Faculty who have presented at professional conferences July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024. UNL co-presenters (identified by those who submitted items for inclusion) are designated in boldface. Submitted by faculty, chairs/heads or deans.
John E. Anderson
Presenter/speaker. Health research opportunities using restricted federal data sets. Grand Rounds. University of Nebraska Medical Center. Omaha, NE. December 13, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Assessing Nebraska’s property tax: Opportunities and solutions. Open Sky Policy Institute Fall Policy Symposium. Lincoln, NE. October 24, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Property taxation in Nebraska. Open Sky Policy Institute Fall Policy Forum. Lincoln, NE. October 24, 2023.
Cory L. Armstrong
Presenter/speaker. With Sharon E. Baldinelli, Kelly Smith, Sharon Medcalf, Elijah Theye. Expertise or experience: Comparing discussion of drought between audiences and agencies. American Meteorological Society’s Seventh Conference on Weather Warnings and Communication. Myrtle Beach, SC. June 12-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Sharon E. Baldinelli, Kelly Smith, Sharon Medcalf. Debated or deluged: Social media conversation surrounding drought conditions around FEMA Region 7. Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. Broomfield, CO. July 12-13, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Sharon Meeker-Medcalf, Sharon E. Baldinelli, Kelly H. Smith. Debated or deluged: Social media conversation surrounding drought conditions around FEMA Region 7. Natural Hazards Center Researchers Meeting. Broomfield, CO. July 12-13, 2023.
Simanti Banerjee
Presenter/speaker. With Sabrina Gulab, Theresa Floyd, Holly Nesbitt, Brian Chaffin, Craig Allen. Role of social networks in technology adoption behavior: An ego-network study of rangeland operators in the United States. Sunbelt Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. June 24-30, 2024.
Carolyn Barber
Presenter/speaker. Dispatches from the musical/pedagogical frontier. College Band Directors National Association North-Central Division Conference, The Ohio State University School of Music. Columbus, OH. April 4-6, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. The ins and outs of interpretation: A practical approach. Wisconsin Concert Band Association Conference 2024, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater. Whitewater, WI. January 18-20, 2024.
Raul G. Barletta
Presenter/speaker. With Mostafa Hanafy, Maia A. Colombatti Olivieri, John P. Bannantine, Denise K. Zinniel. Development and testing of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis DIVA vaccines in ruminants. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. Chicago, IL. January 20-22, 2024.
Steven M. Barlow
Presenter/speaker. Predictive markers for oral feeding in extremely preterm infants. Pediatric Academic Society. Toronto, Canada. May 4-6, 2024.
Guest/invited speaker. Our versatile somatosensory system: Translational neurotherapeutics across the lifespan. Translational Neurotherapeutics, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of South Florida. Tampa, FL. January 9, 2024.
Amy Bartels
Presenter/speaker. With Brandon Fogel, Melissa Chamberlin, Suzanne Peterson, Marcie LePine. Objective or subjective? How the stress process influences emotional exhaustion. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach, FL. October 24-28, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Brandon Fogel, Nathan Black, Daniel Newton, Steven Courtright. How was work today? An enrichment model of spouse voice cultivation to propel voice at work. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. August 3-8, 2023.
Panel moderator. For the love of leadership: Leadership doctoral student consortium. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. August 3-8, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Ned Wellman. Is it just me or am I the people’s choice? The stress and performance implications of (in)congruence between self-and other-identification as a leader or follower. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. August 3-8, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Troy A. Smith. The effect of empowering leadership and team competence (in)congruence on the leader. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. August 3-8, 2023.
Tammy Beck
Presenter/speaker. Improving disadvantaged communities by locating EV chargers. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. November 18-20, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Daniel Davis, Bryan Wang. Digital materiality and issue field dynamics: Social media use during the 2022 Jackson, Mississippi, water crisis. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach, FL. October 25-28, 2023.
Kirill D. Belashchenko
Guest/invited speaker. With Giovanni Baez Flores, Wuzhang Fang, Alexey A. Kovalev, Mark van Schilfgaarde, Paul H. Haney, Mark D. Stiles, Vivek P. Amin. Spin transport and spin-orbit torque in metallic heterostructures. WE-Heraeus Green Function Workshop 2023, WE-Heraeus Foundation and Psi-k. Athens, Greece. September 4-7, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Giovanni G. Baez Flores, Wuzhang Fang, Alexey A. Kovalev, Vivek P. Amin, Paul M. Haney, Mark D. Stiles. Spin-Hall transport and spin-orbit torque from first principles: From single layers to trilayers. WE-Heraeus Green Function Workshop 2023, WE-Heraeus Foundation and Psi-k. Athens, Greece. September 4-7, 2023.
Kelli S. Boling
Presenter/speaker. The Supreme Court is poised to overturn #Roe v. Wade and I’m mad as hell: A politically charged feminist discourse analysis. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2023. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Jessica Walsh, Jason Stamm, Brian Petrotta. Perjurers, rapists, and zealots are ending abortion: Sports journalists’ reaction to the loss of abortion rights. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2023. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Critical pedagogy in a large lecture classroom: Increasing awareness, knowledge, and a desire for change. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2023. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Ian M. Borden
Presenter/speaker. With Sarah Imes Borden. Waist not, want not: Shakespeare has a waif problem. Blackfriars Conference. American Shakespeare Center. Blackfriars Theatre, American Shakespeare Center. Staunton, VA. November 2-4, 2023.
Nicole Buan
Presenter/speaker. Using physiology and machine learning to investigate metabolic interactions between human gut symbionts Bacteroides and Methanobrevibacter. Microbe 2024. American Society for Microbiology. Atlanta, GA. June 13-17, 2024.
