Who’s Who?
R&I’s organizational chart will help you understand our reporting structure.
R&I’s photo directory will help you know how teams are compromised.
Research Administration and Support
Proposal Development | https://research.unl.edu/proposaldevelopment
We partner with Nebraska grant applicants to develop competitive external proposals. Our team of proposal development professionals enhance proposal quality by ensuring applicants meet sponsor guidelines and by improving the content, organization and visual appeal of proposal packages.
Research Responsibility | https://research.unl.edu/researchresponsibility
We provide training and technical assistance to help the campus research community comply with federal, state and institutional policies. Our three branches – Research Compliance, Integrity, and Security, Institutional Animal Care Program and Research Safety – provide guidance in areas such as human subjects and animal research, export control and laboratory safety.
Sponsored Programs | https://research.unl.edu/sponsoredprograms
We support Nebraska faculty and staff during the pursuit and management of external financial resources that enhance research, creative activity and scholarship. We provide pre- and post-award services throughout the award life cycle and are responsible for submitting, negotiating and accepting all sponsored awards at the university.
VCRED Administration and Operations | https://research.unl.edu/staff-directory/
This larger team is comprised of several smaller teams including Finance, Communications, Events and Outreach, Building Systems, Human Resources, Organizational Development, Project Management, External Recognition and Awards, External Impact, and Federal Relations.
Nebraska Press | https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/nebraska/about/contact/
The University of Nebraska Press, founded in 1941, is the largest university press between Chicago and California. It publishes scholarly and general-interest books (with more than 5,000 titles in print and an additional 150 new titles released each year) and journals (with more than 30 different journals published each year) in topics ranging from anthropology and literary criticism to history and sports. In addition to the Nebraska imprint, the Press also publishes books under Bison Books, The Backwaters Press, and Potomac Books imprints and publishes the books of The Jewish Publication Society. The Journals division produces the publications of Nebraska Extension, a division of the University of Nebraska’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Nebraska State Museum of Natural History | https://museum.unl.edu/about-us/staff-directory
Established in 1871, the University of Nebraska State Museum is the state’s premier museum of natural history. The mission of Museum is to discover and disseminate knowledge about the natural world through research and education. The Museum is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums and is a proud Smithsonian Affiliate.
Visitors to Morrill Hall will find interactive exhibits featuring Nebraska’s past and present biological diversity, and its cultural heritage with a dedicated First Peoples of the Plains gallery. The four-level, 70,000 square foot museum is located on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln City Campus near the corner of 14th and Vine Streets in Lincoln, Nebraska.
As an active University-based research museum, faculty-curators, students, and staff maintain over 13 million specimens, ethnographic and archeological objects. Research collections include: Anthropology – Botany – Entomology – Geology – Invertebrate Paleontology – Parasitology – Vertebrate Paleontology – Zoology.
Economic Development
Industry Relations | https://research.unl.edu/industryrelations
We work directly with faculty and companies to advance private-public partnerships that involve the university and facilitate collaborative activities with industry in a variety of ways.
NUtech Ventures | https://www.nutechventures.org
We facilitate the commercialization and practical use of innovations generated through Nebraska research activities by evaluating, protecting, marketing and licensing intellectual property. Staff in our office serve as R&D matchmakers by connecting private sector partners and university researchers for mutual benefit.
Nebraska Innovation Campus | https://innovate.unl.edu
We connect the talent of experts, companies and the university. NIC is located adjacent to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, strategically providing private sector partners with convenient access to research faculty expertise, facilities and students.
