Visit the Federal Research Updates 2025 website for current resources.

Active Limited Submission Competitions

Sponsors occasionally limit the number of submissions that an institution can submit. When a call for proposals is “limited,” the Office of Research and Innovation (R&I) uses an internal selection process to determine which application(s) will be submitted to the sponsor for funding or award consideration.

The limited submission competitions process at UNL is a three-step process:

  1. Notifications of intent: Interested applicants must complete an online Notification of Intent to Submit Form by no later than UNL’s intent deadline. These notifications of intent are required and allow R&I to plan for the review of limited submission competition pre-proposals. 
  2. Internal Pre-Proposal Submission: If there are more interested applicants than the sponsor’s limit allows, R&I will conduct an internal competition to select the UNL application(s) that will be recommended for submission to the sponsor. In this case, interested applicants will be notified to complete and submit an internal pre-proposal on or before the UNL pre-proposal deadline.
  3. Selection: Interested applicants will be notified by e-mail if their pre-proposal has been selected (or not selected) for submission to the sponsor as a full proposal. Selected applicants will then complete and submit the sponsor’s application by the sponsor deadline.

Active limited submission competitions follow. If you are interested in applying to a limited submission competition that is not featured here, contact Jackson Hardin (, funding opportunity coordinator, to inquire about the status of the competition.

National Science Foundation

Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research 2.0
Internal Notice of Intent Deadline: 03/17/2025
Sponsor Application Deadline: 06/24/2025

This opportunity seeks organizations who are willing to serve as resource providers within the National Science Foundation Advanced Computing Systems and Services program.

An organization may submit only one proposal to this deadline.

If you are interested in developing a proposal in response to this funding opportunity, please complete a notification of intent to submit by 03/17/2025. For more information regarding the internal selection process, visit