The following is a list of current opportunities populated by the Office of Research and Innovation’s Funding Announcements. Funding Announcements is a weekly list of funding opportunities that aims to keep the UNL community informed of limited submission competitions, external funding opportunities, and internal funding opportunities. If you would like to subscribe to Funding Announcements, please contact Jackson Hardin (, funding opportunity coordinator.
Agriculture and Rural Development
Department of Agriculture
Bison Production and Marketing Grant Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support projects that strengthen and enhance the production and marketing of bison and bison products in the United States, including the improvement of business and resource development and the development of innovative approaches to solve long-term needs.
American Floral Endowment
Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation Research Fund
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity seeks grant proposals for research and educational projects in floriculture.
Arts and Humanities
Frankenthaler Climate Initiative
Catalyst, Scoping, and Technical Assistance Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/28/2025
This opportunity provides visual arts institutions with the support and guidance required to undertake ambitious sustainability and energy efficiency initiatives.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/09/2025
This opportunity seeks individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional humanistic research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Applications must clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.
Department of the Interior
Historic Preservation Fund – Semiquincentennial Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity will support the physical preservation of a broad variety of cultural resources associated with the founding of America as a nation in commemoration of the country’s semiquincentennial.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
This opportunity seeks to strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at institutions of higher education by developing new or improving existing humanities programs, educational resources, or coursework.
South Arts
Jazz Road Creative Residencies
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks provide financial support for professional jazz artists from across the United States in self-defined residency activities that advance their artistry, creative exploration, community engagement, and lifework in jazz.
Provincetown Art Association and Museum
Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity seeks to promote public awareness of and a commitment to American art and to encourage interest in painters who lack adequate recognition.
American Council of Learned Societies
Luce/ACLS Collaborative Grant in China Studies
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 04/01/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/11/2025
This opportunity is offering a collaborative grant for innovative pilot activities that initiate long-term transformative change in the field of China studies.
Department of the Interior
Preservation Planning Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity aims to support a variety of projects that contribute to the preservation and interpretation of historic battlefields and associated sites of armed conflict on American soil.
The Decorative Arts Trust
Publishing Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
These opportunities seek to support publications tackling the broad context of the Americas and to encourage projects that advance diversity in the study of American decorative arts and material culture.
National Endowment for the Humanities
State and Impact of the Humanities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/16/2025
This opportunity aims to expand our understanding of the role that the humanities play in private, public, and scholarly life by supporting data-grounded research studies that investigate the state, impact, and value of the humanities in the United States.
The American Library in Paris
Visiting Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity offers writers, researchers, and creators the unique opportunity to spend a month in Paris working independently on their own creative project while contributing to the cultural life of the Library.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks to promote awareness and use of employment research findings and products to improve practices, services, policies, and systems that support improved employment outcomes of people with disabilities.
Department of Health and Human Services
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program: RERC on Communication Technologies
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies designed to solve rehabilitation problems or remove environmental barriers for people with disabilities.
Conservation and the Environment
Department of Commerce
Broad Agency Announcement Type: Initial
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/30/2026
This Broad Agency Announcement is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s competitive discretionary programs.
Proposals are accepted at any time.
National Science Foundation
Life and Environments Through Time
This program supports research that advances knowledge about the patterns and processes relating to the origin and evolution of Earth’s climate, environments, life, and sedimentary record.
Proposals can be submitted at any time.
Department of the Interior
Partners for Fish and Wildlife
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/30/2025
This program helps private landowners restore and protect habitats for fish and wildlife. It offers both technical assistance and financial support, mainly through cooperative agreements.
National Science Foundation
Partnership to Advance Conservation Science and Practice
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity aims to support conservation research that investigates organismal biology, ecology, and/or evolution and is designed to contribute to the development and implementation of evidence-based activities and/or technology solutions to advance biodiversity conservation.
Department of the Interior
Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation; Applied Science Projects
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/21/2025
This opportunity seeks the development of new reclamation science and technology to address environmental issues related to the mining of coal and reclamation of the land after mining.
National Science Foundation
Structure and Physics of the Solid Earth
This aims to advance fundamental knowledge about the ongoing dynamical processes over the age of the Earth that evolve the structure of planet Earth and underpin geohazards.
Proposals can be submitted at any time.
National Science Foundation
Water, Landscape, and Critical Zone Processes
This program supports research on the Earth’s near-surface environment and how that environment responds to change.
Proposals can be submitted at any time.
Department of the Interior
WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase I
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/20/2025
This opportunity provides funding to watershed groups to encourage diverse stakeholders to form local solutions to address their water management needs.
Department of Defense
Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling for the Greater Enterprise
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to mature and scale Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling as an enterprise capability while fostering a vibrant community of users, developers, and maintainers contributing to its evolution.
Department of Defense
Bilateral Academic Research Initiative Program – Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/30/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/29/2025
This opportunity seeks to produce significant scientific breakthroughs and knowledge that will be critical steps in enabling revolutions in robotics technology and stimulate the emergence of new industries.
Department of Defense
Chemistries and monoLayers for Anti-aging Kinematics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/14/2025
This opportunity aims to develop methods to extend the lifetime of inertial sensors by covering or eliminating sensor surface and structural defects that can get worse with time.
Department of Defense
Compositional Optimization, Dynamical Systems and Control University Center of Excellence
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/21/2025
This opportunity seeks a fundamental, fresh formulation of dynamical systems and optimization that is inherently hierarchical/heterarchical and modular, addressing how approximation error, measures of optimality, robustness, uncertainty, and more propagate across problem composition, distribution, and decentralization.
Department of Defense
Defense University Research Instrumentation Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/25/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals from universities to purchase equipment and instrumentation in support of research and research-related education in areas of interest to the Department of Defense.
Department of Defense
Department of the Navy Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education and Workforce Program
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/11/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/29/2025
This opportunity seeks applications aimed at enhancing existing solutions or developing innovative approaches to maintain and cultivate a world-class Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics workforce.
Department of Defense
Engineer Research and Development Center Broad Agency Announcement
This broad agency announcement seeks research for various development topic areas, including hydraulics, dredging, coastal engineering, instrumentation, oceanography, remote sensing, geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, soil effects, vehicle mobility, self-contained munitions, military engineering, geophysics, pavements, protective structures, aquatic plants, water quality, dredged material, treatment of hazardous waste, wetlands, physical/mechanical/chemical properties of snow and other frozen precipitation, infrastructure and environmental issues for installations, computer science, telecommunications management, energy, facilities maintenance, materials and structures, engineering processes, environmental processes, land and heritage conservation, and ecological processes.
Pre-applications are accepted at any time. Full applications may be submitted by invitation only.
Department of Defense
INnovations in Qubit Science for Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing Program
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/12/2025
This opportunity seeks basic research into solid-state qubits for quantum computing at various stages of maturity. Qubits of interest may support one or more of the required functions in a fault-tolerant quantum computing system. These functions may include but are not limited to data processing, memory storage, communication, spectator roles, or measurement.
Department of Defense
Long Range Broad Agency Announcement for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/30/2025
This opportunity is interested in receiving proposals for long-range science and technology projects that offer potential for advancement and improvement of Navy and Marine Corps operations.
Proposals may be submitted at any time until September 30, 2025.
Department of Defense
Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/02/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/05/2025
This opportunity supports basic research in science and engineering focusing on multidisciplinary research efforts where more than one traditional discipline interacts to provide rapid advances in scientific areas of interest to the Department of Defense.
Department of Defense
PFAS Destruction
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/21/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop and demonstrate efficient, environmentally compatible, cost efficient mobile and static technologies and systems for the receipt and processing of inputs containing solid- and liquid-phase per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS species into end products containing chemical species that have low to no environmental impact.
Full proposals may be submitted by invitation only.
Department of Defense
Reclaiming Bus-based Systems During Compromise
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/10/2025
This opportunity will explore algorithms to construct self-healing systems by retrofitting firmware for individual components on a bus to function as forensic sensors that collectively monitor peers to detect, repair, and inoculate on-system during a cyber-attack.
Department of Defense
The Right Space
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to systematically discover new, insightful representations that enable solving Department of Defense-relevant modeling problems better and faster and find and analyze the limits of validity of these transformations.
Education and Outreach
Department of Justice
Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity seeks to support state, local, and tribal law enforcement and correctional entities to develop and implement crisis response training programs.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Employment (Development)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity seeks development projects aimed at improving employment outcomes among people with disabilities. Grantees must use knowledge and understanding gained from research to create materials, devices, systems, methods, measures, techniques, tools, prototypes, processes, or intervention protocols that are beneficial to the target population.
Department of Health and Human Services
Enhancing State No Wrong Door Systems for Efficient Access to Long-Term Services and Supports
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to support state efforts to modernize access to long-term services and supports through the No Wrong Door System to make it easier for individuals in need of long-term services and supports to connect to existing community resources.
Department of Agriculture
McGovern-Dole International Food For Education and Child Nutrition Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/18/2025
This opportunity seeks to carry out: 1) school and preschool food for education programs in foreign countries to improve food security, reduce the incidence of hunger, and improve literacy and primary education, particularly with respect to girls; and 2) maternal, infant, and child nutrition programs for pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and children who are five years of age or younger.
Spencer Foundation
Research Grants on Education: Small
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/16/2025
This opportunity supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years.
Brady Education Foundation
Research Project and Existing Program Evaluation Proposals
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/01/2025
These opportunities seek to improve educational outcomes for children, including those living in low-income communities, and promote collaboration among researchers, educators, and other stakeholders.
Department of Commerce
Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/14/2025
This opportunity is seeking applications for activities to develop undergraduate and/or graduate level curricula to incorporate documentary standards, standards development, and standardization information and content into seminars, modules, courses, and learning resources.
Department of Education
Supporting Effective Educator Development Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity provides funding to increase the number of highly effective educators by supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices that prepare, develop, or enhance the skills of educators.
Department of Education
Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to promote academic achievement and improve results for children with disabilities by providing technical assistance, supporting model demonstration projects, disseminating useful information, and implementing activities that are supported by scientifically based research.
