Visit the Federal Research Updates 2025 website for current resources.

For Faculty & Staff

Industry Relations is here to support you and help to develop and advance your industry collaborations and partnerships. 

Connect with Industry

Whether it’s identifying potential industry collaborators or strengthening an existing relationship, Industry Relations can guide you through the partnership process at every turn.

Industry Relations support includes:

  • Connecting with companies of interest for research or other collaboration
  • Providing information about university-industry collaboration and related processes
  • Planning and hosting a company visit to campus
  • Obtaining letters of support

Industry Funding

Financial support from industry can take many forms, we are here to help you navigate those opportunities.

  • Event/Program Sponsorship – Financial support for an event or organization to promote a company.
  • Fee For Service – Contracting on behalf of the university to provide a service to an outside entity.
  • Philanthropic Gifts – A voluntary contribution where no deliverable, benefit, or item is received in exchange.
  • Grants – Financial assistance provided to complete a project which will benefit the public.
  • Sponsored Research – R&D project funding with specified timelines, deliverables and other binding terms & conditions.


Support for Your Collaboration

Industry Relations can be your conduit to securing and building a long-term relationship with a company.

Each interaction with a company is an opportunity to cultivate a partnership and many companies already have some type of historical relationship with the university.

Understanding the dynamics of an existing relationship, if there is one, can help you navigate stumbling blocks and accelerate negotiations. Industry Relations can help you obtain information critical to a lasting relationship management.

Because industry engagement has many dimensions, Industry Relations will connect you with other university team members as needed, such as NUtech, Career Services and the Office of Sponsored Programs.


Industry Relations works closely with the Office of Sponsored Programs, NUtech Ventures and  Business & Finance to negotiate and execute research, service and testing, material transfer, license, data transfer, and confidentiality agreements, as well as master collaboration and affinity partnership agreements to support UNL’s industry collaborations.

We strive to be fair, efficient and transparent in our contractual relationships with industry and ensure that the interests of faculty members and the university are protected.

Have questions about agreements with the university? Contact Industry Relations.

Internal Resources

Various units within the university are involved with industry collaborations.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) – Oversees all aspects of animal use in research and teaching, including protocol review and approval, animal facilities inspections and personnel training.

NUtech Ventures – The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s technology commercialization affiliate.

Research Compliance Services (RCS) – Manages six areas of compliance to include human subjects research, conflicts of interest in research, responsible conduct of research education, export controls and all research misconduct.

Sponsored Programs – Support and guidance in obtaining and managing financial resources, pre-award and post-award services throughout the award life cycle.