OPEN Book: March 2019


Upcoming Events and News

April “Smart Start” Session: Pomodoro Technique to Boost Your Productivity, April 17 and 25
Instead of bringing your lunch for a midday training session, grab a doughnut at an April “Smart Start” session! Join your ORED colleagues at 8:30 a.m. in Room 152 of the Paul Research Center on either April 17 or April 25 for a one-hour introduction to the Pomodoro Technique to Boost Your Productivity. Register here to ensure there are enough materials (and doughnuts).

The Pomodoro Technique involves deciding on the day’s tasks, setting a timer for 25 minutes and then starting the first task. It also includes conducting daily retrospectives, creating daily commitments, handling interruptions and estimating your effort.

During this session, participants will:

For more information, contact Laurie Sampson, learning and development coordinator, 402-472-3136.

Nebraska Lecture featuring Tim Borstelmann, April 25
The next Nebraska Lecture of the N150 series is at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Auditorium, 1400 R St. Borstelmann, E.N. and Katherine Thompson Professor of Modern World History, will present “The Hearts of Foreigners: How Americans Understand Others.” He will discuss how Americans think about immigrants, refugees and people who live in other countries, arguing that historical events since World War II have shaped a primarily inclusive perspective among most Americans that these “outsiders,” in their hearts, aren’t all that different.

2019 Pay Calendar Available
A 2019 pay calendar is available for your personal use. Click here to access and print.


Nathan Meier is returning to ORED as assistant vice chancellor for research, effective May 6. Nathan has held multiple roles in ORED and is currently director of research development at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. At Nebraska, he will focus on advancing institutional research goals and fostering faculty success in implementing high-priority partnerships, projects and programs.


Did you know that April is National Stress Awareness Month? Launched in 1992, the month is aimed at increasing public awareness about stress, including its causes, negatives effects on the mind and body, and methods for relieving it.

According to a recent Forbes article, two-thirds of professionals report that their stress levels at work are higher than they were five years ago. Seventy-six percent report that the stress has negatively affected personal relationships, and 66% have lost sleep over workplace stress.

We hope nobody in ORED is too overwhelmed, but no workplace is completely stress free. What are your best strategies for coping with work-related stress? Let us know here, and we’ll share your tips in the next edition of the newsletter.


Suzan Lund, Sponsored Programs, had a great time in Colorado with her daughter, Zoey, over the Lincoln Public Schools spring break. There was beautiful snow every day, and they were able to get home despite “bomb cyclones” and flooding!

Emmanuel Mutale came to the U.S. in mid-January from the University Teaching Hospital in Zambia to learn about ORED. He received training from Sponsored Programs, Proposal Development, Research Compliance Services, the Institutional Animal Care Program, EHP, Business and Finance, Research Finance, NUtech Ventures, Industry Relations and Inventory, Surplus and Asset Management. He will return to UTH on April 4 and hopes to receive a grant to assist him in setting up an OSP/ORED operation there. Emmanuel has a wife and three children who missed him terribly!

Ember Welsch, Office of the Vice Chancellor, and her husband, Jeremy Patterson, welcomed their son, Burton Wyn Welsch Patterson, on Feb. 9. Burton weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces and was 22 inches. Big sister, Ada, is enjoying doting over her new baby brother. Congratulations, Ember and Jeremy!

Thanks to all who contributed to this month’s OPEN Book. If you have an item you’d like to submit for the next issue, submit it here or send it to Tiffany Lee.