National Science Foundation
Translation and Diffusion
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity addresses issues of translation and diffusion that arise in moving knowledge gained from fundamental learning and education research toward application in PreK-12 STEM classroom practice or leveraging knowledge derived from effective practice toward driving fundamental research.
Engineering and Technology
Department of Energy
Aligning Manufacturability & Pre-production Design for Storage Technologies
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to facilitate innovative energy storage technology material, subcomponent, component, or system pre-production design to improve the manufacturability of one or more energy storage technologies.
Aluminum Extruders Council
Aluminum Extrusion Student Design Competition
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/24/2025
This opportunity invites students interested in product design, industrial design, design engineering, manufacturing, and other fields from around the world to share their vision for the future using aluminum extrusions.
Department of Energy
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Accelerating CO2 Conversion Technology Development and Deployment: Biological, Catalytic, and Mineralization Pathways
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/11/2025
This opportunity seeks to advance the pilot scale testing of carbon conversion technologies with high technology readiness level (TRL > 5) capable of achieving significant carbon mitigation via biological, catalytic, or mineralization pathways.
Department of Energy
Call for Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science Research Proposals with Atmospheric Radiation Measurement and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory,linkedin&utm_medium=Mailchimp&utm_content=1734714397
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to encourage and enable ambitious research projects integrating the expertise and capabilities of multiple user facilities. Proposed research should investigate aerosol processes, aerosol–cloud interactions, or land–atmosphere processes over rural, urban, and coastal areas, toward improved Earth system models and mechanistic representations of these processes.
Department of Energy
Call for FICUS EMSL-JGI Research Proposals
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/01/2025
This opportunity seeks high-risk/high-payoff activities within the focus topic areas of biofuels, biomaterials, and bioproducts; hydro-biogeochemistry; and novel applications of molecular techniques.
Department of Energy
Call for Large-Scale Research Proposals
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks leading-edge research activities to advance scientific understanding in each of the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory’s Science Areas and that align with the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program.
National Science Foundation
Collaborations in Artificial Intelligence and Geosciences
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to advance the development and adoption of innovative artificial intelligence methods to increase scientific understanding of the Earth system.
National Science Foundation
Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This program seeks to advance scientific discovery and innovation by enhancing the security and privacy of cyberinfrastructure.
Department of Energy
Energy Storage Innovations Prize Round 2
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/21/2025
This opportunity aims to gain insights on niche markets and inform the Department of Energy’s strategy on transformative energy storage technologies to accelerate grid modernization for all consumers, while achieving needed reliability, affordability, and energy security.
National Science Foundation
Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable Open Science
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/09/2025
This opportunity seeks to support socio-technical, collaborative, and sustainable findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable (FAIR) research data management capabilities facilitating the advancement of open science within and across multiple research domains while also incorporating FAIR Principles, Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics Principles for Indigenous Data Governance, and The Transparency, Responsibility, User Focus, Sustainability and Technology Principles for digital repositories.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
LunaRecycle Challenge
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity is focused on the design and development of recycling solutions that can reduce solid waste and improve the sustainability of longer-term lunar missions.
Department of Energy
Maximizing Algal System Yield
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/15/2025
This opportunity seeks to support high-impact, applied research and development focused on relieving “pinch points” in algal system cultivation and preprocessing, with the goal of improving process economics for biofuels and/or bioproducts.
Department of Energy
Nuclear Science and Engineering Consortium for Nonproliferation
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks to direct-fund basic research at universities that complements applied research in nuclear nonproliferation at the DOE National Laboratories. This includes foundational disciplines of nuclear physics, science and engineering, radiation detection, nuclear material science, radiochemistry, and mass spectrometry.
Department of Health and Human Services
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program: RERC on Rehabilitation Technologies for Children with Orthopedic Disabilities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/19/2025
This opportunity seeks to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies that are designed to solve particular rehabilitation problems or to remove environmental barriers for people with disabilities.
Department of Energy
Safe Lithium-Ion Battery Development
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop a lithium-ion battery as a backup energy storage system capable of providing 2.4 MW*hrs of usable energy throughout life.
National Science Foundation
Security, Privacy, and Trust in Cyberspace
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/29/2025
This opportunity aims to build trust in all aspects of global cyber ecosystems. Trust can assume different meanings according to the context but, for the purposes of this solicitation, is broadly defined to include concepts covering security, privacy, and resilience of cyberspace, particularly in the face of malicious intent and specific threats. This opportunity welcomes proposals that address trust in cyberspace that draw on expertise in one or more of these areas: computer and information science and engineering; education; mathematics; statistics; and social, behavioral, and economic sciences.
National Science Foundation
Strengthening American Infrastructure
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to stimulate human-centered, use-inspired, fundamental and potentially transformative research aimed at strengthening America’s infrastructure.
Department of Energy
Vehicle Technology Office Program Wide
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/18/2025
This opportunity seeks applications to address improved battery technology for both light- and heavy-duty applications, smart charging infrastructure, sustainable farming, workforce development, and demonstration and deployment of these and other new innovative technologies.
External Funding Opportunities
National Institutes of Health
Accelerating the Pace of Substance Use Research Using Existing Data (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 06/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/17/2025
This opportunity seeks applications proposing innovative analysis of existing social science, behavioral, administrative, and neuroimaging data to study the etiology and epidemiology of substance using behaviors (defined as alcohol, tobacco, prescription, and other substances) and related disorders, prevention of substance use and HIV, and health service utilization.
Department of Defense
Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling for the Greater Enterprise
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to mature and scale Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling as an enterprise capability while fostering a vibrant community of users, developers, and maintainers contributing to its evolution.
National Institutes of Health
Advanced-Stage Development and Utilization of Research Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Aging Studies (R33 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/02/2025
This opportunity seeks applications that propose to support advanced-stage development and utilization of novel research infrastructure to advance the science of aging in specific areas requiring interdisciplinary partnerships or collaborations.
Department of Energy
Aligning Manufacturability & Pre-production Design for Storage Technologies
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to facilitate innovative energy storage technology material, subcomponent, component, or system pre-production design to improve the manufacturability of one or more energy storage technologies.
Aluminum Extruders Council
Aluminum Extrusion Student Design Competition
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/24/2025
This opportunity invites students interested in product design, industrial design, design engineering, manufacturing, and other fields from around the world to share their vision for the future using aluminum extrusions.
National Science Foundation
Antarctic Research Not Requiring U.S. Antarctic Program Field Support
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This solicitation supports research that advances understanding of the biota and physical systems operating in the Antarctic region and adjacent seas primarily through laboratory, modeling, and theoretical work encompassing terrestrial, marine, cryospheric, atmospheric, and space settings.
National Science Foundation
Antarctic Research Requiring U.S. Antarctic Program Support for Fieldwork
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity supports research that advances understanding of the biota and physical systems operating in the Antarctic region and adjacent seas. The program focuses on research that must be performed, or is best performed, in Antarctica and requires logistical support from the U.S. Antarctic Program.
Organization for Autism Research
Applied Research Competition
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/14/2025
This opportunity seeks to fund studies that expand the body of knowledge related to autism intervention and treatment, produce practical and clearly objective results, have the potential to positively affect public policy, and provide outcomes that offer to enhance the quality of life for persons with autism and their families.
Department of Health and Human Services
Autism Research Consortium
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/23/2025
This opportunity seeks to advance the evidence base on effective interventions, services, supports, and systems for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities across the lifespan.
Department of Defense
Bilateral Academic Research Initiative Program – Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/30/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/29/2025
This opportunity seeks to produce significant scientific breakthroughs and knowledge that will be critical steps in enabling revolutions in robotics technology and stimulate the emergence of new industries.
Department of Defense
BioElectronics to Sense and Treat
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop an automated bioelectronic smart bandage that can predict, prevent, and treat wound infections and be deployed at all levels of military medical care including on the battlefield.
Department of Energy
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Accelerating CO2 Conversion Technology Development and Deployment: Biological, Catalytic, and Mineralization Pathways
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/11/2025
This opportunity seeks to advance the pilot scale testing of carbon conversion technologies with high technology readiness level (TRL > 5) capable of achieving significant carbon mitigation via biological, catalytic, or mineralization pathways.
Department of Agriculture
Bison Production and Marketing Grant Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support projects that strengthen and enhance the production and marketing of bison and bison products in the United States, including the improvement of business and resource development and the development of innovative approaches to solve long-term needs.
National Institutes of Health
BRAIN Initiative: Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization – Next Generation Sensor Technology Development (U01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/13/2025
This opportunity is intended to support the development of next generation sensor technologies and bioelectronic devices to further the goals of the Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization program of the National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative.
National Institutes of Health
BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early-Stage Research for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/17/2025
This opportunity seeks applications for unique and innovative recording and/or modulation technologies that are in the earliest stage of development, including new and untested ideas that are in the initial stages of conceptualization.
National Institutes of Health
BRAIN Initiative: Optimization of Instrumentation and Device Technologies for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (U01 – Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/03/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity seeks applications to optimize instrumentation and device technologies for recording and modulation of neural cells and circuits to address major challenges and enable transformative understanding of dynamic signaling in the central nervous system.
Department of Commerce
Broad Agency Announcement Type: Initial
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/30/2026
This Broad Agency Announcement is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s competitive discretionary programs.
Proposals are accepted at any time.
National Institutes of Health
Broad Spectrum Products Against Multiple Neurotoxin Botulinum Serotypes (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to support the development of improved products for treating Botulinum Neurotoxin intoxication.
Department of Energy
Call for Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science Research Proposals with Atmospheric Radiation Measurement and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory,linkedin&utm_medium=Mailchimp&utm_content=1734714397
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to encourage and enable ambitious research projects integrating the expertise and capabilities of multiple user facilities. Proposed research should investigate aerosol processes, aerosol–cloud interactions, or land–atmosphere processes over rural, urban, and coastal areas, toward improved Earth system models and mechanistic representations of these processes.
