Leadership, Commitment Reflect Husker Pride
At the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, we know that great people are behind every headline-making accomplishment.
In four years as vice chancellor, I’ve had ample opportunities to witness how Husker pride runs deep in our university’s DNA. It’s about more than talent and expertise – though our faculty share those attributes, too. The difference is Huskers’ willingness to collaborate, mentor and define success in their research and creative endeavors.
That’s why leadership is the focus of this Research Report. We are proud to offer unique leadership development programs at the early- and mid-career levels. In this report, you’ll learn about people who are leveraging these programs to grow their careers and the university’s capacity. It also features stories about accomplished researchers who have positively shaped the culture of their departments and colleges, mentoring rising scholars and students along the way.
The cover story on pages 4-5 features a $51 million award from the National Science Foundation to lead the NSF-funded portion of the U.S. CMS Operations Program. Being selected to steer this international effort results from years of work and leadership by Nebraska’s particle physics team.
Breakthroughs are rarely the result of a single published journal article or artistic performance. Huskers put in the effort – day after day, year after year, decade after decade – to advance their research and creative endeavors. Although individual accolades are important, I’m continually impressed by the faculty’s drive to benefit society through their work.
Addressing today’s societal challenges requires novel approaches in research, teaching and outreach. Increasing impact through research and creative activity is one of six core aims of the N2025 Strategic Plan, Nebraska’s roadmap for evolving as a 21st century land-grant institution. To that end, the university is investing $40 million in strategic, goal-oriented solutions through the Grand Challenges Initiative, designed to leverage Nebraska’s strengths and expertise in seven thematic areas. A progress report is available on page 43.
Nebraska is committed to advancing progress in anti-racism and racial equity. We are continually examining how we can best support our research community and remove potential barriers to success for individuals of all backgrounds.
Our people make the place. I am excited to share the ways Huskers are thriving as scholars and leaders.

Robert “Bob” Wilhelm
Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development