OPEN is the Organizational and Professional Enhancement iNitiative of the Office of Research and Innovation, designed to extend professional development opportunities to R&I staff members and foster community engagement among all office units.
OPEN’s Vision
To make R&I the best place to work on campus.
OPEN’s Mission
To boost engagement and productivity of R&I staff, align learning opportunities with the needs of employees and satisfy R&I’s clients.
OPEN’s Objectives
- Accelerate growth
- Enable transformation
- Increase engagement and initiative
- Foster innovation
- Create a positive work environment
The OPEN Forum is a quarterly meeting for all R&I staff; it’s an opportunity to gather with colleagues, have fun, and learn about an important aspect of the office.
OPEN Book is a monthly electronic newsletter that highlights upcoming activities, office news, and accomplishments.
OPEN Note is an email that is sent as needed to share important information with the staff.