Stephen M. Buhler
Presenter/speaker. Uncontainable commentary in Kit Surrey’s designs forTroilus and Cressida: Washington, D.C., 1992. Shakespeare Association of America. Portland, OR. April 11-13, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Milton-ish mediations: Fry, Penderecki, Hart, and Paradise Lost. International Milton Symposium. Center for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, University of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 10-14, 2023.
Robert Campbell
Presenter/speaker. With Elle Yoon, Diego Villalpando. Effects of CEO immigrant status on performance relative to aspirations and problemistic search. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach, FL. October 24-28, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Patience a perceived virtue? Analyst reactions to new CEO strategic action speed. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach, FL. October 24-28, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Once bitten, twice shy: Unconsummated deals and subsequent M&A deal cautiousness. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. August 4-8, 2023.
Joy Castro
Presenter/speaker. New Latinx crime fiction and geographies of belonging. Latinx Studies Association Conference. Tempe, AZ. April 17-20, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Recovering the cultural legacy of Feliciano Castro and “Lágrimas y Flores.” Conference on Cuban and Cuban American Studies. Cuban Research Institute. Miami, FL. February 15-16, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. From the belly of the beast: Academic credentialing and the creative writing PhD. 2024 Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference. Kansas City, MO. February 7-10, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Refusing false belonging: When the market’s price of inclusion is too high. 2024 Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference. Kansas City, MO. February 7, 2024.
Guest/invited speaker. One Brilliant Flame, anticolonial revolution, and Key West’s lector tradition. Florida: The State We’re In. Key West Literary Seminar. Key West, FL. January 11-14, 2024.
Theresa Catalano
Invited panelist. With M’Balia Thomas, Blaine Smith, Christelle Palpacuer-Lee. Alternative research methods. SLAT Webinar. University of Arizona. Virtual. Tucson, AZ. April 25, 2024.
Invited speaker. With Amanda Morales, Inoussa Malgoubri, Ndrao Faye. Forum theatre workshop. I-80 Scholar Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility Connect. Lincoln Public Schools. Lincoln, NE. April 10, 2024.
Invited speaker. Capturing moments in time: How multimodal critical discourse analysis can be used in educational research. Research Enhancement Committee Meeting. Texas State University. St. Marcos, TX. March 29, 2024.
Presenter. With Dan Moran. Valuing indigenous languages in dual language programs: Handwriting as a vehicle for translanguaging. American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting. Houston, TX. March 18-21, 2024.
Invited speaker. Translanguaging in world language classrooms. Nebraska Department of Education World Language Guest Speaker Series. Virtual. February 21, 2024.
Presenter. With Inoussa Malgoubri, Hadi Pir, Madhur Shende, Uma Ganesan. What teachers should know about our multilingual children. Language, Migration and Education Conference. Lincoln, NE. September 9, 2023.
Guest speaker. From idea to paper: Talking through the process. Two-day Symposium, Shanghai International Studies University. Virtual. China. August 12, 2023.
Olivia Chen
Presenter/speaker. The tale of two channels: Monetizing free and members-only contents on a video-sharing platform. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. October 15-18, 2023.
Mun Yuk Chin
Presenter/speaker. With Kamryn Buchanan. The Relationship(s) between classism, heterosexism, and psychological outcomes among sexual minority adults in the U.S. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, D.C. August 3-5, 2023.
Symposium chair/presenter. With Stephanie Lim, Neeta Kantamneni, Dena Abbott. Fostering communitarianism and liberation-centered training in health service psychology. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, D.C. August 3-5, 2023.
Natalie Chisam
Presenter/speaker. Privacy as strategy. American Management Association Summer Conference. San Francisco, CA. August 4-6, 2023.
Sruti Das Choudhury
Keynote speaker. From bytes to brilliance: Navigating the evolutionary odyssey of artificial intelligence. International Seminar on Usefulness of AI in Daily Life: A Closer Insight, Surendranath Evening College. Kolkata, West Bengal, India. December 21, 2023.
Keynote speaker. Multimodal and multiview plant phenotyping analysis using image sequences. International Conference on Systems and Technology for Smart Agriculture. Agri and Environmental Electronics, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing. Kolkata, West Bengal, India. December 19-20, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. CottonHusker: Deep-learning enabled cotton-picking robot for smart agriculture. International Conference on Systems and Technology for Smart Agriculture. Agri and Environmental Electronics, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing. Kolkata, West Bengal, India. December 19-20, 2023.
Anwesha De
Presenter/speaker. With Beth L. Fossen. Brand-influencer collaborations and change in content strategy. Marketing and the Creator Economy. New York, NY. November 30-December 1, 2023.
Erica DeFrain
Presenter/speaker. With Leslie Sult. Gathering evidence to inform practice: A scoping review of library research guide effectiveness studies. Evidence Synthesis Institute Conference. Institute of Museum and Library Services. Minneapolis, MN. April 16-18, 2024.
Beth S. Dotan
Presenter/speaker. With Ari Kohen, Laura Weakly. The evolving Nebraska digital narrative in Holocaust memory and education. There and Then, Here and Now. 54th Annual Scholars’ Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches. Dallas, TX. March 2-4, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Taylor Hamblin. Nebraska’s Holocaust survivors: Digital inquiry. Nebraska State Council of Social Studies/GeoFest Conference. Omaha, NE. November 4, 2023.
Thomas Dotzel
Presenter/speaker. With Venkatesh Shankar. What drives B2B service innovations? A machine learning-based empirical analysis. American Management Association Summer Academic Conference. San Francisco, CA. August 4-6, 2023.
Melanie Downs
Presenter/speaker. Food allergen proteomics: Leveraging mass spectrometry for deeper insights and enhanced food safety. Pacific Southwest Joint Annual Meeting. AOAC/International Association for Food Protection. Davis, CA. March 25-29, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Analytical methods to support risk assessment: Key performance metrics, needs, and possibilities. Food Industry and Research Summit. Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team. Oak Brook, IL. September 10-12, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Mass spectrometry quantification of food allergens in processed food matrices. AOAC International Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. August 26-30, 2023.
