OPEN Book – August 2022

Upcoming Events

We hope you enjoy your upcoming Labor Day Weekend!

Save the Date
OPEN Forum:  September 29, 8:30-10:00 a.m. Cather Dining Complex, Red Cloud A
Mark Robertson, Emergency Management Director for UNL will present on the protective action you can take when faced with an emergency on or off campus.    

Live bluegrass music in the NIC plaza!
September 14   The Steel Wheels
October 12   Shucks Brothers

This concert series is free and open to the public. Come eat, drink and enjoy!  Food/drink will be available for purchase at 5:00 p.m. Tours of Nebraska Innovation Studio, the makerspace located at NIC, will be offered at 5:00 and 5:30 p.m.

Concerts begin at 6:00 p.m. Bring your own chair!  Learn more by visiting:

Kudos to our Colleagues

Erik Schulz from Research Compliance Services, recently completed his Export Control certification in both Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) through the Export Control Training Institute (ECTI). ECTI trains businesses, governments and universities/research institutions on how best to comply with export, import, transaction and activity regulations administered by the U.S. Departments of Commerce, State and Treasury.

ORED Personnel Connection to 12 Days of Hope – Mario Herrera Blood Drive

Pictured above:  Jessica Cronin in Research Finance with family and friends, including her brother-in-law Mario Herrera.  

Nebraska Community Blood Bank is hosting the 12 Days of Hope campaign August 26th – September 7th.  Individuals are encouraged to give blood any time during the 12 days. Some highlights:

The 12-day drive was established in honor of slain Lincoln Police Investigator Mario Herrera, who was shot while serving a warrant and spent 12 days in the hospital before passing away from his injuries.

The 2021 event resulted in 1,800 blood donations. To schedule your donation appointment call 877.486.9414 or click here.

OPEN Book Submissions

Thank you to the OPEN Book reporters Mary Guest, Tisha Gilreath Mullen, Ashley Washburn, Sara Quinn, Mardi Bonner, Suzanne Spiehs, Katherine Pinkerton, Casey Lundberg and Brooke Goedert.  If you have anything you would like to include in the monthly OPEN Book newsletter, please reach out to one of these reporters or send it directly to Becky Carter.