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Student Research Days 2025

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Student Research Days 2025

April 2025
(Starts in 4 days!)

Check back soon for updates.

April 15-16

10 a.m. to noon, Nebraska Union

Undergraduate Poster Session

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, the Office of Graduate Studies, and the Office of Research and Innovation will be hosting our annual Student Research Days Poster Sessions and Creative Exhibitions. This is a great opportunity for students to present their research or creative work to the larger UNL community. During registration, presenters can choose to participate in a poster and creative exhibition competition. Awards from the UNL colleges and Honors Program will be available. Most students will present using research posters, but students are also welcome to share their work in other formats if that is more appropriate to their work.


3-5 p.m., Nebraska Union

Graduate Poster Session

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, the Office of Graduate Studies, and the Office of Research and Innovation will be hosting our annual Student Research Days Poster Sessions and Creative Exhibitions. This is a great opportunity for students to present their research or creative work to the larger UNL community. During registration, presenters can choose to participate in a poster and creative exhibition competition. Awards from the UNL colleges and Honors Program will be available. Most students will present using research posters, but students are also welcome to share their work in other formats if that is more appropriate to their work.


April 17

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Nebraska Union

Student Research Days Slam

Are you an undergraduate, graduate student or postdoc engaged in research or creative activity in any field? You are invited to participate in the 2025 Student Research Days Slam. Lunch will be served at 11:30 am, and the Slam competition will follow noon-1 p.m.

The Student Research Days Slam is a campus-wide contest in which undergraduate, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines are challenged to communicate their work in short, dynamic, engaging presentations. This year’s Slam talks will reflect on the prompt: If you could travel into the past or the future to tell people about your research or creative endeavor, where would you go, who would you talk with, and what would you tell them?

Share your work with your peers in a fun and supportive environment, and add a little bling to your resume or C.V.

Apply to be a slammer. The deadline is March 27.

Reserve your seat to cheer on the slammers.