Lauren Gatti
Guest/invited speaker. With Viv Ellis. The new political economy of teacher education. Teachers and Teaching Department Event, Queensland University of Technology. Brisbane, Australia. March 14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Rachael Shah. Moving students beyond “I want to teach English because I like to read”: Using program coherence to foster a political vision. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Columbus, OH. November 16-19, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Getting critical about classroom management: Centering race, identity, and context in discussions of classroom management with preservice teachers. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Columbus, OH. November 16-19, 2023.
Frauke Hachtmann
Presenter/speaker. With Thomas Horky. Audience engagement by a professional sports league: Examining social media content of the NFL’s game in Germany. International Association for Media and Communication Research Annual Conference. Lyons, France. July 9-13, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Brian Petrotta, Jason Stamm. 92,003: BIRGing of record-breaking women’s sporting events. International Association for Sport Communication Summit. Burbank, CA. March 14-16, 2023.
Becky Haddad
Presenter/speaker. With A.J. McKim, H.Q. Traini, C. Goodwin, B. Gama Romo. To those concerned with teacher retention: A collective thought experiment. American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference. Manhattan, KS. May 20-23, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With R. Mott. A call to better qual: A philosophical and methodological examination of case study research in JAE. American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference. Manhattan, KS. May 20-23, 2023.
Edmund Hamann
Panel convener/presenter/speaker. The anthropological case for teacher diversity. Royal Anthropological Institute Major Conference: Anthropology and Education. London, England. June 25-28, 2024.
Session organizer/presenter/speaker. Imaginando un currãculo que corresponde a las experiencias, necesidades, y trayectorias posibles de alumnos transnacionales. Latin American Studies Association Congress. Bogotá, Colombia. June 12-15, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Taeyeon Kim, Aprille Phillips. Equity discourses in state accountability policy: From Champions of Equity to passing the microphone. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Lydiah Kiramba. Valuing the construction of transnational imagined communities by Somali refugee background high school students. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. The would-be migrant and me: Uncomfortable discourses of migration, opportunity, and inequality. American Anthropology Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. November 15-19, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Teaching anthropology as part of preparation for the professions: A multinational consideration of teacher preparation. IUAES World Anthropologies: Learning across Countries, Cultures and Disciplines. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Delhi, India. October 14-20, 2023.
Andrew A. Hanna
Panelist. With Jacee R. Pickering, Lisa Shurer-Lambert, Larry J. Williams, Justin DeSimone. Ask the experts: Survey development and application. Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association. St. Petersburg, FL. October 24-28, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Samuel A. Nelson. The entrepreneurial hat trick: A winning strategy for entrepreneurial education. Global Consortium for Entrepreneurship Centers Conference. Dallas, TX. October 5-7, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Cameron J. Borgholthaus, Troy A. Smith. Performance feedback and corporate risk-taking: The moderating effects of CEO personality. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA. August 3-8, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Paul Bliese, Lisa Shurer-Lambert, Robert Vandenberg, Justin DeSimone. We need to chat: Discussing the ramifications of ChatGPT for methodological research. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA. August 3-8, 2023.
Ling Harris
Presenter/speaker. Not all human capital initiatives are equal: The role of initiative type, financial performance, and investor orientation on investor judgments. Indiana University Workshop. Bloomington, IN. February 23, 2024.
Lindsay Hastings
Presenter/speaker. With Ryan Musselman. Mentoring’s role in the development of generativity, especially among young adults. Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. April 19-21, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Mary Emery, Jordan Rasmussen, Justine Yeo, Anu Choudhary. Leadership Chautauqua: Enhancing engagement for innovations in community leadership development. International Association for Public Participation Midwest Chapter Conference. Omaha, NE. April 17, 2024.
Panelist. With Kathy Guthrie, V. Chunoo. New directions for student leadership: A conversation with issue editors. International Leadership Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 12-15, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Addy Sellon. Expanding the lens on generativity’s manifestation in young adults: A grounded theory study. International Leadership Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 12-15, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Justine Yeo, Shawn Kaskie, Mary Emery. The phenomenon of community change and the role of community leadership development. International Leadership Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 12-15, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Victor Mpore. Exploring dimension, structure, and levels of change over time from leadership mentoring experiences. International Leadership Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. October 12-15, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With David Rosch, Ryan Brown. What the #$%! are we really doing here, friends? Structural issues and weaknesses in the leadership education enterprise, and practical advice for moving forward as scholars and practitioners. Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. July 16-19, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Marianne Lorensen, Hannah Sunderman. Theory-driven approaches to targeting socially responsible leadership in emerging adults: Collaboration. Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. July 16-19, 2023.
Hye-Won Hwang
Presenter/speaker. With Jyothsna Sainath. Unpacking experiences in Salpuri and Bharatanatyam: Dance and Asian diasporic identity. Asian American Studies in the 2020s: Disciplinary, Ethnic, Diasporic Identities. Association for Asian American Studies. Seattle, WA. April 25-27, 2024.
Danielle C. Jefferis
Presenter/speaker. Carceral competencies + carceral intent. Law and Society Annual Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. July 14-18, 2023.
Jennifer Johnson Jorgensen
Presenter/speaker. With Melisa Spilinek. An exploration of how changing societal norms of sustainability affects online resale and purchasing of secondhand fashion. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. November 8-11, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Ritu Jadwani. Exploring collaborative supply chain opportunities through consumer perceptions of sustainable gender-neutral products. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. November 8-11, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Sandra Sydnor, Virginia Solis Zuiker et al. The role gender and family play in businesses’ perceptions of wealth and wellbeing under sudden shocks. International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ. July 19-21, 2023.
