffany M. Heng-Moss (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | New Holland Young Researcher Award
- Rodger K. Johnson (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Scott J. Josiah (Nebraska Forest Service) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Wendy J. Katz (Art History) | American Antiquarian Society | Jay and Deborah Last Fellowships
- Carole Levin (History) | Sixteenth Century Society and Conference | Bainton Book Prize
- Donald G. Levis (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Yongfeng Lu (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | International Society for Optics and Photonics | Fellow
- Martin A. Massengale (Agronomy) | Gamma Sigma Delta International, the Honor Society of Agriculture and Related Sciences | International Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award
- Victoria J. Molfese (Child, Youth & Family Studies) | American Educational Research Association | Fellow
- Timothy D. Nelson (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 37-Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice-Section on Child Maltreatment Dissertation Award
- Prem S. Paul (Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Donde Plowman (Management / Executive Vice Chancellor & Chief Academic Officer) | Academy of Management | Academy of Management Journal Best Paper Award
- Larkin Powell (Natural Resources) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Kenneth M. Price (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Scholarly Editions and Translations Grant
- Kenneth M. Price (English) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships
- David I. Rosenbaum (Economics) | Council for Advancement and Support of Education | Carnegie Professor of the Year State Winner
- Walter W. Stroup (Statistics) | American Statistical Association | Fellow
- Evgeny Y. Tsymbal (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Ronald E. Yoder (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | PEI Professional Engineer of the Year Award
- Alexandra Basolo (Biological Sciences) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Peter Dowben (Physics & Astronomy) | American Vacuum Society | Fellow
- Matthew B. Dwyer (Computer Science & Engineering) | Association for Computing Machinery | Distinguished Scientist
- Tracy D. Frank (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Eileen A. Hebets (Biological Sciences) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Elvis Heinrichs (Entomology) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Carolyn C. Heitman (Anthropology) | American Philosophical Society | Library Resident Research Fellowship
- Leon G. Higley (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | ESA Founders' Memorial Award
- Yong Rak Kim (Civil Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Stephen E. Lahey (Classics & Religious Studies) | Medieval Academy of America | John Nicholas Brown Prize
- Brian A. Larkins (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Fellow
- Jamie L. Loizzo (Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Sheila E. Purdum (Animal Science) | Poultry Science Association | Helene Cecil Leadership Award
- Peter Z. Revesz (Computer Science & Engineering ) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Joshua S. Steelman (Civil Engineering) | The Masonry Society | Outstanding North American Masonry Conference Paper Awards
- William G. Thomas III (History) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships
- Richard L. Wiener (Psychology) | Association for Psychological Science | Fellow
- Lisong Xu (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Xiao Cheng Zeng (Chemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Stephen C. Behrendt (English) | Keats-Shelley Association of America | Distinguished Scholar Award
- Christian Binek (Physics & Astronomy) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Dawn O. Braithwaite (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Bernard J Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship or Distinguished Service in Family Communication
- Michael C. Brumm (Nebraska Extension) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Soonkyu Chung (Nutrition & Health Sciences) | Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine | Young Investigator Awards
- Parks M. Coble (History) | Institute for Advanced Study | Member - School of Historical Studies
- Sidnie W. Crawford (Classics & Religious Studies) | American Schools of Oriental Research | WF Albright Award
- Andrea Cupp (Animal Science) | Society for the Study of Reproduction | Young Investigator Award
- Andrea Cupp (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Outstanding Young Animal/Dairy Scientist Midwest Section
- Anne E. Duncan (Classics & Religious Studies) | Center for Hellenic Studies | Fellow
- Craig Eckhardt (Chemistry) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Roch E. Gaussoin (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Crop Science Society of America | Fellow
- Suat Irmak (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Richard K. Koelsch (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Standards Development Award
- Richard K. Koelsch (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Carole Levin (History) | Folger Shakespeare Library | National Endowment for the Humanities Long Term Fellowship
- Carole Levin (History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions
