Research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln | 2014-2015 Report Menu




The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a Big Ten research university driven by the spirit of innovation and exploration to tackle vexing challenges, apply knowledge-fueled solutions, move technologies from lab to marketplace, share the excitement of discovery with students and forge lasting partnerships across the globe.

This is the web companion to the 2014-2015 Report on Research at UNL. The stories, photos, videos and other information you’ll find here offer glimpses into the diverse research, scholarship and creative activity at the heart of UNL’s growing research enterprise. Produced by UNL’s Office of Research and Economic Development, this site and the printed report highlight our successes, our progress and our aspirations.


The 2014-2015 UNL Research Report is published by the University of Nebraska−Lincoln Office of Research and Economic Development. For more information, go to or contact:

Prem S. Paul
Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
301 Canfield Administration Building
University of Nebraska−Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0433
402-472-3123  •

Vicki Miller, Ashley Washburn, Monica Norby, Elizabeth Banset
Office of Research and Economic Development

Contributing Writer:
Gillian Klucas
Some articles based on stories from University Communications and other UNL sources

Joel Brehm, Craig Chandler, Alan Jackson, Troy Fedderson, nvelichko/Shutterstock, Sarah Murray

Web Design:
Joel Brehm

On the Cover

Advances fueled by nanoscience and materials research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln are helping lay the foundation for a new generation of smaller, faster and more efficient electronics and computing technologies. Discoveries by physicists, chemists and engineers in the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, funded by the National Science Foundation since 2002, have elevated UNL as a leader in nanomaterials research. The cover photo features a scanning probe microscope in the Thin Film Growth and Characterization Facility, a shared MRSEC laboratory for collaborative research on polarization and spin phenomena in nanoferroic structures. Using this microscope, researchers explore the atomistic origin of the physical properties of nano and hybrid structures. Read more about MRSEC.