Valerie K. Jones
Presenter/speaker. With Anthony McCosker, Diana Bossio et al. Aging with technology: Multiple interfaces for social connection. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. June 20-24, 2024.
Invited speaker. With Jeremy Lipschultz, Karen Freberg et al. Social media data collection and analysis after Elon Musk. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Public Relations Conference. Virtual. February 23, 2024.
Poster presenter. The value of voice: Creating social connection among aging adults through virtual assistants. Fulbright Research Gala. Australian-American Fulbright Commission. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia. February 23, 2023.
Taeyeon Kim
Presenter/speaker. With B. Lee. Unpacking logics of equity: College admission policies in South Korea and United States. Korean Association for Multicultural Education Conference. Seoul, South Korea. May 30-June 1, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With S.B. Jang. Building bridges, fostering solidarity: The role of Korean American leaders in transforming civic engagement and community dynamics. Korean-American Educational Researchers Association Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA. April 22, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With A. Phillips, E.T. Hamann. Equity discourses in state accountability policy: From Champions of Equity to passing the microphone. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With L.A. Alvarez Gutiérrez, S. Partola et al. We do better working together in community: Educators reconceptualizing professional roles and engagement during COVID-19. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With H. Reichmuth. Imagining educational change through cross-cultural perspectives on learning. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With S.Y. Lee, M.H. Son, J.K. Jung, S.B. Jang. Writing as collective inquiry: New possibilities of qualitative research as transnational relational flows. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With S.B. Jang. Education practice to transgress boundaries and build solidarity: Korean migrant civic leaders in the U.S. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Waikoloa, HI. January 3-6, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. With D. Liou, A. Ishimaru. Fostering Asian American and Pacific Islanders research agendas in educational leadership. University Council for Educational Administration Convention. Minneapolis, MN. November 16-18, 2023.
Speaker/presenter. With M. Yang, Y. Oh. Leading from equity: Changing and organizing for deeper learning. University Council for Educational Administration Convention. Minneapolis, MN. November 16-18, 2023.
Ciera E. Kirkpatrick
Presenter/speaker. With Yoorim Hong, Nameyon Lee, Sisi Hu, Sungkyoung Lee, Amanda Hinnant. Exploring the strategic use of TikTok for clinical trial recruitment: How audience’s prior short-form video usage influences persuasive effects. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Stanley Kleppinger
Presenter/speaker. With Timothy Chenette, Stacey Davis. Making a mess of aural skills. Texas Society for Music Theory Annual Meeting. Arlington, TX. February 23-24, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. An experiential model for pitch centricity. Society for Music Theory Annual Conference. Denver, CO. November 9-12, 2023.
Dawn Kopacz
Presenter/speaker. Advancing Atmospheric Science Education Research (ASER): Reflections on a 3-day workshop. American Meteorological Society’s 104th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. January 28-February 1, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Advancing Atmospheric Science Education Research: Recent developments and future directions. National Center for Atmospheric Research: Education, Engagement, and Early-Career Development Advisory Board Meeting, NCAR Mesa Laboratory. Boulder, CO. November 16-17, 2023.
Alexey Kovalev
Guest/invited speaker. Low dissipation spin transport. SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023. San Diego, CA. August 20-24, 2023.
Alok Kumar
Panelist. Multiple different papers. George John Symposium. University of Guelph. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. May 2-5, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Supplier development by industrial buyers in B2B markets: When and how? American Management Association Winter Conference. St. Petersburg, FL. February 23-25, 2024.
Yingchao Lan
Presenter/speaker. Primary care continuity and healthcare outcomes. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. October 14-18, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Primary care continuity and healthcare outcomes. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Healthcare Conference. Toronto, Canada. July 26-28, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Legislation driven knowledge spillover. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Healthcare Conference. Toronto, Canada. July 24-28, 2023.
Tom Larson
Presenter/speaker. Forbearance. International Society of Jazz Arrangers and Composers Symposium. Nashville, TN. May 16-18, 2023.
Laurie Thomas Lee
Presenter/speaker. Is this for real? Finding relief for deepfakes through the torts of misappropriation and right of publicity. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Washington, D.C. August 6-10, 2023.
Elizabeth Lewis
Presenter/speaker. With Elizabeth Hasseler, Rachel Benzoni, Gina Matkin. Initial growth of inclusive knowledge and leadership practices by science education teacher-leaders. 2024 National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference. Denver, CO. March 17-20, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Elizabeth Hasseler, Karen Covil, Susan Frack, Amy Tankersley. Mentoring student teachers for ambitious and inclusive science teaching. Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. January 10-13, 2024.
Yanxin (Graham) Liu
Presenter/speaker. Hedging longevity risk under non-Gaussian state-space stochastic mortality models: A mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis approach. China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management. Guangzhou, China. July 12-15, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Hedging longevity risk under non-Gaussian state-space stochastic mortality models: A mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis approach. International Conference on Actuarial Science, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management. Beijing, China. July 9-11, 2023.
Susan J. Loveall
Poster presenter. With A.E. Barkhimer, M.M. Channell et al. Employment in Down syndrome: Exploring caregiver-identified factors for young adults with co-occurring conditions. American Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY. June 10-12, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With S.N. Potter, L. Jacola et al. Characterizing performance on the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, second edition (KBIT-2) in Down syndrome: Exploring potential solutions to overcome floor effects. International Conference of the Trisomy 21 Research Society. Rome, Italy. June 5-8, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Sarah Woodford, Laura J. Mattie. Shared storybook reading and joint engagement during play by toddlers with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research Forum. Down Syndrome Education International. Online. April 25-26, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Emma Conradi, Frances A. Conners. Exploring the receptive language abilities of students with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research Forum. Down Syndrome Education International. Online. April 25-26, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Kendall Willems, Melinda Henson, Frances A. Conners. Variability of language comprehension assessments used with adolescents and adults with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research Forum. Down Syndrome Education International. Online. April 25-26, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With B. Peter, L. Finestack et al. Babble Boot Camp for infants with Down syndrome: Pilot study of a proactive parent-led intervention. Down Syndrome Research Forum. Down Syndrome Education International. Online. April 25-26, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With M.M. Channell, M.M. Burke. Postschool employment experiences of young adults with Down syndrome and their caregivers. Illinois Center for Transition to Work Symposium. Champaign, IL. April 25-26, 2024.
