OPEN Book – Happy New Year 2024

R&I’s Internal Newsletter

News and Upcoming Events

R&I Potluck

The R&I Potluck is back and you can RSVP now! We will be eating and socializing on Wednesday, January 17, 11:45 – 1:30 in 136 and 152 Whittier. Please RSVP with the food you plan to share.  R&I will provide the drinks and paper products.  

Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identities (CCSGSI) Seeking New Members

The Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identities (CCSGSI) is seeking new members from across the campus community (including both undergraduate and graduate students, staff, post docs, and faculty). The purpose of commission is to, “Enhance the status of LGBTQA+ identified people at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln”. As such, we advise the Chancellor on issues facing our community and work to bring LGBTQA+ people together through programming events that create connectivity and a shared sense of belonging at UNL. For more information about the commission or to apply to be a member, please visit our website at:  You can also reach us via email at:  Additionally, if anyone has any comments or questions that the commission can address as a commission, please forward those on to them at Any issues brought to them are held in strict confidentiality.

HealthierU Updates for 2024

1.Spring 2024 Wellness Event: Mark your calendars for the Spring 2024 HealthierU Wellness Event on April 11, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Great Plains Room located inside the East Campus Union. More information about the event will be released in upcoming HealthierU Newsletters! 

2. Wellness Coaching: Are you determined to stick with your 2024 new year resolution this year? Make an appointment with a wellness coach today to help set yourself up for success in 2024! To learn more and to book your initial appointment click here.  

3. HealthierU Sport Leagues: Based on the positive feedback we received from participating in the Lincoln Corporate Games, we are excited to announce that we are working towards creating more opportunities for sport leagues for UNL employees! If you would like to receive updates pertaining to specific sport leagues and would like to be notified once more information is made available, please fill out this survey.   If you have not already, make sure to check out the UNL winners from the 2023 Lincoln Corporate Games by clicking here!  

4. Wellness Liaisons: Are you interested in representing your department as a wellness liaison? We are always looking to grow our team of liaisons! To learn more about the position and to apply click here.  

5. Do you have a January Birthday? Make sure to take advantage of the 25% birthday discount through Massage Therapy Services! To learn more about the service offerings and to book your appointment click here!  

Learning and Development

Join a #NCLUDE Learning Group

#NCLUDE is designed so that individuals who desire to grow their knowledge, skills, and awareness in a particular DEI-related area can do so in an environment of care, commitment, and accountability. Learning groups co-create a space for students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members to engage in dynamic dialogue, reflection, and offer support to one another.

Each semester, #NCLUDE will offer a mix of learning groups anchored by one or two individuals. For those interested in joining an #NCLUDE small group, it involves three steps:

1.  Look at small group descriptions – Groups range in topics from accessibility to veteran/ military experiences. Some groups have an intended audience.
2.  Check meeting dates and times – Group members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings.
3.  Complete the registration form – at indicating your intentions for participating, group preferences, and accommodations.

Welcome New R&I Team Members

Aurora Kenworthy starts a new role on the Sponsored Programs – Awards team today.  She will be a Contracts Negotiator, which is a new position. I have attached an updated organizational chart for your reference or you can find on here.  She will still report to Brian Sabata and will be located at Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School (WHIT) 151.

Aurora’s role will be to:

If you see Aurora, please congratulate her on her new position.   


Seth Burkey‘s last day with the Vice Chancellor’s Office was December 21, 2023.  In the interim, please contact Becky Zavala.

Neil Rutledge‘s last day with Research Compliance Services is today, January 2, 2024.  In the interim, please contact Sara Quinn.  

Trudy Nienaber‘s last day with Sponsored Programs will be January 19, 2024. Trudy will be transferring to UNO’s Sponsored Programs office to be the Assistant Director in Post Award.  In the interim, please contact Hannah Kahler.  

KUDOS to Our Colleagues

AURP Announces Board of Directors and Officers | Kate Engel Elected to Board

The Association of University Research Parks (AURP) announced the 2024 Board of Directors and Officers. Kate Engel, our Interim Executive Director for Nebraska Innovation Campus was elected to the board!   Read the announcement:  Congratulations Kate!

