Upcoming Deadlines and Events
OPEN Forum: Internal Strategic Planning Listening Session Lunch, March 5
The March OPEN Forum is an internal strategic planning listening session, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Ballroom. Registration is now closed; contact Laurie Sampson if you’re still interested in attending. Participants should come prepared to discuss the following questions:
- If ORED could implement one program or initiative to best position us to accomplish the ambitious research goals of the N150 Commission, what would you recommend?
- Is there one ORED program or initiative that should be terminated to provide resources to implement the new program or initiative described above?
- If you could redesign your job to be most efficient, what would you change?
- What are the top two interdisciplinary research grand challenges that UNL should focus on?
- What are the barriers to increasing research expenditures to $450 million?
- How can ORED, colleges and departments overcome these barriers?
If you’re not able to attend the session but would like to submit your thoughts, a website is available for you to share feedback. The website will remain open through March 8, when ORED’s listening sessions conclude.
March Nebraska Lecture featuring John Sorensen, March 28
The third Nebraska Lecture in the N150 series is 3:30 p.m. at the Great Plains Art Museum, 1155 Q St. Sorensen, a friend of the university and founder of the Abbott Sisters Project, will present “Grace and Edith Abbott: Nebraska’s Social Justice Sisters.” His talk will focus on the Abbott sisters’ social justice legacy as champions for the rights of children, immigrants and women.
Peter Stewart, Research Finance and Information Systems, is retiring after a nearly 13-year tenure in ORED. His last day is March 31. Congratulations, Peter, and thank you for your service!
When it comes to Girl Scout Cookies, ORED puts Caramel deLites/Samoas at the top of the list, with 33.3 percent ranking them first among the 11 varieties. Here’s the rest of the rankings:
Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs: 16.7 percent (green)
Lemonades: 16.7 percent (pink)
Thin Mints: 11.1 percent (red)
Shortbread/Trefoils: 11.1 percent (purple)
Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich: 5.6 percent (blue)
Thanks-A-Lot: 5.6 percent (dark red)
Thanks to all who participated! Check the March edition of OPEN Book for the next survey question. If you’d like to make a suggestion for the poll, you can do so here.
Jerry Reif, shop manager at Nebraska Innovation Studio, built the cake that Herbie Husker popped out of at the N150 halftime celebration at Pinnacle Bank Arena on Feb. 13. The event was part of the university’s Charter Week festivities. Herbie was joined by Scott Frost, head coach of Husker football; Chancellor Ronnie Green; and Bill Moos, director of athletics. Photo: Isabel Thalken, Nebraska Athletics
Andrea Schreiber, Sponsored Programs, and Todd Koeber got engaged in the middle of the Feb. 23 blizzard warning. Todd is an auditor for the Nebraska Department of Revenue Motor Fuels Division. The two have not yet set a wedding date.
Jeanne Wicks, Sponsored Programs, became a first-time grandmother on Feb. 20, when Wyatt Allan Sandvick was born at 5:20 p.m. He was 19 inches long and weighed in at 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Mom and baby are both doing fine.
Thanks to all who contributed to this month’s OPEN Book. If you have an item you’d like to submit for the next issue, submit it here or send it to Tiffany Lee.