Keynote speaker. Reading skills in individuals with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research Forum. Down Syndrome Education International. Online. April 25-26, 2024.
Poster presenter. With S.N. Potter, L. Jacola et al. Characterizing performance on the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, second edition (KBIT-2) in Down syndrome: Exploring potential solutions to overcome floor effects. 2024 NIH INCLUDE Investigators Meeting. Bethesda, MD. April 15-16, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With B. Peter, N. Potter et al. A proactive speech and language intervention: Babble Boot Camp for infants with Down syndrome. Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Kansas City, MO. April 10-13, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With E. Conradi, F.A. Conners. Exploring the receptive language abilities of children with Down syndrome. Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Kansas City, MO. April 10-13, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With S. Hobza, F.A. Conners. A comparison of two working memory tasks in individuals with Down syndrome. Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Kansas City, MO. April 10-13, 2024.
Poster presenter. With E. Harper, A. Miramonti, F.A. Conners. Impact of sensory differences on executive function in school-age individuals with Down syndrome. Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Kansas City, MO. April 10-13, 2024.
Andre Maciel
Presenter/speaker. Hybrid ethnography: Bridging physical and digital spaces. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference. Seattle, WA. October 26-28, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Ronan Quintao. Athletic identity projects: How consumers develop competence performance in leisure domains of physical competition. EnANPAD: Brazilian Academy of Management Annual Meeting. São Paulo, Brazil. September 26-28, 2023.
Bijesh Maharjan
Session chair/presenter. Long-term manure application improves soil health in continuous maize production system. Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences. Florence, Italy. May 19-21, 2024.
Maria B. Marron
Panel discussion participant. In media we trust, or do we? Truth and Bias in the News Media. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Presenter/speaker/division co-chair. Mediating femicide and sexual violence in Ireland, 2018-2023. Gender division: Migration, Mediation and Sexual Violence in the Digital Age. International Association for Media and Communication Research. Lyon, France. July 9-13, 2023.
Presenter/speaker/division co-chair. Reporting Ireland’s turf troubles: Outside regulation and local activism. Communication and Activist Movements: Beyond the Urban, Vindicating the Rural: Diverse Perspectives on Social Movement. International Association for Media and Communication Research. Lyon, France. July 9-13, 2023.
Glennis McClure
Presenter/speaker. Figuring cost of production and management analysis is as easy as ABC with the online Agricultural Budget Calculator Program. 2023 National Conference, Annie’s Project. St. Louis, MO. October 18-20, 2023.
Jennifer McKitrick
Keynote speaker. Dispositions and sexual orientation. Social Metaphysics Workshop, Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University. Rutgers, NJ. April 26-28, 2024.
Sarah Michaels
Presenter/speaker. Utilizing variegated uncertainty to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Third International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World: Addressing Compound and Multi-Hazard Risk. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 12-13, 2024.
Ursula Nguyen
Presenter/speaker. With Deepika Menon, Minji Jeon, Amanda Thomas. Purposefully designing integrated STEM learning experiences within elementary teacher education (work in progress). 2024 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition. Portland, OR. June 23-27, 2024.
Stanislava (Stas) Nikolova
Presenter/speaker. Corporate bond flipping. George Mason University Seminar. Fairfax, VA. May 6, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Gergana Jostova, Alexander Philipov. Data uncertainty in corporate bonds. University of Florida President Day’s Conference. Gainesville, FL. February 16-17, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Liying Wang. Corporate bond flipping. Risk Management Research Symposium. Miramar Beach, FL. January 25-27, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Corporate bond flipping. Rutgers University Seminar. Newark, NJ. December 8, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Michael Goldstein, Edith Hotchkiss. Underwriters as dealers for newly issued corporate bonds. Recent Developments in OTC Markets. Budapest, Hungary. September 29, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Corporate bond flipping. Florida State University Seminar. Tallahassee, FL. September 8, 2023.
Dan Novy
Workshop facilitator. Zero-G-ames: A series of workshops to explore, discuss, and design the history and future of games in microgravity environments. Analog Astronaut Conference 2024. Analog Astronaut Foundation. Oracle, AZ. May 9-12, 2024.
Morgan E. Palmer
Presenter/speaker. Civil service and urban resilience on inscriptions honoring Vestal Virgins. Fourth North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. Chicago, IL. January 8-9, 2024.
Brian A. Petrotta
Presenter/speaker. With Matthew P. Taylor. Ridley me this: Analysis of reaction to Calvin Ridley’s suspension for betting on the NFL. International Association of Communication and Sport Annual Summit. Burbank, CA. March 14-16, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Jason Stamm, Madison Reisbig. It’s in the syllabus: What sport media instructors communicate to students. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Conference. Norman, OK. February 24-25, 2023.
Ann Marie Pollard
Presenter/speaker. Celebrating bilingual and multilingual individuals through intentional curriculum planning. Voice and Speech Trainer’s Association. La Paz, Mexico. July 10-14, 2023.
Wen Qian
Presenter/speaker. With Maxwyll McConnell, Xin Chen, Bai Cui, Joseph A. Turner. Graphene reinforced 316 stainless steel prepared via laser powder bed fusion. Microscopy & Microanalysis. Microscopy Society of America. Minneapolis, MN. July 23-27, 2023.