Department of Energy
Call for FICUS EMSL-JGI Research Proposals
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/01/2025
This opportunity seeks high-risk/high-payoff activities within the focus topic areas of biofuels, biomaterials, and bioproducts; hydro-biogeochemistry; and novel applications of molecular techniques.
Department of Energy
Call for Large-Scale Research Proposals
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks leading-edge research activities to advance scientific understanding in each of the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory’s Science Areas and that align with the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program.
American Cancer Society
Cancer Health Equity Research Centers
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/01/2025
This opportunity seeks solution-based research addressing cancer health disparities that will enable fair and just opportunities to prevent, detect, and survive cancer for everyone.
American Cancer Society
Cancer Research Opportunities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/01/2025
These opportunities are seeking proposals aimed at advancing cancer research.
Frankenthaler Climate Initiative
Catalyst, Scoping, and Technical Assistance Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/28/2025
This opportunity provides visual arts institutions with the support and guidance required to undertake ambitious sustainability and energy efficiency initiatives.
National Institutes of Health
Cellular Models of HIV Pathogenesis within National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Mission Areas (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/20/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/20/2025
invites applications that are focused on developing, using, and/or improving cellular models that recapitulate critical aspects of normal human physiology, such as microphysiological systems, organoids, and other three-dimensional models, to explore the interaction of HIV with tissues and processes within National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases’ mission areas.
National Institutes of Health
Chemical Countermeasures Research Program Initiative: Basic Research on The Deleterious Effects of Acute Exposure to Ultra-Potent Synthetic Opioids (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 10/19/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 11/18/2025
This opportunity will support research towards understanding and mitigating the deleterious effects of acute exposure to Ultra-Potent Synthetic opioids (e.g., fentanyl, carfentanil, nitazenes) and their combinations (e.g., fentanyl and xylazine).
Department of Defense
Chemistries and monoLayers for Anti-aging Kinematics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/14/2025
This opportunity aims to develop methods to extend the lifetime of inertial sensors by covering or eliminating sensor surface and structural defects that can get worse with time.
National Science Foundation
Collaborations in Artificial Intelligence and Geosciences
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to advance the development and adoption of innovative artificial intelligence methods to increase scientific understanding of the Earth system.
Department of Justice
Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity seeks to support state, local, and tribal law enforcement and correctional entities to develop and implement crisis response training programs.
National Institutes of Health
Collaborative Research Using Biosamples and/or Data from Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Studies (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/26/2025
This opportunity seeks applications for studies of type 1 diabetes etiology and pathogenesis using data and samples from clinical trials and studies. This opportunity is intended to fund investigative teams collaborating to answer important questions about disease mechanisms leading to improved delay and durable prevention of type 1 diabetes.
National Institutes of Health
Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Interdisciplinary Research Units (P01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/24/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support multidisciplinary, collaborative research programs focused on improving our understanding of bacterial and host factors important for antibiotic resistance and infection by bacterial pathogens for which antibiotic resistance is a known public health concern to inform new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat antibiotic-resistant infections.
National Institutes of Health
Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Interdisciplinary Research Units (P01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support multidisciplinary, collaborative research programs focused on improving our understanding of bacterial and host factors important for antibiotic resistance and infection by bacterial pathogens for which antibiotic resistance is a known public health concern to inform new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat antibiotic-resistant infections.
Department of Defense
Compositional Optimization, Dynamical Systems and Control University Center of Excellence
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/21/2025
This opportunity seeks a fundamental, fresh formulation of dynamical systems and optimization that is inherently hierarchical/heterarchical and modular, addressing how approximation error, measures of optimality, robustness, uncertainty, and more propagate across problem composition, distribution, and decentralization.
National Science Foundation
Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This program seeks to advance scientific discovery and innovation by enhancing the security and privacy of cyberinfrastructure.
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Damon Runyon Fellowship Award
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity supports theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for its causes, mechanisms, therapies, and prevention.
Department of Defense
Defense University Research Instrumentation Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/25/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals from universities to purchase equipment and instrumentation in support of research and research-related education in areas of interest to the Department of Defense.
Department of Defense
Department of the Navy Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education and Workforce Program
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/11/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/29/2025
This opportunity seeks applications aimed at enhancing existing solutions or developing innovative approaches to maintain and cultivate a world-class Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics workforce.
Department of Transportation
Developing Pedestrian Realistic Artificial Datasets
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to determine the availability of pedestrian counts and data gaps for pedestrian research to develop crash modification factors and to develop a realistic artificial dataset of pedestrian volume for different roadway types.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks to promote awareness and use of employment research findings and products to improve practices, services, policies, and systems that support improved employment outcomes of people with disabilities.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Employment (Development)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity seeks development projects aimed at improving employment outcomes among people with disabilities. Grantees must use knowledge and understanding gained from research to create materials, devices, systems, methods, measures, techniques, tools, prototypes, processes, or intervention protocols that are beneficial to the target population.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Employment (Research)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity seeks projects aimed at improving employment outcomes among people with disabilities. In carrying out a research project under this program, a grantee must identify one or more hypotheses or research questions and, based on the hypotheses or research questions identified, perform an intensive, systematic study directed toward producing 1) new or full scientific knowledge or 2) understanding of the subject or problem studied.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Research on Healthcare Policy and Disability
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity seeks to generate new knowledge about the effect of evolving healthcare policies on health and function, community living and participation, or employment outcomes of people with disabilities.
National Institutes of Health
Discovery and Development of Natural Products for Cancer Interception and Prevention (UG3/UH3 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/13/2025
The National Cancer Institute intends to support the discovery and development of novel natural products that are safe, non-toxic, and efficacious for cancer interception and prevention.
AccessLex Institute
Diversity Pathway Intervention Grant Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/25/2025
This opportunity provides funding to programs and initiatives aimed at helping college students and/or college graduates from historically underrepresented groups successfully matriculate into law school and the legal profession.
Thrasher Research Fund
Early Career Awards
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/08/2025
This opportunity seeks to encourage the development of researchers in child health by awarding small grants to new researchers, helping them gain a foothold in this important area.
Department of Energy
Early Career Research Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/22/2025
This opportunity seeks to support the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and to stimulate research careers in the areas supported by Office of Science.
National Institutes of Health
Elucidating Immunometabolic Responses to HIV Infection that Increase Tuberculosis or Hepatitis B Virus Risk (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity aims to support research to define how HIV-driven alterations to immunometabolism affect immune cell regulation, cell-cell interactions, response to treatment, and, ultimately, tuberculosis and hepatitis B virus disease progression.
Department of Energy
Energy Storage Innovations Prize Round 2
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/21/2025
This opportunity aims to gain insights on niche markets and inform the Department of Energy’s strategy on transformative energy storage technologies to accelerate grid modernization for all consumers, while achieving needed reliability, affordability, and energy security.
Department of Defense
Engineer Research and Development Center Broad Agency Announcement
This broad agency announcement seeks research for various development topic areas, including hydraulics, dredging, coastal engineering, instrumentation, oceanography, remote sensing, geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, soil effects, vehicle mobility, self-contained munitions, military engineering, geophysics, pavements, protective structures, aquatic plants, water quality, dredged material, treatment of hazardous waste, wetlands, physical/mechanical/chemical properties of snow and other frozen precipitation, infrastructure and environmental issues for installations, computer science, telecommunications management, energy, facilities maintenance, materials and structures, engineering processes, environmental processes, land and heritage conservation, and ecological processes.
Pre-applications are accepted at any time. Full applications may be submitted by invitation only.
National Institutes of Health
Enhancing Mechanistic Research on Precision Probiotic Therapies (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity aims to support highly innovative mechanistic research to accelerate the development of effective precision probiotic interventions using a milestone-driven, biphasic award mechanism.
Department of Health and Human Services
Enhancing State No Wrong Door Systems for Efficient Access to Long-Term Services and Supports
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to support state efforts to modernize access to long-term services and supports through the No Wrong Door System to make it easier for individuals in need of long-term services and supports to connect to existing community resources.
National Institutes of Health
Exploratory Studies to Investigate Mechanisms of HIV infection, Replication, Latency, and/or Pathogenesis in the Context of Substance Use Disorders (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 07/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/14/2025
This opportunity will support high-risk, high-impact studies that 1) develop or apply novel tools or technologies or 2) test novel hypotheses to investigate mechanistic questions in HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis (including neuroHIV) in the context of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).
National Endowment for the Humanities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/09/2025
This opportunity seeks individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional humanistic research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Applications must clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.
National Institutes of Health
Final Innovative Solutions Opening ARPA-H Rare Disease Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Precision Integrated Diagnostics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/11/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop novel diagnostic support tools for population-scale rare disease detection, systematically identifying and diagnosing rare disease patients more efficiently and accurately.
National Science Foundation
Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable Open Science
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/09/2025
This opportunity seeks to support socio-technical, collaborative, and sustainable findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable (FAIR) research data management capabilities facilitating the advancement of open science within and across multiple research domains while also incorporating FAIR Principles, Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics Principles for Indigenous Data Governance, and The Transparency, Responsibility, User Focus, Sustainability and Technology Principles for digital repositories.
American Floral Endowment
Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation Research Fund
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity seeks grant proposals for research and educational projects in floriculture.
Department of Justice
Graduate Research Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/15/2025
This opportunity provides grants to accredited academic institutions to support outstanding doctoral students whose dissertation research has direct implications for preventing and controlling crime, advancing knowledge of victimization and effective victim services, or ensuring the fair and impartial administration of criminal or juvenile justice in the United States.
International Foundation for Ethical Research
Graduate Student Fellowships for Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Science
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/30/2025
This opportunity supports projects that advance the development, validation, or implementation of human-relevant, non-animal methodologies in research, testing, or education.
Full Applications may be submitted by invitation only.
National Institutes of Health
High Impact, Interdisciplinary Science in National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Research Areas (RC2 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/03/2025
This opportunity aims to support high impact ideas that may lay the foundation for new fields of investigation within the mission of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
National Institutes of Health
High-End Instrumentation Grant Program (S10 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity encourages applications from groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-end, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated systems. The minimum award is $750,001. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $2,000,000.