- Derrel L. Martin (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Aleidine Moeller (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages | Florence Steiner Awards for Leadership in Foreign Language Education
- Jordan Soliz (Communication Studies) | National Communication Association | Communication and Aging Division/Dissertation Award
- L. Dale Van Vleck (Animal Science) | Gamma Sigma Delta International, the Honor Society of Agriculture and Related Sciences | International Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award
- Curtis L. Weller (Food Science & Technology) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- John A. Woollam (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | American Vacuum Society | Fellow
- Janos Zempleni (Nutrition & Health Sciences) | American Society for Nutrition | Mead Johnson Award
- Mark Balschweid (Agricultural Leadership) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Kenneth A. Bloom (Physics & Astronomy) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Kenneth G. Cassman (Agronomy & Horticulture ) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Charles Francis (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Thomas G. Franti (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Rhonda K. Garelick (Performing Arts & English) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Fellow
- Rhonda K. Garelick (Performing Arts & English) | The Getty Foundation | Visiting Scholars
- Rhonda K. Garelick (Performing Arts & English) | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Fellow
- Roch E. Gaussoin (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Robert M. Harveson (Plant Pathology) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Eileen A. Hebets (Biological Sciences) | Searle Scholars | Scholar
- Gary L. Hein (Entomology) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Scott J. Josiah (Nebraska Forest Service) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Terry Klopfenstein (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Distinguished Teacher Award
- Richard K. Koelsch (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Richard K. Koelsch (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | GB Gunlogson Countryside Engineering Award
- William L. Kranz (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Timothy Mahoney (History) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Daren D. Redfearn (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Forage and Grassland Council | Merit Award
- Loukia K. Sarroub (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | Literacy Research Association | Edward B Fry Book Award
- Charles A. Shapiro (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Susan Sheridan (Educational Psychology) | National Association of School Psychologists | Presidential Award
- Timothy G. Wentz (Construction Management) | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers | Fellow
- Xiao Cheng Zeng (Chemistry) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Peter Dowben (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Sebastian G. Elbaum (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Vanessa B. Gorman (History) | The Classical Association of the Middle West and South | Outstanding Publication Award
- Ronald J. Hanson (Agricultural Economics) | Council for Advancement and Support of Education | Carnegie Professor of the Year State Winner
- Dan R. Hoyt (Sociology) | Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality | Hugo G Beigel Research Award
- Jerry L. Hudgins (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Fellow
- Carole Levin (History) | Folger Shakespeare Library | Short Term Fellowship
- Philip N. Sapirstein (Art History ) | American School of Classical Studies at Athens | Fellow
- Gregory R. Snow (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- Kimberly A. Tyler (Sociology) | Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality | Hugo G Beigel Research Award
- Leslie B. Whitbeck (Sociology) | Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality | Hugo G Beigel Research Award
- Wayne Woldt (Natural Resources) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Xiao Cheng Zeng (Chemistry) | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Fellow
- Alexandra L. Basolo (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society | Young Investigator Award
- Mary Bomberger Brown (Natural Resources) | Cooper Ornithological Society | Harry R Painton Award
- Lory Dance (Sociology) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Thomas G. Franti (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Scott J. Josiah (Nebraska Forest Service) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards
- Stanley Kleppinger (Music Theory) | Society for American Music | Irving Lowens Award for Best Article
- Terry Klopfenstein (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Brian A. Larkins (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Carole Levin (History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions
- Carole Levin (History) | Newberry Library | National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows
- Sally Mackenzie (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Derrel L. Martin (Biological Systems Engineering ) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Fellow
- John H. Rupnow (Food Science & Technology) | Institute of Food Technologists | William V Cruess Award
- Stephen L. Taylor (Food Science & Technology) | Institute of Food Technologists | Bernard L Oser Ingredient Safety Award
- James L. Van Etten (Plant Pathology) | National Academy of Sciences | Member