Heather Richards-Rissetto
Presenter/speaker. With R. Wood, C. Wittich, E. Garza, L. Tuarez, R. Agurcia Fasquelle. Rescuing Rosalila: 3D scanning of complex archaeological tunnels for conservation efforts in Honduras. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. CAA International. Oxford, England. August 8-11, 2023.
Michael D. Ricks
Invited speaker. With Owen A. Kay. Time-limited subsidies: Optimal taxation with implications for renewable energy subsidies. National Bureau of Economic Research Public Economics Program. Cambridge, MA. April 19-20, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Time-limited subsidies: Optimal taxation with implications for renewable energy subsidies. National Tax Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. November 2-4, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Why choose career technical education? Disentangling student preferences from program availability. Syracuse University CPR Series. Syracuse, NY. November 2, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Time-limited subsidies: Optimal taxation with implications for renewable energy subsidies. Midwest Applied Microeconomics Conference. Manhattan, KA. September 18, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Public good perceptions and polarization: Evidence from higher education appropriations. International Institute on Public Finance Annual Conference. Logan, UT. August 14-16, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Time-limited subsidies: Optimal taxation with implications for renewable energy subsidies. International Institute on Public Finance Annual Conference. Logan, UT. August 14-16, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Time-limited subsidies: Optimal taxation with implications for renewable energy subsidies. National Bureau of Economic Research: Summer Institute. Cambridge, MA. July 10-28, 2023.
Milad Roohi
Speaker/presenter. With D. Deniz, M. Cheraghzade. Field observations for hospital network of Hatay Province after the February 6, 2023, Turkey earthquake sequence. International Conference on Resilience, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Health Monitoring. Torino-Ispra, Italy. June 24-28, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. With P. Adhikari, S. Ghasemi et al. Enhancing predictive accuracy in tornado community resilience models through hindcasting and post-event reconnaissance data analysis. Engineering Mechanics Institute/Probabilistic Mechanics and Reliability Conference. ASCE. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 28-31, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. With S. Ghasemi, V. Aghaei Doost. Data-driven reliability and resilience evaluation of bridge networks for proactive infrastructure management. Engineering Mechanics Institute/Probabilistic Mechanics and Reliability Conference. ASCE. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 28-31, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. With S. Ghasemi, O. Sediek, J. van de Lindt. Infrastructure resilience quantification for developing seismic mitigation policies and recovery planning. Engineering Mechanics Institute/Probabilistic Mechanics and Reliability Conference. ASCE. Urbana-Champaign, IL. May 28-31, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. Multi-disciplinary seismic resilience modeling and community engagement for developing mitigation policies. Natural Hazards Research Summit. College Park, MD. May 14-15, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. IN-CORE: Next gen resilience modeling of communities for policy decisions. National Institute of Standards and Technology Semi-Annual Meeting. Webinar. May 2, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. With S. Hamideh, J. Lee et al. Salt Lake City IN-CORE earthquake model and community application for community resilience planning. IN-CORE Workshop on Community Resilience Planning. Salt Lake City, UT. April 17, 2024.
Speaker/presenter. With O. Sediek, J. van de Lindt et al. Interdependent physical infrastructure and social systems modeling for seismic resilience assessment of Salt Lake County. INSPIRE 2023: Infrastructure Innovation and Adaptation for a Sustainable and Resilient World. ASCE. Arlington, VA. November 16-18, 2023.
Speaker/presenter. With M. Cheraghzade. Minimal sensing and data fusion for structural seismic risk and resilience modeling. INSPIRE 2023: Infrastructure Innovation and Adaptation for a Sustainable and Resilient World. ASCE. Arlington, VA. November 16-18, 2023.
Speaker/presenter. With S. Ghasemi, J. van de Lindt. Seismic multi-hazard multi-disciplinary resilience modeling for community-level structural retrofit decision making. INSPIRE 2023: Infrastructure Innovation and Adaptation for a Sustainable and Resilient World. ASCE. Arlington, VA. November 16-18, 2023.
Speaker/presenter. With S. Ghasemi, R.L. Wood, D. Roueche. Harnessing post-disaster data for refined tornado damage predictions in community resilience models. Tornado Hazard Wind Assessment and Reduction Symposium. Urbana-Champaign, IL. August 14-15, 2023.
Jennifer K. Ryan
Presenter/speaker. With Demet Batur, M.C. Vuran. Dynamic capacity management in 5G networks. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Annual Conference and Expo. Montreal, Canada. May 18-21, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With A. Gupta, A. Agrawal. Agile contracting: Managing incentives under uncertain needs. Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. April 25-29, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Z. Li, A. Mutha, D. Sun. Product acquisition for remanufacturing. Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. April 25-29, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Demet Batur, M.C. Vuran. Dynamic resource sharing in private 5G networks with slicing. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting. Phoeniz, AZ. October 15-18, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With J. Lee, H. Shin, D. Sun. Impacts of a non-profit organization on reliability of drug supply. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. October 15-18, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Demet Batur, M.C. Vuran. Dynamic resource sharing in private 5G networks with slicing. International Federation of Operational Research Societies Conference. Santiago, Chile. July 10-14, 2023.
Amit Saini
Presenter/speaker. From vulnerability to vigilance: Developing a resilient marketing management framework with risk management. American Management Association Winter Academic Conference. Virtual. February 23-25, 2024.
Erkut Sonmez
Presenter/speaker. With Baris Ata, Derek Heeren. Dynamic irrigation management under temporal and spatial variability. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. October 15-18, 2023.
Jason Stamm
Presenter/speaker. With Frauke Hachtmann, Brian Petrotta. 92,003: BIRGing of record-breaking women’s sporting events. International Association for Communication and Sport Annual Summit. Burbank, CA. March 14-16, 2024.
