- In January of each year, a call for nominations will be sent to all Associate Deans for Research and to the Research Council (RC), asking them to forward the information on to the faculty in their department/college, and posted on Nebraska Today The nomination materials must include: 1) a nomination letter, 2) the nominee’s CV that includes significant scholarly accomplishments, with emphasis on the past five years, and 3) a brief 150-word description of the subject/topic the nominee would give a lecture about, if chosen.
- All nominations shall be sent electronically to the coordinator working with the Research Council (check the call for nominations, for the exact email information). Or, contact the Office of Research and Innovation for those details.
- The nominations will be screened for completeness and merit (major recent accomplishment(s) and ability to communicate this work to a multidisciplinary audience).
- The nominations will be kept confidential and speakers will be selected soon after the nomination deadline. An overall ranking will be established by a vote of the Research Council. Nominations may be kept active for up to two years.
- The Council will make every effort to reflect the diversity and currency of research and creative activity and scholarship on campus. The Council will recommend the speakers for the Nebraska Lecture Series to the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation, who will approve the recommendation and invite the chosen speakers. If the VC Research and Innovation disapproves of the final choices, s/he will discuss this with the Chairperson of the RC and provide another recommendation which will be considered by the Council at a meeting or by an email ballot.
- The chosen speakers will be notified soon after the VC Research and Innovation has reviewed/approved the recommendations.
- R&I will work with the chosen lecturer to find a date/time/venue to ensure that there are no major conflicting university functions.
Visit the Federal Research Updates 2025 website for current resources.