National Institutes of Health
High-Priority Research in Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/06/2025
This opportunity seeks to support new high-priority biomedical and behavioral research that will provide scientific data to inform the regulation of tobacco products to protect public health.
Department of the Interior
Historic Preservation Fund – Semiquincentennial Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity will support the physical preservation of a broad variety of cultural resources associated with the founding of America as a nation in commemoration of the country’s semiquincentennial.
National Institutes of Health
HIV Prevention and Alcohol (R01 – Clinical Trials Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to expand the HIV/AIDS prevention toolkit among alcohol impacted populations with a range of patterns of episodic and long-term use and associated behavioral and biological risks for HIV acquisition.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
This opportunity seeks to strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at institutions of higher education by developing new or improving existing humanities programs, educational resources, or coursework.
National Institutes of Health
In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains Exhibiting Embryonic or Perinatal Lethality or Subviability (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/05/2025
This opportunity seeks to: 1) to encourage submission of applications to do more in-depth phenotyping on investigator-selected cohorts of embryonic lethal or subviable Knockout (KO) mouse strains generated by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) of which the National Institutes of Health Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program is a member; and, 2) to encourage submission of applications to use investigator-selected embryonic lethal, perinatal lethal, or subviable IMPC-generated KO mouse strains in hypothesis-driven research focused on placental defects, structural birth defects, and/or fertility issues.
National Science Foundation
Infrastructure Capacity for Biological Research
The Infrastructure Capacity for Biology (Capacity) Program supports the scaling of or major improvements to research tools, products, and services that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences at the National Science Foundation. The Capacity Program focuses on building capacity in research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to a wide range of researchers in three programmatic areas: Cyberinfrastructure, Biological Collections, and Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories.
Proposals are accepted at any time.
National Science Foundation
Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research
The Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research (Innovation) Program supports research to design novel or greatly improved research tools and methods that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Biological Sciences Directorate at the National Science Foundation. The Innovation Program focuses on research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to researchers in three programmatic areas: Bioinformatics, Instrumentation, and Research Methods.
Proposals are accepted at any time.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Innovations for Gram-Negative Antibiotic Discovery
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity encourages the discovery of antibiotics with broad spectrum activity against Enterobacteriaceae, using Klebsiella spp. as the pathogen to initiate a discovery program.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Innovations for Gram-Negative Antibiotic Discovery
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity focuses on the discovery of antibiotics with broad spectrum activity against Enterobacteriaceae, using Klebsiella spp. as the pathogen to initiate a discovery program.
Department of Defense
INnovations in Qubit Science for Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing Program
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/12/2025
This opportunity seeks basic research into solid-state qubits for quantum computing at various stages of maturity. Qubits of interest may support one or more of the required functions in a fault-tolerant quantum computing system. These functions may include but are not limited to data processing, memory storage, communication, spectator roles, or measurement.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Innovative Data and Modeling Approaches to Measure Women’s Health
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity seeks innovative modeling approaches that rethink how women’s health is measured, using available data, or easily obtainable, in new ways to provide a more holistic and actionable understanding of health outcomes.
National Institutes of Health
Innovative Molecular and Cellular Analysis Technologies for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research (R61 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks exploratory research projects focused on the inception and early-stage development of highly innovative technologies with new or improved capabilities for targeting, probing, or assessing molecular and cellular features of cancer biology.
National Institutes of Health
Innovative Research in Cancer Nanotechnology (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/05/2025
This opportunity encourages applications promoting transformative discoveries in cancer biology and/or oncology through the use of nanotechnology.
Department of Justice
Intellectual Property Enforcement Program: Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Economy from Counterfeit Goods and Product Piracy
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/03/2025
This opportunity seeks to support law enforcement agencies that have an intellectual property enforcement task force or plan to create one.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Interdisciplinary Social Science Research on Energy System Interactions in the United States
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity supports research, training, networking, and dissemination efforts to inform the societal transition toward low-carbon energy systems in the United States by investigating economic, environmental, technological, and distributional issues.
South Arts
Jazz Road Creative Residencies
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
This opportunity seeks provide financial support for professional jazz artists from across the United States in self-defined residency activities that advance their artistry, creative exploration, community engagement, and lifework in jazz.
National Institutes of Health
Laboratory Flexible Funding Model
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to enhance the capacity and capabilities of state human and animal food testing laboratories in support of an integrated food safety system.
International Center for Responsible Gaming
Large Grant
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 04/04/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/18/2025
This opportunity seeks to support research investigating gambling disorder and responsible gambling.
National Science Foundation
Life and Environments Through Time
This program supports research that advances knowledge about the patterns and processes relating to the origin and evolution of Earth’s climate, environments, life, and sedimentary record.
Proposals can be submitted at any time.
Provincetown Art Association and Museum
Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity seeks to promote public awareness of and a commitment to American art and to encourage interest in painters who lack adequate recognition.
Department of Defense
Long Range Broad Agency Announcement for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/30/2025
This opportunity is interested in receiving proposals for long-range science and technology projects that offer potential for advancement and improvement of Navy and Marine Corps operations.
Proposals may be submitted at any time until September 30, 2025.
American Psychological Foundation
Lorraine D. Eyde Fund Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/27/2025
This opportunity seeks to sponsor research investigating issues surrounding the ethical and professional use of psychological tests.
American Council of Learned Societies
Luce/ACLS Collaborative Grant in China Studies
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 04/01/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/11/2025
This opportunity is offering a collaborative grant for innovative pilot activities that initiate long-term transformative change in the field of China studies.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
LunaRecycle Challenge
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity is focused on the design and development of recycling solutions that can reduce solid waste and improve the sustainability of longer-term lunar missions.
Mathilde Krim Fellowships in Biomedical Research
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 03/27/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/13/2025
This opportunity seeks to facilitate the exceptional postdoctoral researcher’s transition to an independent career in HIV/AIDS research within an academic institution or nonprofit organization, support up to two years of postdoctoral biomedical HIV research, and provide the possibility of one additional year of research funding during the first year of an independent research position at an academic institution or nonprofit organization.
Registrations must be submitted no later than 3:00 PM EDT on March 19, 2025.
Department of Energy
Maximizing Algal System Yield
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/15/2025
This opportunity seeks to support high-impact, applied research and development focused on relieving “pinch points” in algal system cultivation and preprocessing, with the goal of improving process economics for biofuels and/or bioproducts.
Department of Agriculture
McGovern-Dole International Food For Education and Child Nutrition Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/18/2025
This opportunity seeks to carry out: 1) school and preschool food for education programs in foreign countries to improve food security, reduce the incidence of hunger, and improve literacy and primary education, particularly with respect to girls; and 2) maternal, infant, and child nutrition programs for pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and children who are five years of age or younger.
National Institutes of Health
Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Substance Use Research (R21 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/05/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/05/2025
This opportunity will support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in priority areas in substance use epidemiology, prevention, and health services
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Metascience and AI Postdoctoral Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/10/2025
This opportunity seeks to support early career researchers in the social sciences and humanities (with particular emphasis on philosophy, sociology of science, and metascience) who are interested in building a career in understanding the implications of artificial intelligence for the science and research ecosystem.
National Institutes of Health
Microglial Pathophysiology in Comorbid Substance Use Disorder and HIV (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 07/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/14/2025
Department of Health and Human Services
Modeling Infectious Diseases in Healthcare to Improve Pathogen Prevention and Healthcare Delivery
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/19/2025
This opportunity seeks to support development of innovative and applied mathematical models and computational tools for: 1) modeling the spread of pathogens in healthcare settings, for example, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistant organisms (AROs); 2) predicting outbreaks of HAI pathogens and trends in the burden of antimicrobial resistant and susceptible HAIs; and 3) assessing the effectiveness of intervention strategies.
National Institutes of Health
Molecular Mechanisms of Combination Adjuvants (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/10/2025
This opportunity seeks to support research studies of two or more vaccine adjuvants in order to understand the mechanisms by which they work in concert.
Department of Defense
Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/02/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/05/2025
This opportunity supports basic research in science and engineering focusing on multidisciplinary research efforts where more than one traditional discipline interacts to provide rapid advances in scientific areas of interest to the Department of Defense.
National Institutes of Health
Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to 1) improve the understanding of biological, clinical, and socio-behavioral aspects of aging through the lens of HIV infection and its treatment; and 2) improve approaches for testing, preventing, and treating HIV infection, and managing HIV-related comorbidities, co-infections, and complications in different populations and cultural settings by applying current aging science approaches.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Catalyst Award (DP1 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 06/18/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/18/2025
This opportunity supports individual scientists who propose pioneering and transformational studies in topic areas of interest to National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases’ (NIDDK) Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, and to NIDDK’s Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Aging Postdoctoral Fellowship Award to Promote Broad Participation in Translational Research for Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (F32 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/08/2025
This fellowship supports research training of promising postdoctoral candidates from diverse backgrounds and emphasizes the development of translational research skills and their application to various aspects of Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias research.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Drug Abuse Avant-Garde Program for HIV and Substance Use Disorder Research (DP1 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 07/16/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/15/2025
This opportunity seeks high-impact studies that open new areas of HIV research in the context of substance use and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and/or lead to new avenues for prevention and treatment of HIV in people with SUD.
National Institutes of Health
New Investigator Gateway Awards for Collaborative T1D Research (R03 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support a robust pipeline of innovative projects and talented new investigators in type 1 diabetes research.
National Science Foundation
Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students
This opportunity provides graduate students with experiential learning opportunities through research internships in non-academic settings. The program enables graduate students to acquire core professional competencies and skills to support careers in any sector of the U.S. economy.
Deadline for applications varies by program.
National Science Foundation
NSF/CASIS Collaboration on Tissue Engineering and Mechanobiology on the International Space Station to Benefit Life on Earth
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This solicitation seeks to increase use of the International Space Station National Lab for flight research projects in the field of biomedical engineering.