Panelist. With Jason Genovese, Daniel Durbin, Patrick Foley. NIL and the future of college sports. International Association for Communication and Sport Annual Summit. Burbank, CA. March 14-16, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Brandon Boatwright. Deteriorating our relationship for no good reason: Collegiate beat writers’ perceptions of their PR counterparts. National Communication Association Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. November 16-19, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Kelli Boling, Jessica Walsh, Brian Petrotta. Perjurers, rapists, and zealots are ending abortion: Sports journalists’ reaction to the loss of abortion rights. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Brian Petrotta, Madeline Reisbig. It’s in the syllabus: What sport media instructors communicate to students. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Conference. Norman, OK. February 24-25, 2023.
Gerald J. Steinacher
Presenter/speaker. The Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy. The Ninth Miller Symposium: Italy and the Holocaust. Burlington, VT. October 28-29, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. The Vatican and the escape of Axis war criminals from justice. International Conference: New Documents from the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII and their Meaning for Jewish-Christian Relations: A Dialogue between Historians and Theologians. Rome, Italy. October 9-11, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Forgive and forget? The Vatican and the Nuremberg trials. American Society of Church History Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA. January 5-8, 2023.
Daniel Tannenbaum
Presenter/speaker. With Brandon Timpe, Becky Jack. The parenthood gap: Firms and earnings inequality after kids. Society of Labor Economists Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. May 3-4, 2024.
Eric Thompson
Presenter/speaker. Nebraska’s mid-year economic update. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Kansas City, MO. August 22, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Economic outlook. Nebraska Broadcaster Association Convention. La Vista, NE. August 8, 2023.
Brenden Timpe
Presenter/speaker. The parenthood gap: Firms and earnings inequality after kids. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference. Atlanta, GA. November 9-11, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. The parenthood gap: Firms and earnings inequality after kids. National Tax Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. November 2-4, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Rebecca Jack, Daniel Tannenbaum. The parenthood gap: Firms and earnings inequality after kids. Minneapolis Federal Reserve Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. October 5-6, 2023.
Varkey Titus, Jr.
Presenter/speaker. With Izuchukwu Mbaraonye, Mirzokhidjon Abdurakhmonov. Speak softly and use a big stick: Decoupling symbolic and substantive aggressiveness. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA. August 4-8, 2023.
Guy Trainin
Presenter/speaker. With Gwen Nugent, LeenKiat Soh, Wendy Smith. What we learned about elementary computer science and computational thinking strategies. International Society of Technology in Education Live. Denver, CO. June 23-26, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Matthew Auch Moedy, Cayleen Green, Gretchen Larsen. Creativity and metacognition through emerging media arts. International Society of Technology in Education Live. Denver, CO. June 23-26, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Chelsea Costello, Nicholas Husbye et al. Pathways to early childhood teacher certification: A data analytics approach. CYFS Summit on Research in Early Childhood. Lincoln, NE. April 23, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Zachary Schafer. Embracing uncertainty: A narrative case study on teacher-learner relationships through restorative justice practices in education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Qizhen Deng, Lydiah Kiramba. Trends in families’ satisfaction and interaction with schools: Results from the early childhood longitudinal. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Lorinda Rice. Shifting administrator perspectives on art education. National Art Education Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. April 4-6, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Mellisa Sellers, Margaret Elsener, Sarah Gablehouse. The creative research stages: Scaffolding student voice and creativity in the classroom across grades. National Art Education Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. April 4-6, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Tamanna Kabir. Overcoming rural educational barriers: Enhancing para educator learning through technology. Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. March 25-29, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Abebe Fitsum. Preservice teachers’ understanding of TPACK in elementary math instruction. Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. March 25-29, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With HyeonJin Yoon, Kimberley D’Adamo. The IHE experience: Grant administration and lessons learned. Arts in Practice: Refining the Canvas. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C. February 21-22, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Kimberley D’Adamo, Tricia Gray. Scaffolding liberatory practices in preservice teacher education. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. February 16-18, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Abebe Fitsum. Preservice TPACK. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. February 16-18, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With HyeonJin Yoon, Kimberley D’Adamo. Making teaching visible: Using art-centered learning in elementary education. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. February 16-18, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Kathryn Johnson, Deepika Menon, Amanda Thomas, Derek Cox, Deef Al Shorman. Centering equity in elementary STEM preservice education. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. February 16-18, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Zhenji Zhou, Ji Guo, HyeonJin Yoon. Using learning traces to understand college readers’ use of digital textbooks. Literacy Research Association Meeting. Atlanta, GA. November 29-December 2, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Sarah Holz, Margaret Elsener. Exhibitions of learning as celebrations of process. Nebraska Art Teachers Association Annual Meeting. Lincoln, NE. October 13-14, 2023.
Silvana Trimi
Presenter/speaker. With S. Chiu, Ch. H. Ho, Sh. Xu. AI can sell too! Virtual idol live streamers’ e-service quality in social commerce. International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet. Tokyo, Japan. June 14-16, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Shangeun Rhee. Pay and intrinsic motivation: It is not about amount and performance but trust building and timing. National Decision Science Institute’s Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. November 18-21, 2023.
Mark van Roojen
Guest/invited speaker. Reasoning, evidence and encroachment. Harmania: A Conference in Honor of Gilbert Harman. Princeton, NJ. October 30-November 1, 2023.
Shari R. Veil
Presenter/speaker. With Michael Palenchar. Critical analysis of societal dissatisfaction and confusion with risk and crisis communication. International Conference on Crisis Communication, European Communication Research and Education Association. Gothenburg, Sweden. October 5-7, 2023.
Rossana Villa-Rojas
Guest/invited speaker. Advances in food safety of low moisture foods. II Euro-American Meeting of Food and Food Processing. Virtual. December 5-7, 2023.
Mark P. Vrtiska
Presenter/speaker. With M.P. Gruntorad, M.P. Vrtiska, C.J. Chizinski. Cessation of mentors to waterfowl hunting. The 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland, OR. February 5-9, 2024.