- Randy L. Wehling (Food Science & Technology) | American Association of Cereal Chemists | Excellence in Teaching Award
- David J. Wishart (Natural Resources) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars
- Berthe Y. Choueiry (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Jeffrey L. Day (Architecture & Landscape Architecture) | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | Faculty Design Award
- Roger W. Elmore (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Terence Foster (Construction Engineering) | National Society of Professional Engineers | Fellow
- Joshua R. Herr (Plant Pathology) | Mycological Society of America | Martin-Baker Award
- Austin J. Lewis (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Mario J. Scalora (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 31-State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs-Karl F. Heiser APA Presidential Award for Advocacy
- William D. Spaulding (Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 31-State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs-Karl F. Heiser APA Presidential Award for Advocacy
- David E. Wilson (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education | Outstanding Writing Award
- Bruce E. Anderson (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Fellow
- Donald F. Becker (Biochemistry) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Stephen C. Behrendt (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- A. John Boye (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | American Society for Engineering Education | Section Outstanding Teaching Award
- David W. Brooks (Chemistry Education) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Stephen Burnett (Classics & Religious Studies) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Edmund ‘Ted’ Hamann (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Anthropological Association | Council on Anthropology and Education-Outstanding Dissertation Awards
- Mark A. Hinchman (Interior Design) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars
- Frances Kaye (English) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- George E. Meyer (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Lowell E. Moser (Agronomy) | Gamma Sigma Delta International, the Honor Society of Agriculture and Related Sciences | International Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award
- John D. Reid (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | SAE International | Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award
- Karl Reinhard (Natural Resources) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Jennifer K. Ryan (Supply Chain Management) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Stephen D. Scott (Computer Science & Engineering) | National Science Foundation | Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
- Stephen L. Taylor (Food Science & Technology) | Thomson Reuters | Highly Cited Researcher
- Andrew Wedeman (Political Science) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Effie F. Athanassopoulos (Anthropology) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Fellow
- A. John Boye (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | Council for Advancement and Support of Education | Carnegie Professor of the Year State Winner
- Kirk Dombrowski (Sociology) | American Philosophical Society | Library Resident Research Fellowship
- James W. Gentry (Marketing) | American Association for Aerosol Research | David Sinclair Award
- Leon G. Higley (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching
- Melissa J. Homestead (English) | American Antiquarian Society | Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship
- Margaret D. Jacobs (History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Faculty Research Awards
- Aleidine Moeller (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages | ACTFL-NYSAFLT Anthony Papalia Award for Excellence in Teacher Education
- Sheila E. Purdum (Animal Science) | Poultry Science Association | American Feed Industry Association Poultry Nutrition Research Award
- Paul E. Read (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society for Horticultural Science | Outstanding Graduate Educator
- William H. Velander (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering) | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering | Fellow
- Azzeddine Azzam (Agricultural Economics) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Stephen G. Burnett (Classics & Religious Studies ) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Fellow
- Kenneth G. Cassman (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Crop Science Society of America | Fellow
- Lisa J. Crockett (Psychology) | Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality | Hugo G Beigel Research Award
- Lory J. Dance (Sociology) | National Academy of Education | Spencer Fellows
- Thomas G. Franti (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional Award
- William Grange (Theatre Studies) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Priscilla Grew (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) | American Geological Institute | Ian Campbell Medal
- Stevan Knezevic (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Society of Agronomy | Syngenta Crop Protection Recognition Award
- Aleidine Moeller (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Association of Teachers of German | Outstanding German Educator Award and Friedrich Gerstacker Travel Grant
