Nominees sought for ORED Invaluable Service Awards


Our annual staff recognition event – “ORED Is Out of This World!” – is being planned for late January or early February 2014. We’ll let you know when the date is set. In the meantime, we are accepting nominations for the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Invaluable Service, given to individuals to honor excellence in their work and their commitment to the mission of the Office of Research and Economic Development.

To nominate one of your colleagues, please complete the short online nomination form, including an attached statement of 200 words or fewer describing the qualities that make your nominee “out of this world.” You are encouraged to ask others – both within and outside your unit – to write brief testimonials to support your nomination. Please attach all supporting material to your online nomination or email additional info to Liz Banset (

Nomination criteria for the award could include, but are not limited to:

• Outstanding accomplishments or going above and beyond job and performance expectations

• Actions that support the values of leadership, innovation, initiative and/or cost-effectiveness

• Exceptional service provided to clients or the university.

The deadline to submit nominations is Fri., Jan. 10, 2014. An external panel will review all nominations, and four people will be selected to receive a plaque and a $250 cash award.

If you are interested in nominating a team to receive the travelling Vice Chancellor’s cup, contact Liz Banset (