OPEN Book – January 2020 Special Celebration Edition

On Jan. 31, the ORED team gathered at Sun Valley Lanes for its annual staff recognition event. Many thanks to Laurie Sampson and Lisa Maupin for breathing new life into the event this year! In addition to reflecting on our successes from 2019, we had a relaxing afternoon of bowling, trivia, snacks and socializing. We appreciate their hard work and diligent preparation to ensure a smooth, well-coordinated event.

Below you’ll find each unit’s 2019 accomplishments, a listing of this year’s award winners and links to kudos and photos from the event.


Every year, each unit submits a list of its top achievements. Here are the 2019 successes your ORED colleagues are most proud of:

Vice Chancellor’s Office

Office of Sponsored Programs

Office of Proposal Development

Research Compliance Services

Research Communications

Research Finance and Information Systems

Institutional Animal Care Program

Industry Relations

NUtech Ventures

Nebraska Innovation Campus


Each year, the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Invaluable Service is presented to ORED employees and partners who have exhibited excellent work and commitment to the department’s mission. Award criteria include outstanding accomplishments above and beyond job and performance expectations; actions that support leadership, innovation, initiative and/or cost-effectiveness; and exceptional service provided to university clients.

The 2019 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Invaluable Service are:

In addition, the Events and Outreach/Research Communications teams (Joel Brehm, Tiffany Lee, Lisa Maupin, Dan Moser, Laurie Sampson, Ashley Washburn and Heidi Uhing) were awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Cup for Outstanding Customer Service during the event.

Congratulations to all!


ORED staff are invited to submit kudos to their colleagues that are rotated on screen during the staff recognition event. To view this year’s slideshow, click here.


Photos from the staff recognition event are available here.