- L. Dale Van Vleck (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Regina E. Werum (Sociology) | National Academy of Education | Spencer Fellows
- Ronald E. Yoder (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- D. Allen Ball (Marketing) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Frederick P. Baxendale (Entomology) | Entomological Society of America | Entomological Foundation Recognition Award in Urban Entomology
- Thomas Caramagno (English) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Raymond Chollet (Biochemistry) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Galen E. Erickson (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Purina Mills Research Fellowship Award
- Quentin Faulkner (Music) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Gwendolyn A. Foster (English) | American Association of University Women | AAUW Recognition Award for Emerging Scholars
- Ann Mari May (Economics) | Council for Advancement and Support of Education | Carnegie Professor of the Year State Winner
- Kamlakar P. Rajurkar (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Fellow
- Anne K. Vidaver (Plant Pathology) | American Phytopathological Society | Award of Distinction
- David B. Berkowitz (Chemistry) | Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | Sloan Research Fellowship
- Mary Daly (Textiles, Clothing & Design) | Council for International Exchange of Scholars | Fulbright Scholar Award
- Thomas G. Franti (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Brian A. Larkins (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Dennis Robert Hoagland Award
- R. Wayne Drummond (Architecture) | American Institute of Architects | Fellow
- Melissa J. Homestead (English) | American Antiquarian Society | Kate B and Hall J Peterson Fellowships
- David D. Jones (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Michael F. Kocher (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | Superior Paper Award
- Brian A. Larkins (Agronomy and Horticulture) | National Academy of Sciences | Member
- Anthony Starace (Physics & Astronomy) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Dermot P. Coyne (Horticulture) | Gamma Sigma Delta International, the Honor Society of Agriculture and Related Sciences | International Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award
- Ilya I. Fabrikant (Physics & Astronomy) | American Physical Society | Fellow
- David S. Hage (Chemistry) | American Association for Clinical Chemistry | Outstanding Scientific Achievements by a Young Investigator
- David D. Jones (Biological Systems Engineering) | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | A.W. Farrall Young Educator Award
- George E. Meyer (Biological Systems Engineering) | Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Fellow
- Kamlakar P. Rajurkar (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award
- David J. Wishart (Natural Resources) | Association of American Geographers | John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize
- Stephen G. Burnett (Classics & Religious Studies) | American Society of Church History | The Frank S and Elizabeth D Brewer Prize
- Rhonda K. Garelick (English & Performing Arts) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- Kurt Geisinger (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Fellow
- Susan Sheridan (Educational Psychology) | American Psychological Association | Division 16 - Lightner Witmer Award
- James L. Van Etten (Plant Pathology) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Stephen C. Behrendt (English) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- Kenneth J. Winkle (History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- P. Stephen Baenziger (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Alexandra L. Basolo (Biological Sciences) | American Society of Naturalists | Young Investigators' Award
- Amy N. Burnett (History) | American Society of Church History | The Frank S and Elizabeth D Brewer Prize
- Alison G. Stewart (Art History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- P. Stephen Baenziger (Agronomy & Horticulture) | Crop Science Society of America | Fellow
- Gordon E. Dickerson (Animal Science) | Gamma Sigma Delta International, the Honor Society of Agriculture and Related Sciences | International Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award
- Michael C. Hoff (Art History) | National Endowment for the Humanities | Summer Stipends Awards
- Aleidine Moeller (Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education) | American Association of Teachers of German | Certificate of Merit
- Bruce E. Anderson (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Forage and Grassland Council | Merit Award
- Robert E. Brooke (English) | National Council of Teachers of English | CCCC Richard Braddock Award
- Irvin T. Omtvedt (Animal Science) | American Society of Animal Science | Fellow
- Michael W. Combs (Political Science) | The National Academies | Ford Foundation Fellowships
- James Specht (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Stephen C. Behrendt (English) | American Council of Learned Societies | ACLS Fellow
- Priscilla Grew (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow
- Brian A. Larkins (Agronomy and Horticulture) | American Society of Plant Biologists | Charles Albert Shull Award
- Anthony J. Zera (Biological Sciences) | Society for the Study of Evolution | Theodosius Dobzhansky Prize
- Martin Massengale (Agronomy & Horticulture) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Fellow