Department of Energy
Nuclear Science and Engineering Consortium for Nonproliferation
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks to direct-fund basic research at universities that complements applied research in nuclear nonproliferation at the DOE National Laboratories. This includes foundational disciplines of nuclear physics, science and engineering, radiation detection, nuclear material science, radiochemistry, and mass spectrometry.
nuclear weapons-free world
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
Ploughshares fund organizations and people who drive policies and activities that help eliminate nuclear threats or address regional conflicts, create a stronger and more resilient nuclear field, build new partnerships with intersecting issues, and support transformational thinking and activities.
Cure Sanfilippo Foundation
Open Call for Research Proposals
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/28/2025
This opportunity seeks to support Sanfilippo syndrome research that fills critical gaps in current knowledge and access to treatment across basic and translational science, clinical care, and therapeutic interventions in clinical trials.
Department of the Interior
Partners for Fish and Wildlife
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/30/2025
This program helps private landowners restore and protect habitats for fish and wildlife. It offers both technical assistance and financial support, mainly through cooperative agreements.
National Science Foundation
Partnership to Advance Conservation Science and Practice
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity aims to support conservation research that investigates organismal biology, ecology, and/or evolution and is designed to contribute to the development and implementation of evidence-based activities and/or technology solutions to advance biodiversity conservation.
The Peanut Institute
Peanut Nutrition Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
These opportunities seek understanding of how consuming peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil, and other peanut products affects health in various populations.
Department of Defense
PFAS Destruction
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/21/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop and demonstrate efficient, environmentally compatible, cost efficient mobile and static technologies and systems for the receipt and processing of inputs containing solid- and liquid-phase per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS species into end products containing chemical species that have low to no environmental impact.
Full proposals may be submitted by invitation only.
National Institutes of Health
Pilot Studies of Biological, Behavioral and Social Mechanisms Contributing to HIV Pathogenesis Within the Mission of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R21 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity applications for innovative basic and translational pilot research projects within the mission of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases that are aligned with NIH HIV/AIDS research priorities.
Department of the Interior
Preservation Planning Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity aims to support a variety of projects that contribute to the preservation and interpretation of historic battlefields and associated sites of armed conflict on American soil.
National Institutes of Health
Priority HIV/AIDS Research within the Mission of NIDDK (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to stimulate HIV/AIDS research within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases that aligns with the HIV/AIDS research priorities outlined by the National Institutes of Health Office of AIDS Research.
Rapid Novor
Protein Sequencing and Epitope Mapping Analysis Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity seeks to support academic scientists by providing in-kind access to Rapid Novor’s cutting-edge Protein Sequencing and Epitope Mapping services.
The Decorative Arts Trust
Publishing Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
These opportunities seek to support publications tackling the broad context of the Americas and to encourage projects that advance diversity in the study of American decorative arts and material culture.
Department of Defense
Reclaiming Bus-based Systems During Compromise
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/10/2025
This opportunity will explore algorithms to construct self-healing systems by retrofitting firmware for individual components on a bus to function as forensic sensors that collectively monitor peers to detect, repair, and inoculate on-system during a cyber-attack.
Department of Health and Human Services
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program: RERC on Communication Technologies
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies designed to solve rehabilitation problems or remove environmental barriers for people with disabilities.
Department of Health and Human Services
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program: RERC on Rehabilitation Technologies for Children with Orthopedic Disabilities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/19/2025
This opportunity seeks to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies that are designed to solve particular rehabilitation problems or to remove environmental barriers for people with disabilities.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation of Policing Practices
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/20/2025
This funding opportunity seeks rigorous, applied evaluative research on: (1) police conduct and police-community interactions; (2) officer safety, health, and wellness; (3) criminal investigations; and (4) alternative traffic enforcement models.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Corrections
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/15/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals on: 1) special populations in corrections; 2) management and development of the correctional workforce; and 3) the impact of correctional culture and climate on safety and wellness.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Drugs and Crime: Nexus with Firearms and Violence
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity supports rigorous applied research on drugs and crime to inform the development of evidence based tools, practices, and policies for state, tribal, and local law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies that address drug trafficking, drug markets, and drug-related violence.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/27/2025
This opportunity seeks applications to conduct research and evaluation to inform efforts to prevent and combat hate crime crimes and their effects in two categories, described further below: (1) preventing and addressing hate crimes, and (2) school based hate crimes.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/20/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects to inform policy and practice in the field of youth justice in the following four topics: 1) Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice System Prosecution, 2) Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice Defense Delivery Systems, 3) Evaluation of Youth Reentry Practices, 4) Resubmissions of Youth Justice Reinvestment Studies.
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Research Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/16/2025
This opportunity grants financial support of sufficient duration to help further the careers of young researchers engaged in biological or medical research.
Spencer Foundation
Research Grants on Education: Small
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/16/2025
This opportunity supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years.
National Institutes of Health
Research Infrastructure Development for Interdisciplinary Aging Studies (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/02/2025
This opportunity seeks applications that propose to develop novel research infrastructure that will advance the science of aging in specific areas requiring interdisciplinary partnerships or collaborations.
National Institutes of Health
Research on Current Topics in Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Related Dementias (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/11/2025
This oppportunity invites applications proposing research on current topics in Alzheimer’s disease and its related dementias, encouraging biomedical, social, and behavioral research and research training directed toward greater understanding of the aging process and the diseases, special problems, and needs of people as they age.
Department of Justice
Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/24/2025
This opportunity seeks to fund applications for rigorous research and evaluation projects in four topical areas: 1) evaluation of programs that seek to prevent, intervene in, or respond to the abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of older adults; 2) research on financial fraud against older adults, including knowledge building around scam prevention messaging; 3) research on formal and informal caregivers who abuse (either financially, physically, sexually, and/or emotionally) or neglect older adults, to inform intervention and prevention program development; and 4) forensic research involving the development of radiographic evidence and bioinformatic approaches relevant to the physical abuse of older adults.
Brady Education Foundation
Research Project and Existing Program Evaluation Proposals
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/01/2025
These opportunities seek to improve educational outcomes for children, including those living in low-income communities, and promote collaboration among researchers, educators, and other stakeholders.
National Institutes of Health
Role of Defective Proviruses in HIV Persistence (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to support research to define the impact of defective HIV proviruses on mechanisms of HIV persistence and pathogenesis during antiretroviral treatment and their potential deleterious effects on HIV cure strategies and interference with HIV-specific molecular assays.
National Institutes of Health
Role of T-Cells in HIV Central Nervous System Reservoir Seeding, Persistence, and Neuropathogenesis (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/18/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity encourages research to define the mechanisms and roles of T-cells in HIV/central nervous system reservoir seeding, persistence, and neuropathogenesis.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ROSES 2024: C.3 Solar System Workings
This program solicits investigations that address compelling scientific questions into the evolution of our Solar System during the time that large planetary bodies were in or near their modern configuration up to the present day.
Applications are accepted at any time.
Department of Energy
Safe Lithium-Ion Battery Development
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop a lithium-ion battery as a backup energy storage system capable of providing 2.4 MW*hrs of usable energy throughout life.
Department of the Interior
Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation; Applied Science Projects
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/21/2025
This opportunity seeks the development of new reclamation science and technology to address environmental issues related to the mining of coal and reclamation of the land after mining.
National Science Foundation
Security, Privacy, and Trust in Cyberspace
Sponsor Application Deadline: 09/29/2025
This opportunity aims to build trust in all aspects of global cyber ecosystems. Trust can assume different meanings according to the context but, for the purposes of this solicitation, is broadly defined to include concepts covering security, privacy, and resilience of cyberspace, particularly in the face of malicious intent and specific threats. This opportunity welcomes proposals that address trust in cyberspace that draw on expertise in one or more of these areas: computer and information science and engineering; education; mathematics; statistics; and social, behavioral, and economic sciences.
The Shank2 Foundation
SHANK2 Innovation Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity supports early-stage studies aimed at advancing novel research or therapeutic strategies for SHANK2-related disorders.
National Institutes of Health
Shared Instrumentation Grant Program (S10 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity encourages applications from groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-priced, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated instrumentation system. The minimum award is $50,000. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $750,000.
National Institutes of Health
Short Courses on Innovative Methodologies and Approaches in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R25 – Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/09/2025
This opportunity seeks to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs.
Simons Foundation
Simons Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity seeks to provide research support to excellent graduate students in the final years of their Ph.D. studies.
National Institutes of Health
Single Cell Opioid Responses in the Context of HIV Program: Data Mining and Functional Validation (R21 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/19/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/19/2025
The purpose of this opportunity is to support data mining of single cell data sets to identify cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks that play a role in HIV/antiretroviral therapy (ART) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD)-relevant molecular responses, and/or to support functional validation studies (e.g. epigenomic or transcriptomic manipulation, high throughput secondary screening) to confirm or deny a biological role for one or more of the data-mined cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks in HIV/ART and SUD molecular responses.
Letter of intent is optional.
Department of Justice
Social Science Research and Evaluation on Forensic Science Systems
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/24/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals for rigorous applied social science research and evaluative studies on the forensic science system.
Department of Commerce
Standards Coordination Office Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/14/2025
This opportunity is seeking applications for activities to develop undergraduate and/or graduate level curricula to incorporate documentary standards, standards development, and standardization information and content into seminars, modules, courses, and learning resources.
National Endowment for the Humanities
State and Impact of the Humanities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/16/2025
This opportunity aims to expand our understanding of the role that the humanities play in private, public, and scholarly life by supporting data-grounded research studies that investigate the state, impact, and value of the humanities in the United States.
National Science Foundation
Strengthening American Infrastructure
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to stimulate human-centered, use-inspired, fundamental and potentially transformative research aimed at strengthening America’s infrastructure.
National Science Foundation
Structure and Physics of the Solid Earth
This aims to advance fundamental knowledge about the ongoing dynamical processes over the age of the Earth that evolve the structure of planet Earth and underpin geohazards.
Proposals can be submitted at any time.
Department of Education
Supporting Effective Educator Development Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity provides funding to increase the number of highly effective educators by supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices that prepare, develop, or enhance the skills of educators.
