OPEN Book – April 2020



Volunteers needed for Husker Dialogues
On Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. in the Bob Devaney Sports Center, incoming first-year students will participate in Husker Dialogues, a diversity and inclusion event facilitated by student, faculty and staff conversation guides. Volunteers are needed to lead the discussions, train discussion guides, handle logistics and work with marketing and communications for the occasion. If you are interested in participating in this event, which reaches nearly 6,000 students, visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s Husker Dialogues website.

ORED Wellness Challenge Update

ORED staff are invited to join their colleagues and record their wellness activities as we virtually visit the other Big Ten campuses. Each Monday, submit your activities of the previous week to Laurie Sampson, who is mapping out our progress. Each mile walked, ran or cycled is added to activity minutes to calculate a total number of miles (20 minutes of activity is converted to one mile for those activities where distance isn’t measured). Reminder: Yardwork is an activity!

An average of 15 staff members participate each week – and there’s always room for more. Currently, we are just outside Baltimore, Maryland, having logged 1,405 miles and visited the University of Iowa, University of Illinois, Purdue University, Indiana University, Ohio State University and the University of Maryland. The planned route includes the other Big Ten campuses: Rutgers University, Penn State University, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Northwestern University, University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota before returning to Lincoln. The total distance in this tour is 3,622 miles.


The Office of Sponsored Programs is excited to welcome Sarah Hansen to the pre-award team starting May 11. Sarah comes to us from Nebraska’s AEM Business Center, a unit within the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources that performs specialized business services in financial and human resource management. Sarah brings a wealth of pre-award (and post-award) experience as well as great institutional knowledge. She is also a lot of fun and will be a great fit for our team!


As many of us continue to work from home amid the pandemic, new resources are becoming available to help us navigate the upheaval. Here are a few aimed at helping us stay healthy, calm and productive:

Thanks to all who contributed to this month’s OPEN Book. If you have something you’d like to include in the next edition, send it to Tiffany Lee.