Shared/Core Facilities
Facility Name | Contact Person | Contact Phone | URL |
Biological Process Development Facility | Jill Hereth | 402-472-1983 | https://engineering.unl.edu/bpdf |
Biomedical and Obesity Research Core (BORC) | Yongjun Wang | 402-472-4243 | http://cehs.unl.edu/borc/ |
Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) | Kristen Olson | 402-472-0662 | http://bosr.unl.edu |
Cell Development Facility | Cayetana Lazcano Etchebarne | 402-472-8969 | http://cdf.unl.edu/ |
Center for Advanced Land Management and Information Technologies (CALMIT) | Brian Wardlow | 402-472-6729 | http://calmit.unl.edu/ |
Center for Biotechnology | Daniel Schachtman | 402-472-1384 | https://biotech.unl.edu/center-biotechnology |
Bioinformatics Core Research Facility | Jean-Jack Riethoven | 402-472-7949 | https://biotech.unl.edu/bioinformatics |
Flow Cytometry Service Center | Dirk Anderson | 402-472-3129 | https://biotech.unl.edu/flow-cytometry-0 |
Microscopy Core Research Facility | You “Joe” Zhou | 402-472-5935 | https://biotech.unl.edu/microscopy |
Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility | Sophie Alvarez | 402-472-4575 | https://biotech.unl.edu/proteomics-and-metabolomics |
Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior (CB3) | Cary Savage | 402-472-0168 | http://cb3.unl.edu |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Facility | Cary Savage | 402-472-0168 | http://cb3.unl.edu/mri/ |
Salivary Bioscience Laboratory (SBL) | Jessica Calvi | 402-472-0027 | http://cb3.unl.edu/sbl/ |
Central Plains Federal Statistical Research Data Center | John Anderson | 402-472-1190 | https://business.unl.edu/outreach/central-plains-federal-statistical-research-data-center/ |
Center for Plant Science Innovation | Ed Cahoon | 402-472-5611 | https://www.unl.edu/psi |
Extreme Light Core Facility | Donald Umstadter | 402-472-6038 | http://unl.edu/diocles/ |
Food Processing Center | Terry Howell | 402-472-2142 | http://fpc.unl.edu |
Holland Computing Center | Hongfeng Yu | 402-472-5013 | http://hcc.unl.edu |
Life Sciences Annex and Manter Hall | Kelly Heath | 402-440-6577 | http://research.unl.edu/researchresponsibility/institutional-animal-care-program-iacp/ |
Nano-Engineering Research Core Facility (NERCF) | Joseph Turner | 402-472-1668 | https://engineering.unl.edu/nercf |
Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication | Jiantao Guo | 402-472-6232 | https://ncibc.unl.edu |
Data and Life Science Core Facility | Jennifer Clarke | 402-472-2512 | https://ncibc.unl.edu/data-and-life-sciences-core |
Systems Biology Core Facility | Robert Powers | 402-472-3039 | http://ncibc.unl.edu/systems-biology-core |
Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience | Shelli Krupicka | 402-472-7886 | http://ncmn.unl.edu |
Electron Nanoscopy Instrumentation Facility | Xingzhong “Jim” Li | 402-472-8762 | https://ncmn.unl.edu/enif |
Nanofabrication Cleanroom Facility | Anand Sarella | 402-472-6087 | http://ncmn.unl.edu/nanofab/ |
Nanomaterials and Thin Films Facility | Steve Michalski | 402-472-3693 | http://ncmn.unl.edu/thinfilm/ |
Physical Properties Instrumentation Facility | Steve Michalski | 402-472-7096 | https://ncmn.unl.edu/physicalproperties |
Surface and Materials Characterization Facility | Lanping Yue | 402-472-2742 | http://ncmn.unl.edu/smcf/ |
X-Ray Structural Characterization Facility | Shah Valloppilly | 402-472-3693 | http://ncmn.unl.edu/xray/ |
Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) | Susan Sheridan | 402-472-6941 | http://cyfs.unl.edu/ |
Nebraska Center for Virology | Eric Weaver | 402-472-1714 | http://unl.edu/virologycenter/ |
Nebraska Innovation Studio | Jerry Reif | 402-472-5114 | http://innovationstudio.unl.edu/ |
Nebraska Rural Drug Addiction Research Center | Rick Bevins | 402-472-3721 | https://rdar.unl.edu/ |
Plant Growth Facilities | Amy Hilske | 402-326-8359 | https://ard.unl.edu/greenhouses |
Plant Phenotyping Facilities | Vincent Stoerger | 402-472-7088 | https://ard.unl.edu/phenotyping |
Redox Biology Center | Oleh Khalimonchuk | 402-472-3173 | http://redoxbiologycenter.unl.edu |
SBSRC Methodology and Evaluation Research Core Facility | Lisa PylikZillig | 402-472-7646 | http://sbsrc.unl.edu or https://merc.unl.edu/our-mission |
Water Sciences Laboratory | Daniel Snow | 402-472-7539 | https://watercenter.unl.edu/water-sciences-laboratory2 |