National Institutes of Health
Targeting Cell Surface HIV Envelope for Cell Elimination (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity aims to support the investigation of HIV-1 Envelope (Env) cell surface expression, the structural mechanism of biologic-mediated cell killing, and the development of novel approaches to enhance the recognition and elimination of Env-expressing, HIV-1 infected cells.
Department of Education
Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to promote academic achievement and improve results for children with disabilities by providing technical assistance, supporting model demonstration projects, disseminating useful information, and implementing activities that are supported by scientifically based research.
National Institutes of Health
The Chemical Countermeasures Research Program Initiative: National Institutes of Health Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats Basic Research on Chemical Threats that Affect the Nervous System (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 09/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 10/17/2025
This opportunity invites applications for basic research to inform toxicology of chemical warfare agents and select toxic industrial chemicals and materials that have primary or secondary effects on the nervous system.
National Institutes of Health
The Metastasis Research Network: MetNet Research Projects (U01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/21/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/20/2025
This opportunity invites applications for MetNet research projects. These research projects should be defined as discrete entities that use systems-level approaches to address gaps and opportunities in metastasis research to integrate into the MetNet and complement ongoing research across the network.
Department of Defense
The Right Space
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to systematically discover new, insightful representations that enable solving Department of Defense-relevant modeling problems better and faster and find and analyze the limits of validity of these transformations.
National Science Foundation
Translation and Diffusion
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity addresses issues of translation and diffusion that arise in moving knowledge gained from fundamental learning and education research toward application in PreK-12 STEM classroom practice or leveraging knowledge derived from effective practice toward driving fundamental research.
Department of Energy
Vehicle Technology Office Program Wide
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/18/2025
This opportunity seeks applications to address improved battery technology for both light- and heavy-duty applications, smart charging infrastructure, sustainable farming, workforce development, and demonstration and deployment of these and other new innovative technologies.
Department of Justice
Virtual Reality De-escalation Site-Based Initiative
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/19/2025
This opportunity seeks to support law enforcement agencies through the adoption of innovative, immersive virtual reality technology designed for training law enforcement.
American Psychological Foundation
Visionary Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/03/2025
This opportunity seeks to seed innovation through supporting research, education, and intervention projects and programs that use psychology to solve social problems.
The American Library in Paris
Visiting Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This opportunity offers writers, researchers, and creators the unique opportunity to spend a month in Paris working independently on their own creative project while contributing to the cultural life of the Library.
National Science Foundation
Water, Landscape, and Critical Zone Processes
This program supports research on the Earth’s near-surface environment and how that environment responds to change.
Proposals can be submitted at any time.
Department of the Interior
WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase I
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/20/2025
This opportunity provides funding to watershed groups to encourage diverse stakeholders to form local solutions to address their water management needs.
Fellowships, Awards, and Internships
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Damon Runyon Fellowship Award
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity supports theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for its causes, mechanisms, therapies, and prevention.
Thrasher Research Fund
Early Career Awards
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/08/2025
This opportunity seeks to encourage the development of researchers in child health by awarding small grants to new researchers, helping them gain a foothold in this important area.
International Foundation for Ethical Research
Graduate Student Fellowships for Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Science
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/30/2025
This opportunity supports projects that advance the development, validation, or implementation of human-relevant, non-animal methodologies in research, testing, or education.
Full Applications may be submitted by invitation only.
Mathilde Krim Fellowships in Biomedical Research
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 03/27/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/13/2025
This opportunity seeks to facilitate the exceptional postdoctoral researcher’s transition to an independent career in HIV/AIDS research within an academic institution or nonprofit organization, support up to two years of postdoctoral biomedical HIV research, and provide the possibility of one additional year of research funding during the first year of an independent research position at an academic institution or nonprofit organization.
Registrations must be submitted no later than 3:00 PM EDT on March 19, 2025.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Aging Postdoctoral Fellowship Award to Promote Broad Participation in Translational Research for Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (F32 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/08/2025
This fellowship supports research training of promising postdoctoral candidates from diverse backgrounds and emphasizes the development of translational research skills and their application to various aspects of Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias research.
National Science Foundation
Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students
This opportunity provides graduate students with experiential learning opportunities through research internships in non-academic settings. The program enables graduate students to acquire core professional competencies and skills to support careers in any sector of the U.S. economy.
Deadline for applications varies by program.
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Research Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/16/2025
This opportunity grants financial support of sufficient duration to help further the careers of young researchers engaged in biological or medical research.
Simons Foundation
Simons Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity seeks to provide research support to excellent graduate students in the final years of their Ph.D. studies.
Internal Funding Opportunities
Office of Research & Innovation
Biomedical Research Seed Grants
These seed funds are intended to enhance the competitiveness of faculty submitting grant proposals requesting R21- or R01-level support from the National Institutes of Health. Investigators are expected to leverage seed funding to accumulate evidence in support of a working hypothesis; demonstrate the feasibility of a new approach; or build reviewers’ confidence in a project team’s ability to handle cutting-edge technologies, understand methods, and interpret results.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Buffet Early Childhood Institute
Graduate Scholars
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/25/2025
This opportunity offers fellowships for advanced doctoral students conducting research concerning early development, with applications to the learning and development of young children, prenatal to eight years old.
Office of Research & Innovation
Layman New Directions
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This program provides funding for tenured faculty (associate/full professors) who are branching into new research directions or need funding to support pilot/development work toward the next step in a funded research program.
Office of Research & Innovation
Layman Seed Awards
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This program provides funding for research projects proposed by early-career faculty who are non-tenured at the time of submission.
Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication
New Seed Projects
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/15/2025
This opportunity seeks to fund several new biomedical research seed projects that aim to support the Center’s focus areas.
Office of Research & Innovation
Revision Awards
Revision Awards enhance the competitiveness of faculty revising and resubmitting grant proposals by providing developmental and/or financial support to help improve highly meritorious, but previously unfunded, federal funding proposals that are eligible for resubmission.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Secondary Analysis to Publication Awards & Building on Our Strengths Award
These unique opportunities are aimed at substance use research.
These solicitations are on a rolling deadline. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Law, Justice, and Human Rights
AccessLex Institute
Diversity Pathway Intervention Grant Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/25/2025
This opportunity provides funding to programs and initiatives aimed at helping college students and/or college graduates from historically underrepresented groups successfully matriculate into law school and the legal profession.
Department of Justice
Graduate Research Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/15/2025
This opportunity provides grants to accredited academic institutions to support outstanding doctoral students whose dissertation research has direct implications for preventing and controlling crime, advancing knowledge of victimization and effective victim services, or ensuring the fair and impartial administration of criminal or juvenile justice in the United States.
Department of Justice
Intellectual Property Enforcement Program: Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Economy from Counterfeit Goods and Product Piracy
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/03/2025
This opportunity seeks to support law enforcement agencies that have an intellectual property enforcement task force or plan to create one.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation of Policing Practices
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/20/2025
This funding opportunity seeks rigorous, applied evaluative research on: (1) police conduct and police-community interactions; (2) officer safety, health, and wellness; (3) criminal investigations; and (4) alternative traffic enforcement models.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Corrections
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/15/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals on: 1) special populations in corrections; 2) management and development of the correctional workforce; and 3) the impact of correctional culture and climate on safety and wellness.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Drugs and Crime: Nexus with Firearms and Violence
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity supports rigorous applied research on drugs and crime to inform the development of evidence based tools, practices, and policies for state, tribal, and local law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies that address drug trafficking, drug markets, and drug-related violence.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/27/2025
This opportunity seeks applications to conduct research and evaluation to inform efforts to prevent and combat hate crime crimes and their effects in two categories, described further below: (1) preventing and addressing hate crimes, and (2) school based hate crimes.
Department of Justice
Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/20/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects to inform policy and practice in the field of youth justice in the following four topics: 1) Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice System Prosecution, 2) Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice Defense Delivery Systems, 3) Evaluation of Youth Reentry Practices, 4) Resubmissions of Youth Justice Reinvestment Studies.
Department of Justice
Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/24/2025
This opportunity seeks to fund applications for rigorous research and evaluation projects in four topical areas: 1) evaluation of programs that seek to prevent, intervene in, or respond to the abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of older adults; 2) research on financial fraud against older adults, including knowledge building around scam prevention messaging; 3) research on formal and informal caregivers who abuse (either financially, physically, sexually, and/or emotionally) or neglect older adults, to inform intervention and prevention program development; and 4) forensic research involving the development of radiographic evidence and bioinformatic approaches relevant to the physical abuse of older adults.
Department of Justice
Social Science Research and Evaluation on Forensic Science Systems
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/24/2025
This opportunity seeks proposals for rigorous applied social science research and evaluative studies on the forensic science system.
Department of Justice
Virtual Reality De-escalation Site-Based Initiative
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/19/2025
This opportunity seeks to support law enforcement agencies through the adoption of innovative, immersive virtual reality technology designed for training law enforcement.
Life Sciences
National Institutes of Health
Advanced-Stage Development and Utilization of Research Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Aging Studies (R33 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/02/2025
This opportunity seeks applications that propose to support advanced-stage development and utilization of novel research infrastructure to advance the science of aging in specific areas requiring interdisciplinary partnerships or collaborations.
Department of Defense
BioElectronics to Sense and Treat
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop an automated bioelectronic smart bandage that can predict, prevent, and treat wound infections and be deployed at all levels of military medical care including on the battlefield.
National Institutes of Health
BRAIN Initiative: Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization – Next Generation Sensor Technology Development (U01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/13/2025
This opportunity is intended to support the development of next generation sensor technologies and bioelectronic devices to further the goals of the Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization program of the National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative.
National Institutes of Health
BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early-Stage Research for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/17/2025
This opportunity seeks applications for unique and innovative recording and/or modulation technologies that are in the earliest stage of development, including new and untested ideas that are in the initial stages of conceptualization.
National Institutes of Health
BRAIN Initiative: Optimization of Instrumentation and Device Technologies for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (U01 – Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/03/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity seeks applications to optimize instrumentation and device technologies for recording and modulation of neural cells and circuits to address major challenges and enable transformative understanding of dynamic signaling in the central nervous system.