Jessica Walsh
Presenter/speaker. With Louisa Lincoln, Greg Perreault, Mildred Perreault. Collaboration in rural journalism: How rural journalists work together within the journalistic field. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. June 20-24, 2024.
Presenter/speeaker. Managing AP Style expectations: What journalism and mass communications students are learning in college and how that impacts you. ACES: The Society for Editing Annual Conference. American Copy Editors Society. San Diego, CA. April 4-7, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. With Serena Miller, Mildred Perreault, Endurance Lawrence. Neutrality in Midwestern U.S. newspapers: An investigation on how community-oriented journalists in rural states report on environmental water pollution news. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Kelli Boling, Jason Stamm, Brian Petrotta. Perjurers, rapists, and zealots are ending abortion: Sports journalists’ reaction to the loss of abortion rights. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Bringing theater to the journalism classroom: Using improv to teach interviewing skills. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. August 7-10, 2023.
Jing Wang
Presenter/speaker. With Qingli Lei. Mathematics anxiety, emotional intelligence, self-concept: Impacts on mathematics achievement in students with and without mathematics learning disability. American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA. April 11-14, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Enhancing word problem-solving outcomes for Chinese American English learners. Council for Exceptional Children Convention. San Antonio, TX. March 13-16, 2024.
Lorey A. Wheeler
Presenter/speaker. With Amanda Prokasky, Jamy Rentschler, Janella Kang, Alexis Chavez, Genevieve Dashiell, Katie Edwards, Rochelle Dalla. Development and psychometrics of attitudinal and behavioral instruments to assess commercial sexual exploitation of children. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. November 15-18, 2023.
Sandra Williams
Presenter/speaker. With Sara Ishii Bear. Chip Thomas: Counternarratives to settler colonialism and the American picturesque. Southwest Popular and American Culture Association Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. February 20-25, 2024.
Brenda Wristen
Presenter/speaker. Teaching the skill and artistry of piano fingering. Music Teachers National Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. March 16-20, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Stacking engagement layers to enhance group piano instruction. National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy. Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy. Lombard, IL. July 25-29, 2023.
Biyu Wu
Presenter/speaker. With Sean Cao, Jie He, Yongtae Kim. Matchmaking in the supply chain: The role of shared auditors. International Symposium on Audit Research. Boston, MA. June 29-30, 2024.
J. (Julie) Wu
Presenter/speaker. Deciphering greenium: The role of investor demand. University of Louisville Seminar. Louisville, KY. October 27, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Deciphering greenium: The role of investor demand. Lingnan University Seminar. Hong Kong, China. October 13, 2023.
Changmin Yan
Presenter/speaker. With Marcia Y. Shade, Julie Boron, Valerie Jones. Interactive voice assistant routines: A usability study. 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America. Tampa, FL. November 8-12, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Marcia Y. Shade, Julie Boron, Valerie Jones. Interactive voice assistant routines and health outcomes in older adults. 33rd National Conference of American Society of Pain Management Nursing. Minneapolis, MN. September 20-23, 2023.
Jia (Joya) Yu
Presenter/speaker. With Xin Liu, Jingni Dong, Siyu Yu, Elad Netanel Sherf. A source credibility perspective of coworkers’ positive reactions to employee voice. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. August 4-8, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. With Xin Liu, Xiaoming Zheng, Byron Lee, Yu Yu. Coworkers’ reactions to proactive employees: A contingent dual-path model. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. August 4-8, 2023.
Janos Zempleni
Invited speaker. Milk exosomes and their relevance in human nutrition and the delivery of therapeutics. University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. October 12-8, 2023.
Poster presenter. With A. Ngu, J. Munir, Q. Taban. Bovine mammary alveolar MAC-T cells afford a tool for designing milk exosomes optimized for the delivery of therapeutics. Gordon Research Conference, Nanoscale Science and Engineering for Agriculture and Food Systems. Manchester, NH. June 23-28, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Milk exosomes. USDA W-5002 Multistate Group Meeting. Davis, CA. May 29, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Editing the genome in any tissue of choice through programmable milk exosomes. Somatic Cell Genome Editing Program, NIH Common Funds Consortium. Virtual. April 17, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Use of programmable milk extracellular vesicles for editing genes and delivering therapeutics. Pharma R&D: 6th International Conference on PharmScience Research & Development, Global Pharma Technology. Boston, MA. February 27, 2024.
Invited speaker. Gene delivery by milk exosomes restores Syngap expression in mouse brains. Annual meeting, Syngap Research Fund. Orlando, FL. November 30, 2023.
Invited speaker. Biopharming: Engineering EVs in milk for delivering therapeutics. Annual Conference of the American Association of Extracellular Vesicles. Boston, MA. October 29, 2023.
Poster presenter. With F. Zhou, H. Dogan, R. Madadjim, P. Tajamul Mumtaz, J. Cui. Selection of genomic variants in gut bacteria through small extracellular vesicles in milk: Implications for purine metabolism in the host. 2023 Annual Meeting, International Milk Genomics Consortium. Cork, Republic of Ireland. September 6-8, 2023.
Federico Zincenko
Presenter/speaker. Identification and estimation of multidimensional screening. Conference on Auctions, Firm Behavior, and Policy. Norman, OK. June 9-11, 2024.
Presenter/speaker. Identification and estimation of multidimensional screening. European Conference of the Econom[etr]ics Community. Manchester, UK. December 8-9, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Nonparametric estimation of conditional densities by generalized random forests. Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group. Cleveland, OH. October 12-13, 2023.
Panelist. Competition in a spatially differentiated product market with negotiated prices. Western Economic Association International Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. July 2-6, 2023.
Presenter/speaker. Nonparametric estimation of conditional densities by generalized random forests. Western Economic Association International Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. July 2-6, 2023.