Builder Award Goes to Duncan

Congratulations to NIC’s founding executive director Dan Duncan on receiving the Roger T. Larson Community Builder Award at the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Celebrate Business Awards Lunch on Dec. 5! Dan’s proven leadership and influence through public service has shaped NIC and the Lincoln community. Watch Award Video >>

Do you know someone who should join our team? Share these opportunities!

The Month in Pictures

This is my new grand fur-baby Kingsley (aka King), who belongs to my daughter, Zoey. I think he should be called Batman with those ears! – Suzan Lund
Research Finance Team members learning from Elenita Donley how to make Spring Rolls.  Pictured clockwise, starting at 9:00:  Elenita Donley, L.D. Miller, Brande Dicks, Jess Cronin, Kate Madsen, and Shelly Cutsor. 
The Heartland Robotics Cluster team housed at Nebraska Innovation Studio presented at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting on Dec. 7. They shared about the curriculum they have created and implemented and showed a few pieces of new equipment they’ve purchased as part of the HRC grant. Pictured left to right: Travis Ray, John Strope, Isaac Regier, Elijah Paulson.
Nebraska Innovation Campus welcomed 600 attendees to the Lincoln Hour of Code & Tech Fair at Nebraska Innovation Campus on Dec. 2. Pictured: Kate Engel and Brooke Goedert.
Vice Chancellor’s Office staff dressed up to spread holiday cheer.  Pictured left to right:  Elenita Donley, Lisa Maupin, AJ Fabry, Brande Dicks, Julie Koch, Jess Cronin, Kate Madsen, Shelly Cutsor, Becky Carter  and Becky Zavala.   
Congratulations to Erik Schulz, Research Compliance Services, for being recognized for the GIS Map Competition sponsored by University Libraries.  
NUtech Ventures celebrated the end of the year with a holiday lunch inviting the entire suite. Food was catered in from Banhwich – a team favorite! All participated in a white elephant gift exchange. Left Photo: Jeewan Jyot (Nutech Ventures) opens her white elephant gift during the holiday party.  Right Photo (back row, left to right) Nathan Hatch, Michael Loes, Kelsey Sloup, Casey Lundberg, Alisson Rios, Scott Shaver, Nate Sheldon (front row) Brooke Goedert, Jeewan Jyot, Karen Gokie, Jessica Minnick, Courtney Grate
Sponsored Program‘s Cider, Crafts & Cookies – sponsored by the OSP Fun Committee.  Left photo – left to right:  Bailey Rosberg, Aurora Kenworthy, Mardi Bonner, Heather Hulinsky, Terri Murray.  Photo credit:  Andrea Koeber
The 2023 Invaluable Service Award winners are: top row, left to right pictured with Interim Vice Chancellor Sherri Jones, Courtney Grate, Kate Carlin, Melissa Bausch; bottom row, left to right, Erik Schulz, Brenda Coufal and Brande Dicks.
2023 Vice Chancellor Cup winner is the IACP Service Center Animal Care Team.  Pictured left to right:  Sherri Jones, Jadyn Taylor, Sarah Smith, Shiloh Heuertz, Jesse Berg, Katelin VanDerslice, Cindy Wooledge, Cedric Wooledge, Stefanie Kremer.  Not pictured:  Bayliegh Bohn.

OPEN Book Submissions

If you enjoyed the news and photos, please consider sharing some for the next OPEN Book Newsletter. 

Thank you to the OPEN Book reporters:
Mardi Bonner (Office of Sponsored Programs)
Megan Ebbers (Institutional Animal Care Program)
Tisha Gilreath Mullen (Office of Proposal Development)
Nova Gocchi Carrasco (Methodology and Evaluation Research Core)
Brooke Goedert (Nebraska Innovation Campus)
Mari Greer (Vice Chancellor’s Office)
Casey Lundberg (NUtech Ventures)
Suzanne Spiehs (Industry Relations)
Sara Quinn (Research Compliance Services), and
Ashley Washburn (Research Communications).

If you have anything you would like to include in the monthly OPEN Book newsletter, please reach out to one of these reporters or send it directly to Becky Carter (Vice Chancellor’s Office).

OPEN Book is a monthly electronic newsletter that highlights upcoming activities, office news, and accomplishments.  To read previous OPEN Book newsletters, go to