National Institutes of Health
Broad Spectrum Products Against Multiple Neurotoxin Botulinum Serotypes (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/02/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/02/2025
This opportunity seeks to support the development of improved products for treating Botulinum Neurotoxin intoxication.
American Cancer Society
Cancer Research Opportunities
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/01/2025
These opportunities are seeking proposals aimed at advancing cancer research.
National Institutes of Health
Cellular Models of HIV Pathogenesis within National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Mission Areas (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/20/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/20/2025
invites applications that are focused on developing, using, and/or improving cellular models that recapitulate critical aspects of normal human physiology, such as microphysiological systems, organoids, and other three-dimensional models, to explore the interaction of HIV with tissues and processes within National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases’ mission areas.
National Institutes of Health
Chemical Countermeasures Research Program Initiative: Basic Research on The Deleterious Effects of Acute Exposure to Ultra-Potent Synthetic Opioids (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 10/19/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 11/18/2025
This opportunity will support research towards understanding and mitigating the deleterious effects of acute exposure to Ultra-Potent Synthetic opioids (e.g., fentanyl, carfentanil, nitazenes) and their combinations (e.g., fentanyl and xylazine).
National Institutes of Health
Collaborative Research Using Biosamples and/or Data from Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Studies (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/26/2025
This opportunity seeks applications for studies of type 1 diabetes etiology and pathogenesis using data and samples from clinical trials and studies. This opportunity is intended to fund investigative teams collaborating to answer important questions about disease mechanisms leading to improved delay and durable prevention of type 1 diabetes.
National Institutes of Health
Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Interdisciplinary Research Units (P01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support multidisciplinary, collaborative research programs focused on improving our understanding of bacterial and host factors important for antibiotic resistance and infection by bacterial pathogens for which antibiotic resistance is a known public health concern to inform new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat antibiotic-resistant infections.
National Institutes of Health
Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Interdisciplinary Research Units (P01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/24/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support multidisciplinary, collaborative research programs focused on improving our understanding of bacterial and host factors important for antibiotic resistance and infection by bacterial pathogens for which antibiotic resistance is a known public health concern to inform new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat antibiotic-resistant infections.
National Institutes of Health
Discovery and Development of Natural Products for Cancer Interception and Prevention (UG3/UH3 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/13/2025
The National Cancer Institute intends to support the discovery and development of novel natural products that are safe, non-toxic, and efficacious for cancer interception and prevention.
National Institutes of Health
Elucidating Immunometabolic Responses to HIV Infection that Increase Tuberculosis or Hepatitis B Virus Risk (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity aims to support research to define how HIV-driven alterations to immunometabolism affect immune cell regulation, cell-cell interactions, response to treatment, and, ultimately, tuberculosis and hepatitis B virus disease progression.
National Institutes of Health
Enhancing Mechanistic Research on Precision Probiotic Therapies (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity aims to support highly innovative mechanistic research to accelerate the development of effective precision probiotic interventions using a milestone-driven, biphasic award mechanism.
National Institutes of Health
Exploratory Studies to Investigate Mechanisms of HIV infection, Replication, Latency, and/or Pathogenesis in the Context of Substance Use Disorders (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 07/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/14/2025
This opportunity will support high-risk, high-impact studies that 1) develop or apply novel tools or technologies or 2) test novel hypotheses to investigate mechanistic questions in HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis (including neuroHIV) in the context of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).
National Institutes of Health
Final Innovative Solutions Opening ARPA-H Rare Disease Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Precision Integrated Diagnostics
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/11/2025
This opportunity seeks to develop novel diagnostic support tools for population-scale rare disease detection, systematically identifying and diagnosing rare disease patients more efficiently and accurately.
National Institutes of Health
High Impact, Interdisciplinary Science in National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Research Areas (RC2 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/03/2025
This opportunity aims to support high impact ideas that may lay the foundation for new fields of investigation within the mission of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
National Institutes of Health
High-End Instrumentation Grant Program (S10 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity encourages applications from groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-end, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated systems. The minimum award is $750,001. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $2,000,000.
National Institutes of Health
High-Priority Research in Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/06/2025
This opportunity seeks to support new high-priority biomedical and behavioral research that will provide scientific data to inform the regulation of tobacco products to protect public health.
National Institutes of Health
HIV Prevention and Alcohol (R01 – Clinical Trials Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to expand the HIV/AIDS prevention toolkit among alcohol impacted populations with a range of patterns of episodic and long-term use and associated behavioral and biological risks for HIV acquisition.
National Institutes of Health
In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains Exhibiting Embryonic or Perinatal Lethality or Subviability (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/06/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/05/2025
This opportunity seeks to: 1) to encourage submission of applications to do more in-depth phenotyping on investigator-selected cohorts of embryonic lethal or subviable Knockout (KO) mouse strains generated by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) of which the National Institutes of Health Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program is a member; and, 2) to encourage submission of applications to use investigator-selected embryonic lethal, perinatal lethal, or subviable IMPC-generated KO mouse strains in hypothesis-driven research focused on placental defects, structural birth defects, and/or fertility issues.
National Science Foundation
Infrastructure Capacity for Biological Research
The Infrastructure Capacity for Biology (Capacity) Program supports the scaling of or major improvements to research tools, products, and services that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences at the National Science Foundation. The Capacity Program focuses on building capacity in research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to a wide range of researchers in three programmatic areas: Cyberinfrastructure, Biological Collections, and Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories.
Proposals are accepted at any time.
National Science Foundation
Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research
The Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research (Innovation) Program supports research to design novel or greatly improved research tools and methods that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Biological Sciences Directorate at the National Science Foundation. The Innovation Program focuses on research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to researchers in three programmatic areas: Bioinformatics, Instrumentation, and Research Methods.
Proposals are accepted at any time.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Innovations for Gram-Negative Antibiotic Discovery
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity focuses on the discovery of antibiotics with broad spectrum activity against Enterobacteriaceae, using Klebsiella spp. as the pathogen to initiate a discovery program.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Innovations for Gram-Negative Antibiotic Discovery
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity encourages the discovery of antibiotics with broad spectrum activity against Enterobacteriaceae, using Klebsiella spp. as the pathogen to initiate a discovery program.
National Institutes of Health
Innovative Molecular and Cellular Analysis Technologies for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research (R61 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/04/2025
This opportunity seeks exploratory research projects focused on the inception and early-stage development of highly innovative technologies with new or improved capabilities for targeting, probing, or assessing molecular and cellular features of cancer biology.
National Institutes of Health
Innovative Research in Cancer Nanotechnology (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/05/2025
This opportunity encourages applications promoting transformative discoveries in cancer biology and/or oncology through the use of nanotechnology.
National Institutes of Health
Laboratory Flexible Funding Model
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/17/2025
This opportunity seeks to enhance the capacity and capabilities of state human and animal food testing laboratories in support of an integrated food safety system.
National Institutes of Health
Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Substance Use Research (R21 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 04/05/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/05/2025
This opportunity will support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in priority areas in substance use epidemiology, prevention, and health services
National Institutes of Health
Microglial Pathophysiology in Comorbid Substance Use Disorder and HIV (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 07/14/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/14/2025
Department of Health and Human Services
Modeling Infectious Diseases in Healthcare to Improve Pathogen Prevention and Healthcare Delivery
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/19/2025
This opportunity seeks to support development of innovative and applied mathematical models and computational tools for: 1) modeling the spread of pathogens in healthcare settings, for example, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistant organisms (AROs); 2) predicting outbreaks of HAI pathogens and trends in the burden of antimicrobial resistant and susceptible HAIs; and 3) assessing the effectiveness of intervention strategies.
National Institutes of Health
Molecular Mechanisms of Combination Adjuvants (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/10/2025
This opportunity seeks to support research studies of two or more vaccine adjuvants in order to understand the mechanisms by which they work in concert.
National Institutes of Health
Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to 1) improve the understanding of biological, clinical, and socio-behavioral aspects of aging through the lens of HIV infection and its treatment; and 2) improve approaches for testing, preventing, and treating HIV infection, and managing HIV-related comorbidities, co-infections, and complications in different populations and cultural settings by applying current aging science approaches.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Catalyst Award (DP1 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 06/18/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/18/2025
This opportunity supports individual scientists who propose pioneering and transformational studies in topic areas of interest to National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases’ (NIDDK) Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, and to NIDDK’s Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition.
National Institutes of Health
New Investigator Gateway Awards for Collaborative T1D Research (R03 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/26/2025
This opportunity seeks to support a robust pipeline of innovative projects and talented new investigators in type 1 diabetes research.
National Science Foundation
NSF/CASIS Collaboration on Tissue Engineering and Mechanobiology on the International Space Station to Benefit Life on Earth
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This solicitation seeks to increase use of the International Space Station National Lab for flight research projects in the field of biomedical engineering.
Cure Sanfilippo Foundation
Open Call for Research Proposals
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/28/2025
This opportunity seeks to support Sanfilippo syndrome research that fills critical gaps in current knowledge and access to treatment across basic and translational science, clinical care, and therapeutic interventions in clinical trials.
The Peanut Institute
Peanut Nutrition Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
These opportunities seek understanding of how consuming peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil, and other peanut products affects health in various populations.
National Institutes of Health
Priority HIV/AIDS Research within the Mission of NIDDK (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to stimulate HIV/AIDS research within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases that aligns with the HIV/AIDS research priorities outlined by the National Institutes of Health Office of AIDS Research.
Rapid Novor
Protein Sequencing and Epitope Mapping Analysis Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity seeks to support academic scientists by providing in-kind access to Rapid Novor’s cutting-edge Protein Sequencing and Epitope Mapping services.
National Institutes of Health
Research Infrastructure Development for Interdisciplinary Aging Studies (R61/R33 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/02/2025
This opportunity seeks applications that propose to develop novel research infrastructure that will advance the science of aging in specific areas requiring interdisciplinary partnerships or collaborations.
National Institutes of Health
Role of Defective Proviruses in HIV Persistence (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to support research to define the impact of defective HIV proviruses on mechanisms of HIV persistence and pathogenesis during antiretroviral treatment and their potential deleterious effects on HIV cure strategies and interference with HIV-specific molecular assays.
National Institutes of Health
Role of T-Cells in HIV Central Nervous System Reservoir Seeding, Persistence, and Neuropathogenesis (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/18/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity encourages research to define the mechanisms and roles of T-cells in HIV/central nervous system reservoir seeding, persistence, and neuropathogenesis.
The Shank2 Foundation
SHANK2 Innovation Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
This opportunity supports early-stage studies aimed at advancing novel research or therapeutic strategies for SHANK2-related disorders.
National Institutes of Health
Shared Instrumentation Grant Program (S10 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity encourages applications from groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-priced, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated instrumentation system. The minimum award is $50,000. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $750,000.
National Institutes of Health
Short Courses on Innovative Methodologies and Approaches in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R25 – Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/09/2025
This opportunity seeks to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs.
National Institutes of Health
Single Cell Opioid Responses in the Context of HIV Program: Data Mining and Functional Validation (R21 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 02/19/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/19/2025
The purpose of this opportunity is to support data mining of single cell data sets to identify cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks that play a role in HIV/antiretroviral therapy (ART) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD)-relevant molecular responses, and/or to support functional validation studies (e.g. epigenomic or transcriptomic manipulation, high throughput secondary screening) to confirm or deny a biological role for one or more of the data-mined cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks in HIV/ART and SUD molecular responses.
Letter of intent is optional.
National Institutes of Health
Targeting Cell Surface HIV Envelope for Cell Elimination (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity aims to support the investigation of HIV-1 Envelope (Env) cell surface expression, the structural mechanism of biologic-mediated cell killing, and the development of novel approaches to enhance the recognition and elimination of Env-expressing, HIV-1 infected cells.
National Institutes of Health
The Chemical Countermeasures Research Program Initiative: National Institutes of Health Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats Basic Research on Chemical Threats that Affect the Nervous System (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 09/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 10/17/2025
This opportunity invites applications for basic research to inform toxicology of chemical warfare agents and select toxic industrial chemicals and materials that have primary or secondary effects on the nervous system.
National Institutes of Health
The Metastasis Research Network: MetNet Research Projects (U01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 05/21/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/20/2025
This opportunity invites applications for MetNet research projects. These research projects should be defined as discrete entities that use systems-level approaches to address gaps and opportunities in metastasis research to integrate into the MetNet and complement ongoing research across the network.
Limited Submission Competitions
National Science Foundation
Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research 2.0
Internal Notice of Intent Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/24/2025
This opportunity seeks organizations who are willing to serve as resource providers within the National Science Foundation Advanced Computing Systems and Services program.
An organization may submit only one proposal to this deadline.
If you are interested in developing a proposal in response to this funding opportunity, please complete a notification of intent to submit by 03/17/2025. For more information regarding the internal selection process, visit
Mathematics and Physical Sciences
National Science Foundation
Antarctic Research Not Requiring U.S. Antarctic Program Field Support
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This solicitation supports research that advances understanding of the biota and physical systems operating in the Antarctic region and adjacent seas primarily through laboratory, modeling, and theoretical work encompassing terrestrial, marine, cryospheric, atmospheric, and space settings.
National Science Foundation
Antarctic Research Requiring U.S. Antarctic Program Support for Fieldwork
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/02/2025
This opportunity supports research that advances understanding of the biota and physical systems operating in the Antarctic region and adjacent seas. The program focuses on research that must be performed, or is best performed, in Antarctica and requires logistical support from the U.S. Antarctic Program.
Department of Energy
Early Career Research Program
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/22/2025
This opportunity seeks to support the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and to stimulate research careers in the areas supported by Office of Science.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ROSES 2024: C.3 Solar System Workings
This program solicits investigations that address compelling scientific questions into the evolution of our Solar System during the time that large planetary bodies were in or near their modern configuration up to the present day.
Applications are accepted at any time.
nuclear weapons-free world
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/31/2025
Ploughshares fund organizations and people who drive policies and activities that help eliminate nuclear threats or address regional conflicts, create a stronger and more resilient nuclear field, build new partnerships with intersecting issues, and support transformational thinking and activities.
Buffet Early Childhood Institute
Graduate Scholars
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/25/2025
This opportunity offers fellowships for advanced doctoral students conducting research concerning early development, with applications to the learning and development of young children, prenatal to eight years old.
Social Sciences
National Institutes of Health
Accelerating the Pace of Substance Use Research Using Existing Data (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 06/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/17/2025
This opportunity seeks applications proposing innovative analysis of existing social science, behavioral, administrative, and neuroimaging data to study the etiology and epidemiology of substance using behaviors (defined as alcohol, tobacco, prescription, and other substances) and related disorders, prevention of substance use and HIV, and health service utilization.
Organization for Autism Research
Applied Research Competition
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/14/2025
This opportunity seeks to fund studies that expand the body of knowledge related to autism intervention and treatment, produce practical and clearly objective results, have the potential to positively affect public policy, and provide outcomes that offer to enhance the quality of life for persons with autism and their families.
Department of Health and Human Services
Autism Research Consortium
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/23/2025
This opportunity seeks to advance the evidence base on effective interventions, services, supports, and systems for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities across the lifespan.
American Cancer Society
Cancer Health Equity Research Centers
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/01/2025
This opportunity seeks solution-based research addressing cancer health disparities that will enable fair and just opportunities to prevent, detect, and survive cancer for everyone.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Employment (Research)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/18/2025
This opportunity seeks projects aimed at improving employment outcomes among people with disabilities. In carrying out a research project under this program, a grantee must identify one or more hypotheses or research questions and, based on the hypotheses or research questions identified, perform an intensive, systematic study directed toward producing 1) new or full scientific knowledge or 2) understanding of the subject or problem studied.
Department of Health and Human Services
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Research on Healthcare Policy and Disability
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity seeks to generate new knowledge about the effect of evolving healthcare policies on health and function, community living and participation, or employment outcomes of people with disabilities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Innovative Data and Modeling Approaches to Measure Women’s Health
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity seeks innovative modeling approaches that rethink how women’s health is measured, using available data, or easily obtainable, in new ways to provide a more holistic and actionable understanding of health outcomes.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Interdisciplinary Social Science Research on Energy System Interactions in the United States
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/25/2025
This opportunity supports research, training, networking, and dissemination efforts to inform the societal transition toward low-carbon energy systems in the United States by investigating economic, environmental, technological, and distributional issues.
International Center for Responsible Gaming
Large Grant
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: 04/04/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 07/18/2025
This opportunity seeks to support research investigating gambling disorder and responsible gambling.
American Psychological Foundation
Lorraine D. Eyde Fund Grant
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/27/2025
This opportunity seeks to sponsor research investigating issues surrounding the ethical and professional use of psychological tests.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Metascience and AI Postdoctoral Fellowship
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/10/2025
This opportunity seeks to support early career researchers in the social sciences and humanities (with particular emphasis on philosophy, sociology of science, and metascience) who are interested in building a career in understanding the implications of artificial intelligence for the science and research ecosystem.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Drug Abuse Avant-Garde Program for HIV and Substance Use Disorder Research (DP1 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Pre-Application Deadline: 07/16/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 08/15/2025
This opportunity seeks high-impact studies that open new areas of HIV research in the context of substance use and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and/or lead to new avenues for prevention and treatment of HIV in people with SUD.
National Institutes of Health
Pilot Studies of Biological, Behavioral and Social Mechanisms Contributing to HIV Pathogenesis Within the Mission of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R21 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 05/07/2025
This opportunity applications for innovative basic and translational pilot research projects within the mission of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases that are aligned with NIH HIV/AIDS research priorities.
National Institutes of Health
Research on Current Topics in Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Related Dementias (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor Application Deadline: 03/11/2025
This oppportunity invites applications proposing research on current topics in Alzheimer’s disease and its related dementias, encouraging biomedical, social, and behavioral research and research training directed toward greater understanding of the aging process and the diseases, special problems, and needs of people as they age.
American Psychological Foundation
Visionary Grants
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/03/2025
This opportunity seeks to seed innovation through supporting research, education, and intervention projects and programs that use psychology to solve social problems.
Department of Transportation
Developing Pedestrian Realistic Artificial Datasets
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/07/2025
This opportunity seeks to determine the availability of pedestrian counts and data gaps for pedestrian research to develop crash modification factors and to develop a realistic artificial dataset of pedestrian volume for different roadway types.
Department of Defense
Hybridizing Biology and Robotics through Integration for Deployable Systems
This opportunity aims to address significant engineering and design obstacles that prevent the development of deployable biohybrid robotic systems by understanding and controlling the integration of synthetic and biological components to achieve desired emergent system properties.
Pre-applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Full applications may be submitted by invitation only.
Office of Research & Innovation
Biomedical Research Seed Grants
These seed funds are intended to enhance the competitiveness of faculty submitting grant proposals requesting R21- or R01-level support from the National Institutes of Health. Investigators are expected to leverage seed funding to accumulate evidence in support of a working hypothesis; demonstrate the feasibility of a new approach; or build reviewers’ confidence in a project team’s ability to handle cutting-edge technologies, understand methods, and interpret results.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Office of Research & Innovation
Layman New Directions
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This program provides funding for tenured faculty (associate/full professors) who are branching into new research directions or need funding to support pilot/development work toward the next step in a funded research program.
Office of Research & Innovation
Layman Seed Awards
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/01/2025
This program provides funding for research projects proposed by early-career faculty who are non-tenured at the time of submission.
Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication
New Seed Projects
Sponsor Application Deadline: 04/15/2025
This opportunity seeks to fund several new biomedical research seed projects that aim to support the Center’s focus areas.
Office of Research & Innovation
Revision Awards
Revision Awards enhance the competitiveness of faculty revising and resubmitting grant proposals by providing developmental and/or financial support to help improve highly meritorious, but previously unfunded, federal funding proposals that are eligible for resubmission.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Secondary Analysis to Publication Awards & Building on Our Strengths Award
These unique opportunities are aimed at substance use research.
These solicitations are on a rolling deadline. Applications may be submitted at any time.